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A sellers experience...


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Some of you may have noticed that yesterday I sold two of my watches.

Since there was pretty much interest without asking for a discount, I guess my pricing had been at least good :)


But hey...what a pain some can be...


One potential buyer made an offer that I accepted and then he claims that he needs a bit more time to think about it...

One potential buyer magically had problems with his paypal account right after he shouted "I'll take it"...

One potential buyer vanished and never had been seen again after showing "serious interest"...

Two tried to tell me that my prices were way to high and offered me something less then 200€...

Many were asking for more details and more pics... :frusty:


I mean...we're not talking about buying a new car or having a 3k€ escort...it's just a cheap rep for less then 300€!!

If one can't stand his word within this price range...man you guys should play marbels!! :huh:




But good thing is/was...at the end we do have some really straight guys around here so the watches had been sold in an instant :)

And...I now understand why some of you guys have that "payment has to be done within 20min" rule :D

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Doc liked one but funds tied up so did not bother you, not that you would not have held for me . These guys just do not do the right thing i do not bid unless money in hand, As far as low balling if someone is over priced like selling 21j for to much they usually get called out or doesn't sell. Guys with fair price hey that is what they want for it this is not a outdoor market for haggling. To be fair in some cultures it is the norm ,western world not the so much.

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I'd do the same, both on this as well as other forums that I'm a member of.


Once you've had a good transaction with a person of their 'word', placing something on hold for a while shouldn't really matter unless you're desperately in need of $$$


As a matter of fact, there's a member on this forum who's now become a close friend and confidant and who's holding some watches for me whilst I scrape together the funds.


The transaction's been delayed on account of a very serious personal problem that's cropped up unexpectedly, and with this very understanding gent at the other end of the world, he hasn't sent me a single 'hurry-up and pay' message.


I hope I don't have to keep him waiting any longer than is absolutely necessary.


M.R........thank you for your patience my dear friend !!

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I can sympathize. It's a real pain sometimes. I was actually on the opposite end recently. I PMd "I"ll take it" but needed several days to get funds into my Paypal. I kept in touch with the seller,though and he agreed from the start to hold it for me. Not for a minute did I ever think of bailing on him! All we have here is our word and reputation.

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I can sympathize. It's a real pain sometimes. I was actually on the opposite end recently. I PMd "I"ll take it" but needed several days to get funds into my Paypal. I kept in touch with the seller,though and he agreed from the start to hold it for me. Not for a minute did I ever think of bailing on him! All we have here is our word and reputation.


Yep, I would be happy to do that for someone I had dealt with before or who has good feedback, most of the people I have dealt with on here have been great and touch wood I have had no issues selling or buying.

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It's always interesting selling and buying via a forum ~ I also feel a man (woman if applicable) should be taken for there word, this is how I do business. Unfortunately others see things from different views.......


You SOLD two beautiful time pieces yesterday thats for sure!  Quality, both yourself and your offerings

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Happens to me all the time Doc so I feel your pain mate   ;)  there are always the guys who are trigger happy and pm immediately you put a decent piece up with 'I'll take it' and then they get buyers regret and you don't hear from them again, all good though I wish they would tell you they no longer want it!


Thankfully the majority of guys on here are straight as a die and are really great to deal with  :)  

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Ohhhh......the bane of selling and buying??? So many crap stories and experiences......from unknown members and some/few known members........still waiting for parts (defective or missing)....some for months

and some for a year......but it comes with the process :fool: ~!


We just have to leave with it knowing that it's a REP world! :g:

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I second this part:


I mean...we're not talking about buying a new car or having a 3k€ escort...it's just a cheap rep for less then 300€!!

If one can't stand his word within this price range...man you guys should play marbels!! :huh:


There's skeptics on all sides, and everyone is worried about being scammed. I had people tell me that it was suspicious that I would offer to pay for the watch at asking price, and cover shipping. (I have a UPS account with an absurd discount.) One guy even refunded my money, and said "Nice try scammer!"


I also catch/release quite a bit, so I get the "I don't understand why you're selling so quickly after buying it."


Everyone has different budgets...timelines...expectations...etc.

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Its funny how some ppl go about buying and selling. Also it funny when someone tries to "haggle" with you and offers a crazy offer at 200eu lower than asked. Comeon ppl if your going to offer somthing crazy like that why even do it? I can understand the point of haggling but theres a point where its just plain rude. 

PPl need to realize that you are buying a REP not a gen and they are not perfect. IF you want a perfect watch go buy a gen, or buy a rep and spend some money to have it moded. 


I am glad for the few really great members here, i see it as alittle family. lol

Most Asians starts 50% below the asking price........I guess that tells you that most of the buyers here are Asians??????  :boxing:

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the problem here guys is we are "preaching to the choir"!! Everyone who has responded to this post, and probably most others who do are stand up guys who have bought and sold, know the rules of the game, and abide by them. Every one of us who have sold a watch, part, strap, etc. have had the same experience. People who get caught up in the excitement of seeing a coveted watch appear on the sales forum, immediately ,without thinking, send of a reply or a PM, "I'll take it". then when they get the reply back, watch is yours, the reality sets in and they suddenly decide, I don't have that money available, do I really want that watch, or the wife says "If you buy another watch, I'm going to max out my credit card on shoes, or I'm moving out,etc.!! So what does he do, he bails. Bad enough if the guy PM's you 10 minutes later and tells you that he really can't buy your watch, but usually they do nothing, so you sit and wait, and wait and wait, meanwhile you have to tell 5 other people the watch is OHPF. The  problem is no matter what we do, I'm afraid it's impossible to completely correct this pattern of behavior. Possibly give a neutral feedback to folks who abuse the system. It sure makes it difficult to sell something, especially if you hold something for a buyer and they bail out. I realize there are extenuating circumstances that might occur that would make a buyer have to back out, but I would bet that most of the time, they impulsively hit the buy button, and then flake out. 


Lots of guys here that I would hold a watch or parts for hours or even days, but they are known to me, and I know that unless something really bad happens, they are going to go through with the sale. I have had quite a few sellers here and on gen forums hold a watch, part, etc until I get home and can get to my computer to make the PayPal payment. I appreciate that and don't abuse their hospitality.


If a buyer tells me that he wants something, if he's not known to me, I will advise him that there are others in line, and I he doesn't send the payment within say one hour, I move to the next person in line. That's reasonable and it makes him decide pretty darn quick if he wants it, and if not I move on.  

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Most Asians starts 50% below the asking price........I guess that tells you that most of the buyers here are Asians?????? :boxing:

Well, I'm Asian and I bought 3 high end Frankens all at asking price plus the PayPal fees totaling 5k. Of course, I would have preferred it to be cheaper but if that's what their asking, that's what I'm paying.

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Most Asians starts 50% below the asking price........I guess that tells you that most of the buyers here are Asians?????? :boxing:

And where did you experience that? In a flea market? Not sure why you single out a race, but it can be anyone from any background

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Guys this isn't a race issue, and I'm sure Hike didn't intend his comment to be taken as such either. When I was a young un my Dad always told me if you don't ask you don't get (discount) and that has saved me thousands over the years, he is from the North East of England ...............same as me   :inverted:  

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It isn't just Asians that look for a good bargain.


However their offers are sometimes ridiculously low, verging on disrespectful.


I decline politely and advise them that my asking price isn't negotiable (as I've always priced my items fairly).



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Well, it wouldn't surprise me if the majority of the members are Asian. Maybe that answers some things.

I was shocked to find out most of the members I did sales with were Asian.

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