daunwaun Posted December 3, 2006 Report Posted December 3, 2006 I dont Understand why everyone has an issue with calling a rep a "fake"? If you put a brand on any watch, in theory you are claiming that what to be that brand. It doesnt matter the matterials, the movement or even the dealer, you are still trying to pass of a "fake" to be the Gen. If you arent, why are you buying these watches? Dont saying it is because they are well made, or becasue you like the dealers, or because you like replica's! Why not buy a swiss watch, like a tissot for the average price of 2 replica's you can get from a dealer here. I dont have an answer for anyone here, but i own 3 gens and i have 3 replicas that are identical, and i have bought these reps for everyday wear and tear, the main reason is to preserve the value of my gens. My last questions is this, People say they cant afford anything more then 200 or even 300 dollars usd for a replica, yet they are buying a replica that has a brand name worth 1000's, Why are you trying to pass off that you can afford those brand name watchs when you can barely afford a replica that is only 200 usd? All you guys that hate me feel free to rip me up, i dont mind. But before you do just answer my questions first. D
Pugwash Posted December 3, 2006 Report Posted December 3, 2006 I buy replicas (note lack of apostrophe ...) to fool myself. Nothing wrong with that. Do people with Monet prints on their wall really try to pass them off as genuine?
tvt Posted December 3, 2006 Report Posted December 3, 2006 This is an age old question and of course there is no ONE answer. Different people buy fakes for different reasons and I will leave it at that. Do know however that many people buy them NOT to trick people but for other totally un-related reasons. Re; the whole fake or replica thing. I call them fakes and apparently that gets under some people's skin. I call them fakes not to [censored] anyone off or make any sort of statement at all. Rather I just think they ARE fake watches and that is why I call them that. Just like I call and apple and apple, I mean it is a fake watch so I call it a fake watch. A "replica" is something compleetly different. It implies a certain amount of legitimacy. If Tag for example re-issues an old model 9like they have with the Monaco or Monza) then THAT is a replica. It is made by the same company and is a true replica of the original.
Devedander Posted December 3, 2006 Report Posted December 3, 2006 In my book: Fake watch = looks like watch, but is not ie doesn't function or doesn't tell time etc Replica watch = watch made to replicate the appearance and functionality of another watch As for why buy a watch that replicates one I can't afford? Just because I can't afford it doesn't mean I don't like how it looks, feels or functions.
eddhead Posted December 3, 2006 Report Posted December 3, 2006 This is an age old question and of course there is no ONE answer. Different people buy fakes for different reasons and I will leave it at that. Do know however that many people buy them NOT to trick people but for other totally un-related reasons. Re; the whole fake or replica thing. I call them fakes and apparently that gets under some people's skin. I call them fakes not to [censored] anyone off or make any sort of statement at all. Rather I just think they ARE fake watches and that is why I call them that. Just like I call and apple and apple, I mean it is a fake watch so I call it a fake watch. A "replica" is something compleetly different. It implies a certain amount of legitimacy. If Tag for example re-issues an old model 9like they have with the Monaco or Monza) then THAT is a replica. It is made by the same company and is a true replica of the original. I think the use of the term 'fake' was the primary reason people thought your posts on the alternate thread was 'negative' (i did not share that feeling btw). the word itself is kind of stark and can carry a certain negative connotation when read a certain way. To me these are not 'fake watches' they are real watches. they look great, and the ones in my collection are at least as accurate as the gens i own. I think referring to them as fakes is a bit of a mischaracterization, but to each his own.
kasigi Posted December 3, 2006 Report Posted December 3, 2006 For what it's worth, I would never buy and wear a replica of a watch I own the genuine version of. I don't see the point in it. A dink here or a dink there doesn't hurt and if anything looks wrong it's a watch which is years old but looks brand-spanking new.
Pugwash Posted December 3, 2006 Report Posted December 3, 2006 Rather I just think they ARE fake watches and that is why I call them that. It's a real watch. It tells the time and everything. A fake watch isn't a watch. Now, a fake Rolex is just that, not a real Rolex and could be a Timex with Rolex written on it. A replica Rolex isn't a real Rolex either, but is built to replicate an original. It's a subtle distinction, but one I believe is there. If you want to use an adjective that's not replica, use counterfeit. One reason people here prefer the term Replica to Fake is that it's the Replica Watch Group, not the Fake Watch Group.
omni Posted December 3, 2006 Report Posted December 3, 2006 The whole question of "fake" vs "replica" is not a silly argument, just a personal view for each person, and in a forum, each person has a right to their views. You always hear the word "fake" or "counterfeit" used around pens, handbags, clothing, jewelry and never the word "replica". Why so different for watches? I think it is because when people get into collecting copies as hobbies of appreciation, it becomes more of a metaphor to the art world. Replications of artwork paintings are legitimately bought, sold and collected by art lovers, often referred to as "copies", as long as they are not passed off as genuine (then you will note they are referred to as "fakes" in the press and by the legal authorities). The copies/replicas are tributes to the original artwork and appreciated by the buying public for their appearance. These are displayed and hung in homes not to be passed off as genuine, but for the appreciation of the eye. So tvt consider's any copy of a watch as a "fake" and any reissued copy by the genuine maker as a "replica". That's his view and nobody should roast him for it since it is a compelling argument. But others are correct in referring to the copies as "replica" since they are appreciating them in the same context as mechanical "artwork".
gioarmani Posted December 3, 2006 Report Posted December 3, 2006 Jesus. This lying assclown is back for more. Other people buy reps for the same reason you do. Only we don't try to pass off the ones we own as "gens" like you. Or was that Daydate you called a "Dayday", a fake or a gen? You tell so many different lies on different boards, it's hard for the rest of us to keep up... http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showtopic=15921&hl= http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showtopic=15935&hl= http://www.replicacollector.com/members/in...c=27227&hl= People don't think you're a piece of [censored] for no reason; it's because your first-ever post automatically started off by badmouthing & insulting every member on every rep board, slamming the very existence of replicas, and then to continue by lying & saying your reps are real. Your later posts (that you're actually allowed to make on the boards where you're lucky enough to haven't been banned) are still constantly negative. Not to mention never containing a single pic of your *cough, cough* " $25k dayday"... because it doesn't exists. Amazing that; wasting twenty-five thousand for a watch and not having the extra $359 for a camera. If you have such a problem with reps, then why are you even here? If you make such a point at stating how stupid they are, then your life must be pathetically small & useless that you waste the time registering at countless different rep boards to do so. What right-minded person--with a life--actually continues to post AFTER being busted and caught in multiple lies?! Not to mention of course, being stupid enough to keep registering the same username; do you really consider yourself to be a "Don Juan", or does your right hand actually agree with you? Ring ring!!! "Oooh, I hope it's a telemarketer I can talk to! I wish I had friends... or some pussy... oh, Wapner's on...". I would think that someone in your multi-national CEO position wouldn't have that kind of time to waste...gotta get back to earning those big bucks!!! Or does the office you clean the floor at actually let you use their computers on your break to post this [censored]? For Christ's sake, go join a gen board if that's what you prefer. Only you'll get a new ass torn for you there as well, because you can't post pics of imaginary watches. And don't try posting any shots from Timezone or eBay posing as your own; we all frequent those boards too. Stop trolling and [censored] off. Merry Christmas.
Cucumber_Jones Posted December 3, 2006 Report Posted December 3, 2006 My watches all work and tell time - thus I do not refer them to fakes. I find the word fake to be somewhat offencive and it bothers me when I see it used as clearly these are real watches that are trying to replicate a brand name watch.
slay Posted December 3, 2006 Report Posted December 3, 2006 I buy replicas (note lack of apostrophe ...) Mr. Grammar is speaking
daunwaun Posted December 3, 2006 Author Report Posted December 3, 2006 gioarmani - mature and classy as ever, I hope you dont represent everyone on this board. If you read between the lines you clearly see everything i say and said is justified. Because i havent posted pictures of my watches, that means im a lie about what i say. And i have posted one pic of my watch. I simply havent had the time but i definantly will. So what if i have money? why all the hate? I dont understand, and to me its not a money issue, and that was one of my questions. why do people want to guy a "replica rolex when they cant afford the real thing? its a legitament question. and i followed that up by saying you can buy many other swiss made watches that are propbably better made. I was typing fast and didnt spell check what i wrote, so if i spelt daydate - dayday then i apoligize. Love how you show mentally retarted people or this person in your post, but again it shows your true character. gioarmani - keep up the great replies and excellent informative posts, that open up the minds of the board members, i think your a great asset to this group. D
daunwaun Posted December 3, 2006 Author Report Posted December 3, 2006 (edited) and that pic you have by your name - gioarmani, is that girl like 10 or 11? D Edited December 3, 2006 by daunwaun
Pugwash Posted December 3, 2006 Report Posted December 3, 2006 Mr. Grammar is speaking Yeah, well Clive was being quiet, so I had to stand in for him.
omni Posted December 3, 2006 Report Posted December 3, 2006 daunwaun: You on one hand say "go ahead and rip me up, I don't mind" and obviously when it happens you do. Granted, gioarmani didn't answer your question but it is inciting when you claim that everyone in a replica forum is automatically branded to trying to "pass" their watches off as real because they can't afford the genuine. In so many words, that is a pretty big insult to the legitimate collectors in all the replica forums. Its obvious you like to swim against the tide or you wouldn't keep trying this approach in the forums. By looking down your nose at people means you yourself are insecure and need comfort in superiority. You can claim you are not doing this but I can read between lines and motives. Posting a what sounds like a legitimate question with a few "why are you trying to pass off a $1,000 watch when you can barely afford a $200 watch) seems a bit trite. Ask your questions out of curiosity but stop with the condesending attitude surrounding it. You will reap what you sow.
Highflyingclive Posted December 3, 2006 Report Posted December 3, 2006 Yeah, well Clive was being quiet, so I had to stand in for him. Thank you, Sir! Now all we have to do is explain correct use of the apostraphe to Ken. With, if necessary, a mallet. "Banana's", indeed!
daunwaun Posted December 3, 2006 Author Report Posted December 3, 2006 Yeah to ask one question then, why not buy a "genuine swiis made watch" then a watch made out of some swiss parts in asia? You are collecting replicas that are made to pass as authentic, and if then werent then you wouldnt be trying to figure out how to make it a perfect replica. When i say you i mean anyone you does what i am refering to.
chrono903 Posted December 3, 2006 Report Posted December 3, 2006 It is just semantics, fake verse replica. Sure, it's not a fake watch per se, but it might be a fake Rolex watch. Either way, who cares? Thom
gioarmani Posted December 3, 2006 Report Posted December 3, 2006 Lol--sorry if I sank to your level Don Juan! I can't wait to be the "asset" to all the boards that you have been!!! You don't come onto a board and start by practically saying "[censored] you. [censored] everyone here and [censored] your stupid reps. I hate you, I hate your watches. You guys suck, and I'll just pretend to be rich and lie about the watches I wish i owned...and then when I get busted LYING I'll try to cover it it up and say it was a fake...and then I'll change my lie again by going to a different thread and say that, well, they're not all fakes but fakes and gens".... Lmao! You really are a complete toolbag aren't you? I'd be so utterly embarrassed if I were you after being called out on such obvious lies again and again. Here's a little lesson in manners for you since you want to pretend to come from money but obviously don't (as if that's anything tangible for someone to want to be judged on regardless of what's on their wrist): those with money don't talk about it; only those who don't have any, and wish so bad they did and want other people to believe the same. No one with a decent financial background is so stupid and pathetic as you are to come on by saying what you do. "Look at me! Look at me! I'm so much better than all of you! Look at all my money! Look at my real watches! I have to go brag about to people I don't even know and put them down while I'm doing it". If you're really that socially retarded and don't understand what you're like to other people & can't remember how you started this, I did take the liberty of posting the links to your other threads at different boards in my last post. Have a laugh at yourself just like everyone else has, including those who banned you. And take some of your "money" to a cotillion & etiquette course, so you can see what that class of people are supposed to act like (maybe you'll see what a real Rolex looks like while you're there). If you're so hung up on putting your self-worth in material possessions--because you're obviously the big man--maybe we should all post pics of our penises and W-2s so we can compare them to yours? I'd advise against that, as you'll probably come off more embarrassed than what you've already done to yourself. Again, feel free to [censored] off. After making such an absurd, lying fool out of yourself, why even continue to post here? Go back and look at everyone's comments about you, log off, re-register under a different name and pretend to be someone else; it's what you're already good at. Ding, fries are done!
TwoTone Posted December 3, 2006 Report Posted December 3, 2006 Jesus. This lying assclown is back for more. Other people buy reps for the same reason you do. Only we don't try to pass off the ones we own as "gens" like you. Or was that Daydate you called a "Dayday", a fake or a gen? You tell so many different lies on different boards, it's hard for the rest of us to keep up... http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showtopic=15921&hl= http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showtopic=15935&hl= http://www.replicacollector.com/members/in...c=27227&hl= People don't think you're a piece of shit for no reason; it's because your first-ever post automatically started off by badmouthing & insulting every member on every rep board, slamming the very existence of replicas, and then to continue by lying & saying your reps are real. Your later posts (that you're actually allowed to make on the boards where you're lucky enough to haven't been banned) are still constantly negative. Not to mention never containing a single pic of your *cough, cough* " $25k dayday"... because it doesn't exists. Amazing that; wasting twenty-five thousand for a watch and not having the extra $359 for a camera. If you have such a problem with reps, then why are you even here? If you make such a point at stating how stupid they are, then your life must be pathetically small & useless that you waste the time registering at countless different rep boards to do so. What right-minded person--with a life--actually continues to post AFTER being busted and caught in multiple lies?! Not to mention of course, being stupid enough to keep registering the same username; do you really consider yourself to be a "Don Juan", or does your right hand actually agree with you? Ring ring!!! "Oooh, I hope it's a telemarketer I can talk to! I wish I had friends... or some pussy... oh, Wapner's on...". I would think that someone in your multi-national CEO position wouldn't have that kind of time to waste...gotta get back to earning those big bucks!!! Or does the office you clean the floor at actually let you use their computers on your break to post this bullshit? For Christ's sake, go join a gen board if that's what you prefer. Only you'll get a new ass torn for you there as well, because you can't post pics of imaginary watches. And don't try posting any shots from Timezone or eBay posing as your own; we all frequent those boards too. Stop trolling and fuck off. Merry Christmas. "Merry Christmas"... LMAO... TT
gioarmani Posted December 3, 2006 Report Posted December 3, 2006 and that pic you have by your name - gioarmani, is that girl like 10 or 11? D Lol--she's 10 of course. I'd say that was an educated guess, coming from you? Your username Daunwaun too at the Asian lolita forums, right?
tvt Posted December 3, 2006 Report Posted December 3, 2006 >>>If you want to use an adjective that's not replica, use counterfeit. One reason people here prefer the term Replica to Fake is that it's the Replica Watch Group, not the Fake Watch Group. <<<< I have used the word "fake" forever, it is just what I am used to. I have never intended to make any sort of statement with the word nor did I realize peopel cared at all. There is just something about the word "replica" that seems disingenuous to me. I think it stems from the fact that these are, after all, counterfit and illegal items. By callying them "replicas" it sort of raises them to s legit status which to me they do not deserve. but that is not to say they are not great, it is just to say that they are not official, legitmate, authorized "replicas". And so I call them fake but so what, I love fake watches! Nothing wrong with a fake in my mind, it somehow just helps me keep perspective. Now of course everyone is correct that these are actual REAL time peices and so perhpas "fake" is not the best word to use, again, I just never thought about it too much and never realized it bugged people as much as I guess it does. Pugwash is correct that a better way to use the word would be in direct reference to a brand (ie: fake Rolex). I certainly share the same passion for these things ans most people here do, regardless of what I call them. As for the "replica" in the name of the board. Well that stems back to the original board (the Replica Watch Collectors Club) which I am very familiar with since I ran it at one point. The name "replica" was used by it's founder, Andre, because it sounds "classier" when you are trying to SELL watches. Adnre sold watches on the early version of that board and "replica" is just better marketing than "fake". As the various boards have come and gone the term replica moved with it. Anyway, honestly, I am not trying to [censored] anyone off with the term fake, take it with a grain of salt and I will try to not use it as much.
gioarmani Posted December 3, 2006 Report Posted December 3, 2006 "Merry Christmas"... LMAO... TT 'Tis the season, baby!
daunwaun Posted December 3, 2006 Author Report Posted December 3, 2006 yeah i got banned because i spoke my mind, is that a problem? No offence i have never talked about my money? why would i? I simply stated i had a day date and regardless of the cost i was stating one of the watches that i owned. You really dont understand what im saying, and you still havent answered my question! Lol i work at a fast food place...lol yeah funny how did you know? your the one who brought up about me and my money, not me i simplky stated how much my watch was worth, it could have been handed down to me i could have bought it, what difference does it make? Answer my questions and show some maturity, oh wait is that you in your pic? ahhhhh now it explains everything? Keep making those burgers bud, cuz we all know you aint going anywhere fast. Merry Christmas
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