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Hi Guys


I have been trying to find a link for the trusted perfect clones site to but a panerai flyback, rubber strap but getting confused by all the fake sites and conflicting reviews on certain sites. Could anyone help with a good and trusted site for Panerai?


Many thanks in advance

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Hi Sogeha


Thanks for the useful reply!

I had already found the pf-818.com site but was hoping that was not the trusted site as there are so many negative reviews - hence my question.

I am taking your recommendation and ordering from Puretime03


Having sent hours reading articles and reviews and blogs on this site this seems a bit of a minefield if you;


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2 hours ago, First timer said:

Hi Sogeha


Thanks for the useful reply!

I had already found the pf-818.com site but was hoping that was not the trusted site as there are so many negative reviews - hence my question.

I am taking your recommendation and ordering from Puretime03


Having sent hours reading articles and reviews and blogs on this site this seems a bit of a minefield if you;


Where are you reading these negative reviews? Personally I've always dealt with trusty as opposed to perfect but both have been around for eons so surprises me that you see many negative reviews.

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I have bought from Perfect clones, Puretime, Trusty and several others and so far not had a problem. It is worth bearing in mind these are counterfeit goods and you are not going to get an Amazon level of service. I have been very lucky with Customs and never had a major problem. I had a $2000 order from Phong got stopped and they insisted I paid €20 Custom fee. I tell you I couldn't throw the money at them fast enough? Other than that nothing at all. I have realistic expectations and if a watch works right out of the package without a clean and service I take it as an unexpected plus, not an automatic expectation. 

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Morning Gents


some examples below;

yep perfectclones can not be trusted i never had my watch.and i did pay for it......
scumbags had contact with joshua but any watch i ordered was out of order...
so be wise and never place a order with this company... on sitejabber



perfect88clones@gmail.com is his email address...on ripoffreport....what worried me was on this forum I have read a thread re someone bemoaning pc and Josh and the email address the thread advised was the genuine email (and therefore a good way to check authenticity of site) is the same as listed in this extract of the complaint



i bought watches from a website earlier called http://www.p-cls.com (also called Perfect Clones), today the website has changed name to http://www.pf-818.com. They are changing name frequently. The owner calls himself "Josh" or "Joshua". This person is a big time scammer, a real [censored]. Over the last 5 years I have done business over the internet, this is the lowest creep I have ever encountered.


I could go on but you get the gist.......


Thank you for the responses and suggestions of trusted sites!!

Couple of probably stupid questions, but here goes if you don't mind;

PayPal gets mentioned as a safe payment option (obviously) but I don't see that option available on any of the web sites I have visited. Puretime03 is offering credit card - having ordered from these sites can I ask which payment method you would suggest I use? Credit card or contact seller and request PayPal - is this possible?

Where can you take a fake watch and get it serviced? I assume you either have very good knowledge personally or a friendly jeweller?


Thanks again for the feedback and great forum




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10 minutes ago, First timer said:

Morning Gents


some examples below;

yep perfectclones can not be trusted i never had my watch.and i did pay for it......
scumbags had contact with joshua but any watch i ordered was out of order...
so be wise and never place a order with this company... on sitejabber



perfect88clones@gmail.com is his email address...on ripoffreport....what worried me was on this forum I have read a thread re someone bemoaning pc and Josh and the email address the thread advised was the genuine email (and therefore a good way to check authenticity of site) is the same as listed in this extract of the complaint



i bought watches from a website earlier called http://www.p-cls.com (also called Perfect Clones), today the website has changed name to http://www.pf-818.com. They are changing name frequently. The owner calls himself "Josh" or "Joshua". This person is a big time scammer, a real [censored]. Over the last 5 years I have done business over the internet, this is the lowest creep I have ever encountered.


I could go on but you get the gist.......


Thank you for the responses and suggestions of trusted sites!!

Couple of probably stupid questions, but here goes if you don't mind;

PayPal gets mentioned as a safe payment option (obviously) but I don't see that option available on any of the web sites I have visited. Puretime03 is offering credit card - having ordered from these sites can I ask which payment method you would suggest I use? Credit card or contact seller and request PayPal - is this possible?

Where can you take a fake watch and get it serviced? I assume you either have very good knowledge personally or a friendly jeweller?


Thanks again for the feedback and great forum




You could go on and probably should. I've only had marginal dealings with Josh personally but the trusting of sites like SiteJabber for something like this is frankly moronic. The process of buying a rep is different from purchasing almost anything online as we must accept given the legal area in which this hobby is operated. There are plenty of noobs that expect to get a gen watch for <10% of the price in a process akin to ebay or amazon and then get huffy at the TD because of their own ignorance. No TD is perfect but trusting sites like you have to get any semblance of an accurate picture is daft.

Some TDs accept PP but it's fewer and fewer, especially for newbs as they are too high risk for little reward. 

Where you are depends where you can find a watchsmith, throughout the many rep fora you'll find plenty of lists based upon location.


EDIT: Yeah, SiteJabber appears to be worthless. I've dealt with Andrew numerous times without issue as many have and he has a 0% rating. The site is angry noobs with overly high expectations.

Edited by HaydenM
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Thanks for the reply...your candour is a tolerable, yet unrequired addition

I think I mentioned I'm new at this and it's a little early in the day for me to enjoy being called a moron, but hey nothing in life is free and at least this reply had some usable information in it :-)

I just hope you don't work at the UN as Kofi Annan you are not...

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@First timer, I don't believe a personal slight was intended by @HaydenM. He is trying to help and as you say his reply has useful information. I remember being new to this rep game and it is a confusing labyrinth. Had a member here called you a moron, I can assure you I would have being having words with them, we pride ourselves on being gentlemanly around here. 


Anyway let let me try to explain a little. As I said previously these are counterfeit goods. This means sellers do not have normal recourse to law. If someone copies their website and uses a slightly different web address to scam the unwary there is little they can do. If someone orders a watch or several, pays PayPal and then opens a dispute claiming the watches are fake, well they are, they just have to take the lose. Hence most dealers are reluctant to take PayPal, especially from people they haven't previously dealt with.


A google search will soon show dozens of sites claiming to sell watches entirely made in Switzerland by former Rolex staff and such. These claims are always untrue. The Swiss authorities would never allow this and any reasonable thought process will lead one to conclude that either you will receive a watch that is not remotely as advertised or you will receive nothing at all and they will just take your money. Both happen, in fact most none Trusted Dealer sites show pictures of genuine watches claiming them to be replicas. One of the conditions the forums impose on Trusted Dealers is that they must only show pictures of the watches they are selling. 


As to the multiple quotes you have found, I'm sorry to inform you that these reviews are put up by less reputable online dealers and I seriously doubt any of the comments are from genuine people. To be totally frank, we do see some problems with sales from TDs, it is part of why we are here as Mods. Of the serious problems more than half are people new to the hobby who thought they were buying from dealer X, but in fact found a site online that looked like dealer X but was not them. Always copy a link directly from a forum. Of the rest, some are people with unreasonable expectations that have not read much about replicas before jumping in. There are some reps available that are truly amazing, but a $300 rep of a $10000 watch, isn't going to have the same level of finish and detail if examined under magnification. People who expect to fool serious watch experts or authorised dealers are inevitably going to be disappointed and frankly not looking for the same thing from the hobby as most members. Some are genuine issues and we can usually resolve them.


To be clear, all reps have flaws if you know enough to spot them, in part knowing is a fun aspect of the hobby. Many modern reps are very, very hard to distinguish as such on the wrist. I would recommend reading about any rep you are interested in on the forums, so you know what to expect. 


I hope this helps. We do genuinely try to help and welcome new members.

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Good evening Sogeha

Thank you for the reply and I meant my earlier reply in jest to some extent and certainly took no real offense, mainly because I realise and genuinely appreciate HaydemM is getting nothing from me in return for the time he invests in replying to what I am sure to an experienced rep hobbyist are fairly mundane and at times even moronic questions, comments, complaints etc.

My reply was intended in good humour and certainly tongue in cheek.

My expectations on the watch I am buying for a fraction of the retail price are realistic, in so much as I would like to actually receive a watch for my money and it last a reasonable period of time and during that time it look like a respectable watch in general quality, as you rightly say I do not expect a flawless copy, made from titanium :-)

On a serious note; I do hope my post has not been interpreted as questioning the validity and knowledge of the forum and it's established members.....being new at this there is an overload of information which, as has been explained to me......... for those in the know is blatantly unreliable!

Hayden M////thank you for taking the time and trouble to reply to my queries and impart some of your knowledge.


I have placed my order with puretime, using my credit card (got to admit I'm a bit nervous about that) but fingers crossed I will love the panerai flyback 212 v3 I hope to receive and if all goes well this could be the start of a very enjoyable hobby.

Like most people I love the watches and the designs....just not the price tags!

Once in possession of my replica panerai I will risk the wrath of HaydenM by posting a review :-)


Once again, I do truly appreciate the assistance and confidence this forum has given me to actually order! I have toyed with the idea on and off for years and just never had the nerve to actually enter my card details and click the button...so for that alone Hayden M and Sogeha.... THANK YOU!


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No worries mate, we were all new members once and some of the senior members showed me patience and kindness when I asked dumb questions or rather when I asked more dumb questions than I do now.

I will be delighted if you post a review and you will face nobody's wrath, I'm sure @HaydenM will be along before long to confirm that. As for getting nothing back, well we never know, some seed lands on stony ground, but other seed bears fruit 


Even the gens aren't flawless. There was a comparison picture yesterday of a genuine and rep Rolex and it was very obvious the rehaut was not as well centred on that particular gen as on that particular rep. Real titanium reps,are quite common actually.

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Apologies to @First timer if I came off a little brash, no insult was intended and I've no issue with questions (trust me, I have damn well asked enough in my time here and very very much continue to do so haha), just took issue with the sites used to gain that more than of you having been caught out by them. I also look forward to hearing of your first review (just remember to post pics :p ) and I assure no wrath haha. 

Best of luck with your purchase for PT, I've not dealt with them yet but they're one of the old dogs around here so should be fine, just remember that everything's on china time and you may be waiting a little while haha.

Now welcome to the insanity of this addiction we are all afflicted with.

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What a great conversation. This is EXACTLY why we're here, to share information about watches. Whether it's a noob and a first purchase or it's warning people off from a bogus site, or it's staking canon pinions and broaching hands... we are all somewhere on a learning curve and the guys that stick around awhile are here to learn even more, and to share what they've learned the hard way.

I really appreciate the writeup Sogeha did, that's a couple years of experience for someone doing it the hard way. He saved a lot of people a lot of time and money with that simple post.

So to noobs far and wide, be courageous! Have confidence. Ask questions but don't be an ass about it. Show gratitude and gain knowledge. Post photos and writeups of what you're doing and before long you'll be an old timer that can't stay away from this place we call

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HaydenM no apology needed and please accept mine in return if my response caused any ill feeling.
Many thanks again to you and Sogeha...your guidance is truly appreciated and I'm now impatiently waiting the courier :-)

Nah mate, definitely no apology needed. In your defence, you didn't ask who makes the best sub :p

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Come on [mention=41328]HaydenM[/mention], if you know that share.
Who makes the best Sub?
Runs away laughing.

I've always had a soft spot for the sea wolf class submarine, but different strokes for different folks.

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