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At least one user reports that the solution I posted earlier worked;

Download this program: Download link

Start it, click "Remove now"-button and follow on screen instructions.

I clicked, and here's what I got (see below).

Babblefish translated it as: 'I Fought the Spyware and the Spyware Won" - "Hasta la Vista, Sucker! "

My iMac has somehow been activated in Speech Mode and is expressing itself in Mandarin Chinese now.

I must say that quite like the Smiley in the middle of the text below. Adds a nice human touch.

By the way, is this part an insult?: "ñ`IŸCflf¡£?ÇÒÍ^“EߧBzÌ`1Å÷qvXX§;i7Ñì›àíƒõ§NÉfl"

If so, I think that a warning to Admin is in order.

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Try this (my browser language is Danish, but I hope to be able to guess the proper English words)

In Internet Explorer select Tools -> Internet Options

Select "Security"-tab

Select "Classified webpages" (the red circle)

Select "Webpages"

Type *.errorsafe.com

Click "Add", "Okay" and "Okay"

Restart IE

Hope you were able to follow me.


:D ryyannon!

I've had errosafe bug me now and then when I've accessed bittorrent sites like torrentspy and the piratebay, almost always when searching and opening a new window from their main pages.

I install a lot of demos/games/applications and probably risk more than the average user.. visiting sites like seriall.com quite often(THE DEVIL!) and such.

I've used spybot search and destroy, and Norton internet security/panda scan and they always helped me out. :)

:D ryyannon!

I've had errosafe bug me now and then when I've accessed bittorrent sites like torrentspy and the piratebay, almost always when searching and opening a new window from their main pages.

I install a lot of demos/games/applications and probably risk more than the average user.. visiting sites like seriall.com quite often(THE DEVIL!) and such.

I've used spybot search and destroy, and Norton internet security/panda scan and they always helped me out. :)

Well yes, maybe for you.

I'm convinced that the Demon has somehow physically entered my iMac itself, and after opening it up, I am proceeding to pry out any offensive-looking transistors - or anything else that I believe should not be in there.

I'll let you know how it goes.


Hey, anyone want to buy a slightly-used motherboard?

Also, I'm having some good results using this: (be sure to make a circle composed of rocksalt around your computer and asperge it copiously with Holy Water while chanting the following):

"IN ILLO témpore: Erat Jesus ejíciens daemónium, et illud erat mutum. Et [censored] ejecísset daemónium, locútus est mutus, et admirátæ sunt turbæ. Quidam autem ex eis dixérunt: In Beélzebub príncipe dæmóniorum éjicit dæmónia. Et álii tentántes, signum de cælo quærébant ab eo. Ipse autem ut vidit cogitatiónes eórum, dixit eis: Omne regnum in seípsum divísum desolábitur, et domu supra domum cadet. Si autem et sátanas in seípsum divísus est, quómodo stabit regnum eius? Quia dícitis, in Beélzebub ejício dæmónia. Si autem ego in Beélzebub ejício dæmónia, filii vestri in quo ejíciunt? Ideo ipsi júdices vestri erunt. Porro si in dígito Dei ejício dæmónia: profécto pervénit in vos regnum dei. [censored] fortis armátus custódit átrium suum, in pace sunt ea, quæ póssidet. Si autem fórtior eo supervéniens vícerit eum, univérsa arma ejus áuferet, in quibus confidébat, et spólia ejus distribuet."

Norton, schmorton.

You've to show these little devils who's the Boss!

Well yes, maybe for you.

I'm convinced that the Demon has somehow physically entered my iMac itself, and after opening it up, I am proceeding to pry out any offensive-looking transistors - or anything else that I believe should not be there.

I'll let you know how it goes.

Me myself must have scared the demon away with cursing alone. Yepp, problem solved then.

Solution: Seems like extreme cursing and screaming to the screen is the only thing that help.

I'm having some good results using this: (be sure to make a circle composed of rocksalt around your computer and asperge it copiously with Holy Water while chanting the following):

You've to show these little devils who's the boss!

Without a certified priest I've heard the only way to make Holy Water out of normal water is to boil the hell out of it!

Is there any truth to this?


Every time a log inn to this site i get error safe pop ups i never get pop ups only here.

I also so that many programs ads and stuff runs when i go from one topic to another.

This dont happen anywhere else then here.

Dani(will be back when its fixed here)

I would recomend you post a Hijackthis log in this forum: http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/forum103.html

They solve 99% of problems.

Here is some more good infomation...

How to post a log: http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/topic41987.html

Am i infected? What do i do: http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/topic41975.html

Good luck.

Maybe something behind the scenes to do with Steve Jobs?

There you go again Gio. Think its time for a drink........

All you people with this spyware on your computer need to stop looking at porn. I no longer look at any porn and never have a virus, spyware or any other problem. My boss however had 72 trojans and I had to reformat his whole machine.

It is also important to have up to date virus protection. I use AVG which is freeware and better than the paid subscription to macafee or norton. This is available here: AVG

I would bet that at least 30 to 40% of our members virus protection is out of date.


Good recommendation, Jody. Members do not need to "choke" up their machine with memory hogs/resource hungry programs like Norton/Mcafee/Etc. Security suites or what they are called. Most of these programs are using A LOT of resources and memory on your machine. Get yourself a good anti virus program like Nod32 (Paid) or AVG (Free or paid) and a good firewall like Sunbelt Kerio Firewall (Free or paid). That will stop a lot of your problems. Another good suggestion is to make the browser switch. Use either Opera (My prefered browser) or Firefox (Many others prefered browser ;)) Personally, I use Nod32 (Paid), Sunbelt Kerio Firewall (Free) and Opera and I have never had any viruses or spyware problems ;) But that's just my prefered setup. There are many other ways of doing it ;)

  • 3 weeks later...

Unless they've recently changed, I believe Spy Sweeper detects and cleans during the free trial period. After that, it will only detect spyware until you pay up. IMO, spy sweeper is a very good program. Ms. A says Ad Aware is better, but I've never tried it.

Pug, I've been a dedicated PC user since the days when my (IBM designed) Radio Shack TRS-80 used a tape deck as a hard drive....since I've started using my wife's Mac to do the DW project, I have to tell you, for graphics work there's absolutely no question of Mac's superiority.

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