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I Am So Pissed Off..


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You should see some of the emails Jennifer receives from some members here, there are some terrible rude people here, who portray themselves on the board to be just wonderful people...

I also get the numerous "Watchmaker Consulting" emails and PM's, I like the ones that say "I have a Watchmaker who is going to service my XXX model, I hear your an expert, can you tell me what I need to tell my watchmaker so he can fix my watch for me..."

Hopefully others can avoid the same problems.


That's a nice one! I guess some members think we don't have a real life...they expect instant reply...now what happens when I spend my time answering emails and giving advise, price, etc....Then no more communication from the member :wounded1:

There are a lot of excellent members here and in the other forums but there are a few that just waste our time :thumbdown:


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As a newbie myself, all I can say is that it is a damn shame that someone as informative as V has been kicked in the balls by a bad seed. I had posted a question in the Panerai forum that he was the first to answer, and to be quite frank, I was happy that he was the one that did so.

It is unfortunate that so many people need to be spoon fed by the best of the best, I see it all the time on a FTA forum I go to and it licks.


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@V i get the same thing all the time. we have to remember that there are assholes in this world and every newb is not the same. they may have the same questions "who has the best sub" "will the davidsen 111h fit a rubber strap" "what is that watch in your avatar" (i get this at least 3 times a week) but everyone is different and there are some really cool people here that happen to be newbs. this case you had, i'd be super [censored] off too for sure! but i've helped alot of newbs who became very important members here and will help me now when i need help too. i agree with pug's suggestion of public questions. this is what a forum is for anyways right? in my profession i have learned that in order to be the most successful you have to learn something from everyone. everyone has at least one thing they know or do better than most. example....pugwash,TTK (photography) ....ubi (franken rolex) ...The Zigmeister (relumes, movements) .....V (video posts of uncasing a radiomir with porno in the background :thumbsupsmileyanim: )....Flavor Flav (custom pams) you can learn examples of what to do in every situation, and in the case you are posting about, you can learn what NOT to do in a certain situation. but you can learn from everybody. i knew only how to change a strap when i joined the forums a few years ago, now i can pretty much do anything with watches except chrono services. i learned many things from newbs believe it or not!

i hope you will change your thoughts and let the newbs back in eventually as you are a very helpful person and great to the forum and i really enjoy your thoughts on things. just remember all the newbs are not ungrateful asshats. some are and will be blocked out by us, not helped, and eventually leave here never to be seen again. some will turn out to be great to the forum like you :victory:

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Typical. I also get tons of PM's. I try to reply to the most polite ones... and of course to forum friends - and people who have been around longer. But many noobs would get answers to their questions much faster if they just posted them to the forum. There are lots of people who know as much as I (or more) about reps. I'm not any kind of Oracle because I've done a few writeups. I try to study the watch and rep before I buy it myself, why can't others do the same? It's great fun... and fascinating part of this hobby. We have new great brand specific subforums and lots of guides and reviews that are easily accessible. I think every single rep (that's not very rare and obscure model) have been reviewed or discussed.

At some point I considered shutting off my PM's altogether, because I don't want to give impression that I'm an arrogant ass (when I ignore someone's PM). I really hate ignoring anyone, but I simply don't have time.

Sometimes I have experienced the same as you guys... I have posted many detailed replies which have taken a lot of time... but then you don't even get a simple "thank you" for an answer. I also wonder why people ask so many Omega and Breitling related questions because I try to keep these guides constantly updated to eliminate the need to ask anything. It's all there... and if it's not there why can't these people just ask the question in that particular thread? Why me? Then you'd have 2000 potential people who could answer it, instead of one... and the guide could probably improve that way... and benefit everyone.

And questions like "Do you think xxx's Sub is better than xx's?" aren't very inspiring. Or: "What do you think about Joe Blow's SMP?" No link, no description of the exact model, no picture, no nothing. Should I remember every single rep model that every single dealer have in stock? Or should I search and dig up the model from dealer xxx's website to give M'Lord the information he needs (preferably asap)? :lol:

Seriously... I enjoy discussing watches with everyone. But I'd rather do it in the public forum. PM's from unknown people with zero or very few posts are a bit stressing, because it often feels like a burden to reply just something. Most of these are good people I'm sure... but I don't get paid for being everyone's personal watch finder. I try to relax here... to escape from work and stress... not to do overtime work. :)

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Don't let it get you down, Kos. Folks like this come and go... I follow the same rule of thumb as Flav and By-Tor- If they're generally polite in their PM (please and thank you always goes far with me) and they have demonstrated that they have at least made the attempt at doing some homework on their own, I am more than happy to try and help out. But, manners are a must (speaking of which, when did the 'art' of good manners become a lost language?)...

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Well.. thanks guys for the replies.. I guess yesterday I was [censored] off because it was very recent..

Now that I am thinking again it is not fair for one person (well not one but for some) to stop helping people..

BUT as Pug said.. I will reply only if they post their question on the public forum in the apropriate section.. They can send me a PM with the link and I will answer there..

At least if at the end they are ungrateful other people will benefit from MY time and MY money spend on parts with trial and error.

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Lets set the record straight you wanted to sell me a Swiss UNitas movement for $175 and the Crystal for $75 yes i was grateful that you were helping me out and not in any way did i take anything you said for granted. Lets also get some clear I asked you if the movement already had the canyon pin installed and you told me it didnt and i could pay $30 for the parts which is true and i would have to pay my watch guy money to install this so when you add up the cost of the movement and the cost fo the parts and the cost of the service thats some where around $235 and thats saying he only will charge me $30 to install them. For $235 i think that is a bit excessvie for a movement that i can buy with the complete canyon pin installled for $180. Seeing you were upset with the deal i offered $225 for both the movement and the crystal but you declined.

Being mad at me is one this but creating a topic on this matter was quite suprising, you hear many people on this site saying that they dont try to make money on there fellow collectors while most of the time this is true but how can you honestly tell me that $175 for that movement is fair seeing it still has to have modifications completed?

My Friend if you want to cancel the sale between me and our friend who i bought the dial and hands you can do so, it will save me alot of money anyways it does not matter to me one way or another so dont try tol hold that over my head becasue to be honest i really dont care.

I have dealt with alot of people on this board as well as the old sites and NEVER in my experience have i had a person get so bent out of shape when a person changed their mind. You even said that you didnt want to really sell them however seeing your reactions i think you were.

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UBI, i hate the break the news to you but i sent you on email asking you a question about the cost of the movement and that was it, and personally i dont care if im on your blocked list as well.

BTW... I think this is the same beano that wasted a bunch of my time a few years ago. If so, he is on my list as well....
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Hey V,

Ungrateful, well thats a huge stretch of reality, how many times did i thank you for helping me out with the deal wiht your friend and the information and time that you saved me???????? So judging by the way people have responded a person cannot change his mind on a sale or a purchase then? What other grounds are there for a person to be mad, i didnt say anything mean or negative to him, i simply changed my mind on the items he was selling and in the beginning my questiosn were not about him selling these items to me. So what is the real reason you are so [censored] off?

Well.. thanks guys for the replies.. I guess yesterday I was [censored] off because it was very recent..

Now that I am thinking again it is not fair for one person (well not one but for some) to stop helping people..

BUT as Pug said.. I will reply only if they post their question on the public forum in the apropriate section.. They can send me a PM with the link and I will answer there..

At least if at the end they are ungrateful other people will benefit from MY time and MY money spend on parts with trial and error.

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The Zigmeister, you dealt with me on seveal occasions and most recently with me purchasing a black date wheel for the 7753, the transaction was very smooth and there were no issues, so based on this email that would say that good transactions dont take place?

You should see some of the emails Jennifer receives from some members here, there are some terrible rude people here, who portray themselves on the board to be just wonderful people...

I also get the numerous "Watchmaker Consulting" emails and PM's, I like the ones that say "I have a Watchmaker who is going to service my XXX model, I hear your an expert, can you tell me what I need to tell my watchmaker so he can fix my watch for me..."

Hopefully others can avoid the same problems.


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Still you believe that you are right heh?

You want to talk maths?

Yous PM was --- I will get a davidsen glass, a davidsen cg ---

I have already saved you the money for a Davidsen's crystal and the crown guard that wouldn't fit and would have been useless.. 75$+50$= 125$ + plus the davidsen crown you wanted to use and probably won't fit either..

Then I told you I DON'T want to sell the parts.. but make me a good offer I can't refuse.. You said how would that offer could be and I said 250$ (including paypal and shipping fees)

I never said it was a bargain.. But it was not a ripoff.. Do you think it is easy to find a simple NON - AR saphire crystal ? Think again.. Do you think is easy to remove the AR from a rep crystal if you find it? Think again...

And .. you changed your mind although you GAVE YOUR WORD that you want the parts.. I have packed them and waiting for you to sell your 029 to gather some funds.. You sold it and you were delaying the transfer... For what? 30$ of the cannon pinion?? Or I was ripping you off?

PLUS you said you will buy the palpatine crown for the 196.. And then you changed your mind AGAIN on this as well...

When a man says he will get something his word means a lot..

And anyway I will say just this and I am finished.. IF I had 10$ for each Tip/ advise I gave you...that SAVED YOU MONEY AND TIME...

You wanna know how many advises I gave you in my PMs the last two days?

You know how much MONEY and TIME you might needed to find those things by Yourself?

I have kept them all.. Start counting:

1. His crownguard will not fit your case so forget about him

2. His glass it will be bigger as well and it will have AR (you need to be non-AR)

3. The only thing you will need from him is the cannon pinon

4. The movement you can also get it from tourbillon but both won't have the panerai on the bridges (not that is is correct but at least when you open the caseback you see the movement as close as the gen)

5. I don't know about dsn's crown.. Never had one.. It is not accurate visualy but it MAY fit.

6. The jimmy cases are the ones you should use..

7. THen you should find another glass (jimmys is mineral and AR coated) which should be saphire and NON-AR coated (good luck

8. The crown guard unfortunately should be a jimmy's 100% perfect cg.. Unfortunatlely he is sold out.. SO you should wait for a chance of a used one.

9. Then you should ask your favourite dealer (if you have a good relationship with one) to get you the caseback.

10. Keep in mind to get a believable serial number and not 1500-1600 which are the most commons (again good luck with this too)

11. If you have the movement you should only get a cannon pinion set to eliminate the recess problem.

12. Bezel I don't know but it MIGHT fit the rep case one...Give it a try.. but I think at the moment jimmy has some bezels for sale (or had)

13. Crown is another big problem you might face.. I have a nice Homers crown on mine but I think he is sold out..

14. You can get a palpatine crown but you will have to grind down the lever and get a new longer stem as well

15. Keep in mind that putting a REP crown to a JIMMY case is not possible (case tube is larger) so you definately need a new crown.

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Kruzer, does a person have the option of changing their mind on a purchase if they dont want to keep invetsting in mods and is truly looking for a movement that is complete? Hey if V would have said you know i really was expecting you the buy these items i would have done it, to get a person so [censored] off over $250 seems qutie absurd , were all men here right, then talk it out like men and lets quite being like children and blocking people.

I have been around these forums for over 4 years now from the old RWG, and now here as well as the darkside and TRC and my intentions were not to [censored] people off, nor were they to waste peoples time. Calling me a Jerk is uncalled for especially when people only know one side of the story.

Follks like The Zigmeister and V always give people the benefit of the doubt initially. But if someone turns out to be a jerk he should be outed as V has done. It is no different than alerting people to bad dealers.
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to get a person so [censored] off over $250 seems qutie absurd

You still dont understand right?

Dont you understand its not about the bloody money.. It's about the time I spent to educate you, and the money I saved you from trial and error.. to come then and say our deal is off because there is no cannon pinion installed and I will need 30$ extra.. on an already closed deal (i have sent you my paypal account and i was waiting for your payment)

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V what do you want me to say your right im wrong..... fine i have no problem saying i was wrong in what i did...... but you also know that the $30 canyon pin was not the deal breaker it was the fact that i have to send this to my watch guy and pay him money to install it and im not even sure what he would have charged.

So if its not abotu the money what other things have i done to make you so mad?

You still dont understand right?

Dont you understand its not about the bloody money.. It's about the time I spent to educate you, and the money I saved you from trial and error.. to come then and say our deal is off because there is no cannon pinion installed and I will need 30$ extra.. on an already closed deal (i have sent you my paypal account and i was waiting for your payment)

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I only answer pm from members i now that has been here a long time,if its newbie i will help maybe give a tip or 2 but thats that.

To bad this happend to you V.



I know Dani :rolleyes: I know.

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