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Every time I wish you good cycling weather, flat roads and so on, you get tornadoes, flooding, 45-degree mountainous gravel paths....:blink:

I think I (or at least you) would do better if I just kept my mouth shut! :bangin:

LOL, no matter what is thrown at me I'll manage through it somehow ;)

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As it does seem a lot of guys are not following this wonderful journey of yours after our current raffle has finished we will set up an official Muttsta donation collection and promote you to high heaven.


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Muttsta, a nice choice for cooling your heels before crossing the Golden Gate and plunging into the weirdness of San Francisco is to stay overnight at the Marin Headlands Hostel, located in the most beautiful state park you can imagine, far, far, far from the maddening crowds, with a eucalyptus forest on one side and meadows rolling down to the rugged coast on the other.

No camping that I know of, although the park is big enough to permit you to disappear over the horizon and pitch your tent if that's really want you want to do....

I'll leave you a link to the place, and check it out for yourself... there's a road that snakes above the valley and slowly rises to the most magnificent view of the Bay and the City, framed by the incredible towers of the Golden Gate.

If it sounds like I'm really pushing the place, it's because it's one of my favorite spots on the entire planet.

There are hostels in San Francisco, but personally, it's a city that appeals little to me - it's really a question of where you want to be - even for a night - and why you want to be there. You might be just as happy in the City, but at least there's a great alternative if you don't want to be there.

Anyway, the link:


Marin Headlands is just one of a series of great places that follow the coast southward. Read more about them here:


Have a good trip down there!

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As it does seem a lot of guys are not following this wonderful journey of yours after our current raffle has finished we will set up an official Muttsta donation collection and promote you to high heaven.


That would be great! Thanks!

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Congratulations on making it to the Avenues. Spent many a day in that area, certainly one of the most beautiful spots on the planet.

If I were you, I would spend a few days around there before moving on. Go for a swim. Stop off in Garberville, you will meet a lot of great people in that town. Friendly.

Get back on 101 for your trip down towards SF. Keep up the good work.

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Congratulations on making it to the Avenues. Spent many a day in that area, certainly one of the most beautiful spots on the planet.

If I were you, I would spend a few days around there before moving on. Go for a swim. Stop off in Garberville, you will meet a lot of great people in that town. Friendly.

Get back on 101 for your trip down towards SF. Keep up the good work.

Wish I could take a few days off here and there, however I have instead decided to take a day off in San Francisco and San Diego

Never been to those cities before and hear they're great, but alas I've seen many a big tree before ;)

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I lived near San Francisco for 7 years in the 90's and it is the only other city I would consider living in outside of Paris. Great city for exploring, food, culture, sights and sounds. Great stop over for you.

Keep up the good journey. We wait with baited breath for the next installment.


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Anticipation of crossing into Mexico is building. Do you speak Spanish? Any concerns in Central America? When you finally get to Panama, will you continue south a little so you can say you reached South America by bicycle? :victory:


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Anticipation of crossing into Mexico is building. Do you speak Spanish? Any concerns in Central America? When you finally get to Panama, will you continue south a little so you can say you reached South America by bicycle? :victory:


I currently know survival Spanish, have been listening to audio lessons and stuff along the way, so right now I know the bare basics

Concerns in Central America, my main one is of course safety; a second much lesser concern is getting sick

When I was in Peru last year I got quite sick from the water there

That put me totally out of comission for about three days

It was so bad that in such a condition I wouldn't be able to cycle

Luckily I am ahead of schedule, so should something like that happen it wouldn't kill me timewise

But it would still suck alot, since it's not the most enjoyable experience

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Anyone not famiiliar with the name William Randolph Hearst should note that he is generally considered the model for the classic movie Citizen Kane. A more recent movie, The Cat's Meow, is based on a supposedly true story of a death during a yachting journey where Hearst hosted notables such as Charlie Chaplin as his guests. Kirsten Dunst plays Marion Davies, an actress of the time who was Hearst's mistress. Supposedly Hearst bcame jealous at the philandering Chaplin's attentions to Davies, and accidentally killed another guest when he actually intended to take a good whack at Chaplin.

More info on Hearst Castle

The coast between Monterey and Hearst Castle that Muttsta described is the Big Sur coast, one of the most scenic drives in the US, if not the world. Big Sur on Wikipedia .

What an awesome trip.

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