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Ever call yourself out?


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So this past Saturday I was at an event for my wife's company, an all day charity event type deal. I notice a guy who works for her company sporting a pam. I had on my 112 with a gef palombari and as I walked past him a couple of times I could sense him checking out my wrist. So I eventually broke the ice striking up a conversation with him about pams. It turns out he's wearing a 104. We exchange a few words and as he looks at my watch he says it was his first pam. He continues saying that he just bought the ferrari pam and that he owns a few other pams too. We go our separate ways but I can't stop thinking that this guy, who appears to be about the same age as me (late 20's early 30's), owns several watches worth several thousands of dollars a piece. Knowing what he does for my wifes company, I know he doesn't make that kind of disposable income. Perhaps he gets additional dough from other sources or his wife makes ton of money but it just doesn't seem likely.

So after having a few beers and wanting to get to the bottom of it, I go up and ask him what he thinks of my watch as I hand it to him...he looks at it and says he likes it, it's very nice. I then tell him it's a rep and he sort of smiles and says "I know". I was a little taken back. I immediately ask how he knew expecting him to blow me away with the dial font or crown diameter. I mean my swiss movement 112 has had The Zigmeister super lume, the cannon pin fixed, and a palp crown installed. I was really confused at this point and couldn't wait to hear him out.

He says he knew because the buckle was odd and didn't say Panerai on it (my gef palombari), this "thing" (crown guard) looked funny (it's brushed obviously and the contrast to the polished case threw him off) and it must be a vintage model because it didn't have the seconds hand like his newer model. :mellow: I must say that I was shocked. I didn't know what to make of his response. He didn't even look at the movement but I was expecting him to add that the clear case back was a dead giveaway too. I couldn't tell if he was bullshitting or if he was truly just an ignorant pam owner without the foggiest. He never once used reference numbers when referring to his pams or mine, had no clue about after market straps and their popularity among panerai owners, and thinking that base pams are strictly vintage pieces and are not produced any more. Was this guy for real

I dunno, it was just an odd encounter and I thought I'd share it with you guys. Not really sure what to make of it, what do you guys think? :whistling:

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He just made an uneducated guess, Bruce. Don't worry about it, it takes much more of a real 'Paneristi' to be able to spot a rep 112, especially after those mods being done to it.

Enjoy your 112, it's one helluva watch :thumbsupsmileyanim:



Edited by babola
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I had a guy once tell me that my GENUINE vintage day date was a rep because the second hand didn't sweep smooth. I have also had people swear their sub was real because of the sweeping second hand. I have had people ask me about my IWC Ingy chrono and say "nice watch. Is that an expensive brand?" I have a business associate who wears a 1990's two tone gen sub every day. The thing is awfully beat up. The crystal is even fogged and the dial is damaged. I told him to take it to my guy and he will make it look like new. Jim tells me "who gives a [censored] it's only a watch"

We too often loose sight that we are in the .00099 percentile of the general population who still believe a Movado is a "good watch" to buy as a keepsake. ignorance is bliss.

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I never did ask him if his was a rep as I never got a good look at it...he didn't show it to me on his wrist or off. But here's how I see it, with the several pams he's owned/owns, it seems like he should have been a little more knowledgeable about the brand/models. To tell me he knew my 112 was a fake because the buckle didn't say panerai and because of the absence of a second hand is crazy talk. As we all know collectors of panerai, rep or gen, are some what cultish about watches, especially their pams. I don't expect any gen owner to be able to spot flaws like we can but they should at least know a thing or two about pams. This guy clearly didn't and that's what gets me. His reaction to my confession was so as a matter of fact. It blew me away; I was expecting such a different explanation from him and I was speechless after hearing him out. Oh well, B)

Edit: Perhaps his response was to hide his embarrassment of not knowing it was a rep...if he thought it was a gen when he owns several gens/reps???, it would make him look stupid so he just played along in saying he knew it was fake. And then didn't expect me to call him out in asking him how he knew. He looked at the 112 and just started naming the first things that came to mind as he compared it to his 104.

Edited by bruce79
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Yes, Bruce79, it seems as if he might've been bluffing.

Interesting story though. I have never talked to anybody wearing a PAM who feigned ignorance upon the brand - every one of them have been PAM freaks who knew quite a bit about PAM models.

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Edit: Perhaps his response was to hide his embarrassment of not knowing it was a rep...if he thought it was a gen when he owns several gens/reps???, it would make him look stupid so he just played along in saying he knew it was fake. And then didn't expect me to call him out in asking him how he knew. He looked at the 112 and just started naming the first things that came to mind as he compared it to his 104.


i think that

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My experience has generally been that the people who are most ignorant about watches are owners of gens. As I have mentioned previously in other posts, according to numerous polls of luxury watch brand buyers, most gen watch buyers buy primarily for status or to be seen wearing the latest and most fashionable watch accessory. Rarely does the average luxury watch buyer base his purchase on brand loyalty (Rolex, being the sole exception to that rule because it is the name that most people equate with luxury watches) or watch knowledge. And most of what they know about reps comes from what they hear in the media or by word of mouth (often from equally clueless friends and co-workers). Your friend may or may not have been wearing a gen, but it does not surprise me at all that he missed all of the details and focused, instead, on something like a buckle.

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Most Ferrari owners couldn't tell you the horse power rating of their engine produces or how to change the oil. It's not the point to them.

I'd be very surprised to meet a Panerai wearer that could out even the $110 Silix rep without prompting.

ps. In your story, the guy didn't know it was a replica. He was covering up for his ignorance.

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I think he is a typical person who just buy a watch.... >> wear it and forget it << type. Same as those who think the best way to spot a genuine rolex is by looking at the sticker on the case back or try to see how smooth is the second hand sweep...etc. Yes...both of us like watches but to me they are "consumer" and we are "enthusiast".

I know some people are like that, they may wearing a TT daytona everyday but do you think he know (or care to know) the meaning of "ref 116523G"?

.... one time there's a couple who driving a 600SL (a car quipped with the most advance GPS system) and ask me for direction :g:

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But to me, panerai /owners collectors are different. Pams are a rare breed in the watch world and most owners pride themselves on cult status and owners of several pams are borderline crazy about them. One cannot compare a rolex collector to a pam collector. Two different breeds of watch owners, imo. Some may disagree but...

This fellow didn't strike me as a typical pam owner. He couldn't tell a 112 from a 104, both of which he's owned. I agree though, he had no idea it was a rep until I told him. Damn, these pams are good. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

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Great story, ive had my 111h for not even a month but prior to that I swear here in my city i have not seen one yet. I'm almost tempted to beleive that only a small portion of residents in this fine state of florida actually know what a Panerai is, much less a sandwich dial or any model number for that matter.

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But to me, panerai /owners collectors are different. Pams are a rare breed in the watch world and most owners pride themselves on cult status and owners of several pams are borderline crazy about them.

You think Bill Clinton, Sly or Ahnuld would know about the flat-top As? How about Heidi Klum?

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He was a lier stupid rep owener this guy!!!

I have passed with succes the AD of high end watches including Pam!In my brothers home town last christmas...he saw my 177h and he gave me congratulation for my choice.....and then he gave me a litle silver jewel as a gift for christmas...and because i was an owener of a beautyfull Pam 177h......

So man dont worry about him ...read the post from Pugwash and you will see the truth! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

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