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shopping for mbw in bangkok mbk center

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hello guys,

who can help me with the exact adress of the mbk shopping center in bangkok?and maybe a floorplan of the mall(the one in this forum isn't good enough to see the numbers)

i have family from thailand that visits me today in the netherlands,i want to ask them to look for the famous mbw watches

please help

thanks :thumbsupsmileyanim:


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Posted (edited)

Mah Boon Khrong shopping center is aside the National Stadium, across the Siam Square,

any taxi- tuk tuk driver knows. There's also a halte of the skytrain at 100 meters

Location: Phayathai Road, Pathumwan

Pugwash knows more about where to seek for the watches,

its groundlevel or 1st floor i think. Take your time, because its huge mall,

a floorplan is available at the reception desks.

Open: 11:00 - 22:00


Edited by paulV
Pugwash knows more about where to seek for the watches,

Why do people keep saying this? :wounded1:

My Brother has been there, not me. I've been in the MBK Centre and I didn't find the stall. It wasn't until Leonado posted where it was that my brother was able to find it.

Why do people keep saying this? :wounded1:

My Brother has been there, not me. I've been in the MBK Centre and I didn't find the stall. It wasn't until Leonado posted where it was that my brother was able to find it.

So where is it ?



I just got back from BangKok and been to the stall.

Basically, if you read what Leonardo has posted, you wouldn't go wrong. If that information and map has been deleted, so much for the afterglow.

You're better off making a purchase off TTK if you are in search of Vintage Rollies.

There ain't jack-zits displayed. The AP Roo on display has no A-doo-Mars Pea-Gay on it and it's going for a whopper. How so? Beats the rockin' dead horse outta me.

If you want the dealer's direct number, send me a PAM 243 Ziggified with Snow White lume my way and I'll gaurantee your success in finding the stall. :) A bribe on a Sunday is always well-recieved, especially a timepiece worked on by Zig......LMAO!

TTK , V I N T A G E Rolex...repeat after me..... TTK, Vintage Rollies....that's it!

Posted (edited)
I just got back from BangKok and been to the stall.

Basically, if you read what Leonardo has posted, you wouldn't go wrong. If that information and map has been deleted, so much for the afterglow.

You're better off making a purchase off TTK if you are in search of Vintage Rollies.

There ain't jack-zits displayed. The AP Roo on display has no A-doo-Mars Pea-Gay on it and it's going for a whopper. How so? Beats the rockin' dead horse outta me.

If you want the dealer's direct number, send me a PAM 243 Ziggified with Snow White lume my way and I'll gaurantee your success in finding the stall. :) A bribe on a Sunday is always well-recieved, especially a timepiece worked on by Zig......LMAO!

TTK , V I N T A G E Rolex...repeat after me..... TTK, Vintage Rollies....that's it!


The insurmountable problem that confronts holidaymakers and their naiive plan to take an hour out of their candy floss & sightseeing Thailand adventure in order to breeze over to MBK and grab themselves some bargain MBWs,,,,,,,,,,


Virtually nothing is stocked.......

It has to be ORDERED


as Pre V noticed, given half an opportunity with a fresh falang..........

he charges like the light brigade :thumbsupsmileyanim:


Edited by narikaa
Virtually nothing is stocked.......

It has to be ORDERED

With mine, my brother had to order a week in advance and they still tried to fob him off with the wrong ones, claiming that they don't have any all-white dials, just single- or double-red. He knows how to deal with Thais though, and avoided being fleeced like a fresh lamb.


Hi All,

I know how to do it !

And I am telling you right now how to get an MBW in Bangkok !




















1. Create a nice relationship with TTK

2. Get yourself a plane ticket on Thai Airways.

3. Meet TTK on your arrival (why not in a very nice lounge of the Oriental Hotel for tea time)

4. Go visit Thailand: start with Bangkok (in a cheap hotel, meet some rats, as you should leave the best for later), then go to Chiang Mai and the north, come back to Bangkok by train (incredible experience, not like the orient express at all), then to Pataya (Royal Cliff Beach was top in 1989). Spend some time in Pukhet (the Meridian close to Patong was very nice back in 1989 too), then go to Ko-Samui (Can't remember what the hotel was) and finally back to Bangkok.

5. In Bangkok, 10 days later, stay at the Oriental and meet TTK again: he will bring your watch and get you a beer for free :)




my family in thailand have a kitchen business for over 15 years

they also have many thai people working for them,so they probably know how to deal with them...

i ask my family to go to the shop and give them details of the watch i want and also show some pictures of the mbw 1665 and mbw 1680

who knows how much thai baht these watches cost?

my family leaves the netherlands next month,i will let you guys know soon how it went


I stopped at MBK last summer for an hour and bought three reps. When I got home and gave them a closer examination they were Sh*t. Like everyone else tells you - let your fingers do the shopping - go to your favorite dealer and get what you know will be a good deal. I had a garage sale for the last few weeks of some of my reps and the three I bought at MBK were so bad - I did not even try to sell them. It would have been too embarassing. :black_eye:



They won't deal with Thais......simple reason being that Thai people won't pay the price for MBW copies......Thai people make them nervous........plus you still have to order the item.....and unless your family know apples from oranges.....you might get a lemon.....:D


I think the moral of the story here is if you are going to Thailand have yourself a lovely holiday but if you want to buy watches look up TTK (either there or when you get back) :D


My Brother has been there, not me. I've been in the MBK Centre and I didn't find the stall.

It wasn't until Leonado posted where it was that my brother was able to find it.

lol Pug

This took you some time -_-

...better late laurels for the banned than no mercy at all!

btw "greetings" from Leonado ;)


P.S. I just felt in love with your avatar


I have Leonado's info saved somehwere, I think, but sending your family to gigantic mall, twice, and asking them to make sure you don't get ripped off, all to save a couple hunded bucks seems like a lot of effort. Wouldn't it be easier to seek out the (what is it, 5 now?) guys who will do the shopping for you?

I don't get it.

I've always said Leonado told my brother where to get MBWs.


I guess you get it...

I dont feel like anyones "attorney" at all!

Nor for you nor for Leonados side.

Its just i had in mind that it wasnt that unsolicited at all

telling from the start where you got the info from.

And thats all ;)

(its all in your post pug)

I for myself had to decide 2 times cause i got 2 watches

from not so well reputated sources and had to

make the decision telling where from or not...

But what the hell means reputation when you made

a deal and both sides been true to one`s word?

So i decided to tell no matter what the "rwg-gang"

would think again...

Telling the truth and making new friends at the same

time is an artistry.

Anyway... things like that are all water under the bridge now

and passed by.


Telling the truth and making new friends at the same

time is an artistry.

Anyway... things like that are all water under the bridge now

and passed by.

No, it isn't. Follow Leo's posts on RWI and TRC where you'll see he was a stalker. It's not water under the bridge as he lied and painted a very bad picture of me. I have worked very hard to try not to get a bad reputation and he was hell-bent on bringing me down a peg or two just to boost his own rep.

He promised to become an MBW dealer a year ago, backed out when it was too complicated and then expected me to become an MBW whistleblower, telling everyone how to find MWBs when I never really knew, beyond what he told me. I never did that as I never had the ok from the stallholder to publish their address publicly. Leo had an agenda, and we never really found out what it was. Anyway, like you say, it's all on the forums. Searching for "Leonado" will give anyone really interested the full story.

You know the guy, you must know what he's like, even if he's a friend of yours.

Leo had an agenda, and we never really found out what it was.

...we did business and he told me some things as a few other

people i had the opportunity to meet with.

Thats all...

He stood to his promise concerning a watch he

brought to me at the airport... i bought it from him.

Friends means more to me...

I dont encourage harsh words and conversations that

took place in the past. I really have to say that there

was from both sides much bull**** talking... i would have

enjoyed it much more if the conversation was lead in a

more objective and factual way instead of ppl insulting

each other...


Concerning agenda (because i asked him too) is the

only thing i can tell you that the main reason for him

unveiling the truth about the mbw-wm-watch-mystery

or whatever you would call it, was that (some) dealers

were really doing snobbish biz with watches from the

mbk-stall... I mean the "No-watch-for-you" Syndrome...

High prices and the fear of some "Who-has-the-best-sub-

questioner" gettin no watch at all that also lead to the end

in scamming some members here and on other boards

because the fear of getting no watch at all was too big.

BTW the second watch (an PP Nautilus jumbo) he had

brought from thailand went to another member that got

defrauded of his money in an older transaction with

so called Mr. Luckyy... Both watches were sold for

quite the same price he paid at mbk.

I for myself hate favoritism or havin to suck up to

someone for gettin a proper offer on a watch.

Rules have to be simple and equitable...

Concerning Neil he just was upset cause he didnt

accredited it that much that Leo showed him were to

get the vintage rolies in TH.

As far as he told me he was never up in gettin

another mbw-wm-dealer although you could have guessed

somethin like it when you just read whats been

going on on here and on rwi, trc.

I think it had also personal reasons to act in

such a way telling the truth about the "source"

of this reps cause he knew most of mbw-dealers

personally... Here in germany there are some

like "Mr.Maria" or "Mr.Watchmaster" and others

i know some stories from another mutual friend

who is in rep-biz for many years (not his main-biz)

i couldnt even betoken somethin cause nobody

would believe...

If its true that your still concerned about what was

his "agenda" you can email him...

But i dont think whats been said still affects

you so much... thats why i said now its all water

under the bridge...


Concerning Neil he just was upset cause he didnt

accredited it that much that Leo showed him were to

get the vintage rolies in TH.

What are you babbling on about......I've always known where to buy the MBW / MBK watches.......Leonado didn't INFORM me......he informed the board....the only reason I didn't sell more MBW/ MBK watches was because I didn't want to queer Maria's pitch......he and I had an agreement.......which I stuck to.......my recent decision to sell MBK watches was based on a meeting I had with Maria wherein he told me that he wasn't selling MBK items anymore.......he had moved onto other things.....whether that's true or not.....I have no idea.....and could care less.........so get your facts right.....Leo didn't SHOW me "where to get the vintage rolies"......!

so get your facts right.....Leo didn't SHOW me "where to get the vintage rolies"......!

As a matter of fact Neil i dont trust anybody more than i can throw him ;)

What to do and who to believe when theres conclusion against conclusion?

Beeing familiar with some guys and a german collector from munich

i meet that knows Mr. Maria in person... i had the oportunity to "check" some

of Mr. Leonados statements. He also claimed to know him (Maria)...

and most of the things ive been told turned out to be affirmed

by the other side... he also is member of a secret german board

on the net where most all of the "mbw" dealers are signed in and

Mr. Maria...

Im not able to tell all even if i know some more facts...

Ive seen and heard enough from first-hand that my conclusions

may easily hit the bull`s eye... and its not all about Maria there

are few more makin a living out of rep biz.

I have to throw every fact into the 2 weighing scales if i want

to find out which conclusion might be nearer to the truth Neil...

A simple example:

Beeing in insurance biz for years you wont hear somethin

bad about insurances when i want to sell somethin ;)

You bet i do cause i make a living out of it self-employed for

8 years...

I think soemthing similar goes for you concernig watches

cause you also "make a living out" of it...

Anybody (even Leo) can write and talk a lot on the board

but havin a "good" reason or as Pug said havin an "Agenda"

to behave like somethin or for telling somethin thats often

somethin else... And with good reason i mean, how high is

the plausibility of that whats been said to be the truth or not?

And what could be the logical reason for it??

One good thing is that gettin a watch aint such a good reason

for me to agree with all whats been told from the person i got it from...

If theres a plausible reason... i disagree... if not i agree.

If facts do change i dont hesitate to change my opinion about


I just try to be fairminded as far as i can... if its necessary

beyond the boards.

Havin the opportunity on a watch or not... no matter

if its you Neil, Leo, Maria or anybody else doesnt play such a big

rolle for me.

Conclusion? What conclusion might be...

For now im just sure that not everything Leo said was the entire

truth... and same goes for you... but whos telling the "entire" truth

about sources and ways of trade in the open anyway?

If you would like to know what ive heard go pm

because i couldnt go any deeper without naming persons

and backgrounds...

On the other hand Neil... whatever you say goes fine for

me... same with Leo or others... im not here to prove a fact

or not whether someones right or not... collecting reps is just an

amusement for me...

It just happend that i got to know some guys in person that had

to deal with reps and/or still do... but this was before i signed in rwg, rwi

or trc...

Its just a funny thing that somehow "tracks" converge or run

together... when you are runinng this biz to a certain degree

everybody knows everybody. Especially some in germany...

Peace B)


Posted (edited)


1. I'm not an Ethel.

2. I don't live in Germany.

3. I have a PROVEN track record of telling the truth.

4. Everybody on the board had the opportunity to confirm the prices at MBK.......Leonado stated them quite openly.

5. I don't give a flying f**k for any of the Ethel Mermans......members of some Skulls society or not.....!

6. I don't need to ...nor do make a 'living' from MBK watches.

7. I have no agenda...hidden or otherwise....I simply shop by 'proxy... for those who can't or don't want to make it to MBK....and I charge for the service.

8. I have no knowledge of MBK / MBW watches other than what is posted on these boards.....and have no desire to acquire any further knowledge than the Group Buy # that lets me identify the item that a member ordered.....what he does with it after I deliver is the customer's prerogative.

9. According to Maria he has never ever met Leonado....but has assured me that he would like to....so would the motorbike taxi rider that he's prepared to give 5000 baht to...for a double tap in the noggin.

10. My conclusion is that you need to get a life if you spend so much time and energy concerning yourself with the antics of a plethora of Ethels who all want to be soup nazis......and on that note...I'm off for some seafood......and there will be NO sauerkraut in view anywhere......'ceptin maybe some sour krauts who didny get their soup.

Edited by TTK

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