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Loving the new ratings!


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@ Admin can we have an icon for confusing please, some times posts are written with good will but the way they are writen can be confusing!

I think that is the "WTF" icon. The one with the question mark. Maybe not, but it seemed so! JL

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Could we take it to another level?

The idea would be to rate other people's rating of other people's posts....and so on. A successful forum means all of us keeping a critical eye on each other: too much freedom can be a dangerous thing. Limits are needed, and I believe that the community itself is best qualified to enforce them.

Also, I think it's high time to put a lid on some of the confusing or just plain crazy posts I see around here - they are disturbing to me, and often keep me from sleeping properly.

The result is that I spend more and more time on this board, sleep less, and feel terribly stupid since I often don't 'get' what some of our crazier members are talking about.

We need more discipline on this forum, and I believe that a rating system, followed perhaps by a rating the rating system as I've proposed above will be an excellent start in getting things back on the rails.

Also, I'm bothered by the idea that some of our members are smoking when on the forum. I'm not sure what can be done about this, but I find that these people are totally insensitive to the desires of those of us who prefer a smoke-free environment - even virtually.

I've a good many other suggestions and observations to make, but honestly, the idea of all that smoke here is beginning to make me cough so hard that I can barely type.

Keep up the good work: by all pulling together, we'll get this place back to normal in no time!

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The idea would be to rate other people's rating of other people's posts....and so on.

Yes, but who is going to rate the rater's rater? I learned that you can also change your initial rating. So who is to say that the intial rater doesn't like the rating that the raters rater gives him so he changes his original rating. Wouldn't that make the raters rater rating incorrect? Your question is going to keep me up this evening, and I have to work tomorrow. Looks like a lot of orange juice and smokes tonight. You suck Ryy. JL

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I've a good many other suggestions and observations to make, but honestly, the idea of all that smoke here is beginning to make me cough so hard that I can barely type.

Keep up the good work: by all pulling together, we'll get this place back to normal in no time!

I suspect you have three logins and therefore, you are giving yourself 3 WTFs just to be cool. You know I'm right, Ryyannon!

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Well...I could just change the text WTF? To Huh?

That would change the context though.

A WTF may be said because the person truly didn't understand what the poster was trying to say (which puts the onus on the reader, as much as the writer, IMO), or thought it was loopy, or perhaps isn't quite up to speed linguistically, to have done so.

Equally, it could be because the rater was trying to be funny himself. ;)

But if you change it to "Huh?", then it's all the writer's fault.

In other words, a WTF in real life is like a raised eyebrow. A "huh?" is like a snort.

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No, but I assure you that if I could, I rate every one of my posts as pure garbage.

The pure part is important....

For the rest, I give people I like great ratings no matter what they post, and give people who have given me negative ratings the same treatment.

It reminds me a lot of high-school, only lots more anal-obsessive.


I hope you liked the Pet Shop Boys, though: I would have imagined that song would have brought back some nice memories. It's such a beauty, I think....

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When did the new ratings system get installed? It's excellent!

So, everybody, try rating the posts by clicking the little icons down at the bottom right of posts. :D

It will certainly cut down on post-replies for the more voluble of us. Not that this obviously includes you or I. :lol:

By the way, I was a little confused about the ratings last night. I thought the ratings to the right, when you click on your own rating next to your name, referred to what each person thought of whatever particular post you were reading.

No matter what post I clicked on, it still said at the time 13 Agree, 5 Gold Stars, 3 WTF, and 1 Bad Spelling. I was like, "Damn, maybe I have a core group of people who follow me around the forum, rating every post the same!".

Not to mention I kept scouring to see which word I had misspelt in each post. :)

Oh, and I really like that you can see who gave you what. That's something you don't get on Digg.

@Ryyannon: LOL about the retaliative ratings. I have only done one, but that's because enough was enough. Being vindictive doesn't come naturally to me, although it's a lot of fun.

Pet Shop Boys...absolute-ly. Fab-u-lous.

All we need is a little Rick Astley, and my childhood years will come flooding back!

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I dunno....I find the very idea of supposedly free people accepting to be constantly rated by one another infinitely depressing.

Must have something to do with the EU and Brussels.

Or perhaps the ex-Soviet Union.

It's not just because I know that I'm personally going to attract my share of lightening, since it would be the same if everyone was showing me total and constant love: it's all so damn predictable - and really, who cares?

Is it supposed to matter if we have more or less gold stars on our report card than the next member?

[censored], I thought this sort of thing went out with kintergarden.



Just unbelieveable.

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[censored], I thought this sort of thing went out with kintergarden.



Just unbelieveable.

I'm constantly surprised in life, by just how much being an adult resembles exactly being in High School.

The cliques.

The snotty comments.

The preconceived opinions.

The sucking up to teacher.

The infernal inferiority-complex need to one-up the person next to you, else you somehow lose cool points.

The cynicism about the ROTW, where you're the only clear-minded person in the universe, and everyone else is an idiot.

But also the great, and long lasting friendships, with shared memories no one can take away.

Life. Enjoy the ride. :lol:

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