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relax...i'm sure the sun will still come up tomorrow in spite of you having a mineral crystal...i'm sure the birds will still be singing and the children will still play although there are no strap screws...with any luck the world will continue to spin despite the fact that you have an incorrect caseback.

yes the seller messed up. yes the seller should fix it. if they are one of our respected dealers then yes they will fix it. i agree with ken, the rep game is probably not for you. best of luck in getting the situation fixed though.

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Posted (edited)
relax...i'm sure the sun will still come up tomorrow in spite of you having a mineral crystal...i'm sure the birds will still be singing and the children will still play although there are no strap screws...with any luck the world will continue to spin despite the fact that you have an incorrect caseback.

yes the seller messed up. yes the seller should fix it. if they are one of our respected dealers then yes they will fix it. i agree with ken, the rep game is probably not for you. best of luck in getting the situation fixed though.

Nice little sarcasm. If being in the rep game means sending my money off for one thing and getting another then no it isn't. I don't know anyone with any intelligence who would enjoy throwing their money away.

I thought it worked like this. You see something you want, you contact seller and ask, he confirms, you order, you wait, you get what you ordered. Anyone who accepts less, well, I'll refrain from going any further.

Mineral crystal is crap. I don't want a replica I wanted a homage which he said was no problem. The strap itself doesn't bother me as I would switch that anyway but that just added the final kick in the nutz.

BTW I never said a name and if I recall it's everyone else who is trying so hard to guess who it is..... Give me a friggin break, buddy. I waited two frekin weeks for this thing and it's not just a little wrong it's all wrong. With the Panny markings on the back I can't even sell it on the non rep forums b/c they call it a fake. Some of you guys act like I insulted your mothers or something.

Edited by worlok
There is a certain level of risk you have to accept when playing the rep game mate.

Pay peanuts and you get monkeys?

I wasn't trying to get a REPLICA. I merely wanted an unmarked homage which this guy had pictures of and assured me he had and I would get. I can't show the pics b/c that would probably out him.

I really don't know what is so hard to understand here. I guess some people like throwing their money away. All I wanted was what I asked for and what he promised. It's not a little wrong, man. It's totally wrong. I might be able to live with it if the crystal was sapphire but mineral no way.

I'm not saying that I spent a mint on it but I didn't make the price. I would have paid more for the correct specification.

I have only one replica, it's a Fiddy, and except for the obviously wrong movt decoration it's a fine quality watch with sapphire. I merely wanted one that only said Marina Militare with a solid unmarked back and sapphire and this guy had a pic of what I wanted and said that is what I would get and assured me it was sapphire. Still waiting for his reply. Funny thing was when I was inquiring the replies came very fast....

I wouldn't pay over US$50 for a mineral crystal watch. Mineral is the worst crystal material. I would take acrylic over mineral, at least you can buff out the scratches.


"Yeah, I did. Still waiting for reply."

You haven't even heard back from the dealer from your first email stating your problem with the wrong watch being sent yet ??

"It just gets me though b/c I don't want to have to pay to send it back to H "

"If he resolves it correctly"

"If it turns out that he expects me"

"We'll see if this guy does the same"

"This leaves me no choice but to conclude that he was just being careless."

"We'll see what he says. I have to send him another email about the crystal now."

Ya know, I can understand you being a bit upset, but why didn't you wait and see what the dealer's reply to your email about your problem was first? You're dealing with an illegal product from half way around the world, you didn't just walk into Lord & Taylor and buy a shirt & tie . . . The watch dealers here are here because of their reputations for their watches at fair prices, with good solid service before AND after the sale. You seem to be worrying yourself into a panic with all the ifs . . . you said it IS one of the dealers from the boards, you will be taken care of & the situation corrected.

"Look, when I communicate thoroughly with someone and then GIVE THEM MY HARD EARNED MONEY I expect them to follow through correctly. No stupid careless mistakes and quality issues."

LLLOL . . . you never went to a drive thru, huh ??? My first watch order got to me rather quickly too. Feeling extremely pleased with the delivery time, I opened my package to find . . . not just one wrong watch, but another one too that I didn't order too. Emailed my dealer, letting them know what I received, and waited for a reply. Turned out my watch went to Calif. & their watches came to me in Ohio. Rather than play with Customs again, I suggested just sending each other the right watches. Dealer said great, and would and did pay me/us back. With all the crap that's happened to me, when things start going too well . . . that's when I start getting nervous . . .

"Even if he makes it right though this is just so unexcusable."

Oh yeah, the other rule is the customer is always right.

Your first statement there . . . and actually, your whole post about your situation, isn't exactly going to make any other dealer hope you want to do business with them . . . this is a game of patience, the majority of transactions go through amazingly well, but you have to plan on something messing up. That's why you use the dealers here, they make it right.

Oh, the second statement was made by a customer . . . probably a pain in the ass customer, so don't bother telling a business person that . . .




Lets not kid ourselves here, a homage is not very different from a rep, especially if you are sourcing it from a rep dealer, hence you are in the rep game. You are on a rep forum for gods sake!

You have to get off your moral high horse and stop pretending that just because you are buying a *homage*, you are excluded from the risks in the rep game. Like I said, you are getting it from a reps dealer. If you don't want to take this risk, I'd advise that you cut your loses, pack your bags and get out of the rep game. A famous line here on RWG is that you should never invests in more than what you are willing to lose. No one likes to 'throw their money away', but there is a risk that you take when you decided you don't want to spend $10k on a Pam and want to spend $200 on a rep/homage. In this game/industry/business you win some and you lose some.

I do feel sorry for you and I understand that you must be disappointed with your purchase, and you are probably right, the fault is at the dealer/mailer, but calling them morons won't help your case and win you friends.



On first read I could have sworn you said you went to the bathroom and peed on it . . .

I'll have to say I've received some borderline stuff from some of the the hallowed dealers on this site.

It's the brutal backlash that prevents people (me included) from posting the facts here and the HUGE pain in the ass that prevents people from trying to get dealers to make good for flaws that are less than catastrophic.

It's a really tough call when you receive a watch that IS what you ordered but their is some stupid QC problem with it . . oh like hands that are bent up too far or wonky grinding on the crown guard . .

Well, I just went into the bathroom here at work and peeled the plastic partially off the crystal and guess what! It's MINERAL! The water didn't bead it spread out all over it.

He assured me it would be sapphire. Strike Three! :Jumpy:

I specifically asked, more than once and repeated myself clearly so that there would be no misunderstanding I wanted a solid sterile back, sapphire front. I get mineral front and glass back with panerai markings on rear - and to add insult to injury the strap it came with was defective.

We'll see what he says. I have to send him another email about the crystal now.

Anyone want to buy a watch? It's a quite nice watch if it's what you're after and you have other 26mm straps.


I have dealt with a very popular dealer and I've had this issue with him at times. For instance, we had some issues with some Asia 7750 chronometers being way off. For our future transactions, I suggested for him to send them to his watch repair guy, have them serviced and then send them to me. I offered, of course, to pay for the additional cost. He said "Sure. Great idea." He never did it.

I've had several watches come in with bracelet pins that won't come off for adjustment. Another had one of the hour markers fall off. Another time, when making a 27 watch order, I told him to ensure that I received a certain watch first. There was a reason and I explained it to him. He said "No problem" and sent it last. I've received the wrong watch maybe twice. But, since the watch was nice anyway, I kept it and said nothing. It was the same price so I didn't loose anything. In fact, the only thing I complained to him about is the watch he sent last when I specifically said for him to send it first.

Another time, I sent him an e-mail telling him "Hey, buddy, I've made you like $15,000 in sales (at the time - now is more), can you tell me if you can send me a watch that is already modded?" I told him that I would, of course, pay for the extra costs. He said he couldn't do it for a number of reasons. Later, I find that he sends modded watches to other customers and they are only buying a few of his watches at a time. Although, I am not unhappy with him, I think he could do a better job. Right now, in my opinion, he is the best there is. But, that doesn't mean he is the best that there could be. For the most part, he comes through as advertised. But, you would think that one gives special care to those that bring you the most business for a number of reasons which, to a business person, would be obvious. But, I didn't see this too often. I plan to explore with a few other dealers now because of this. I think that maybe, when someone climbs to a level where they gain much popularity and credibility, they can fall prey to becoming lax with their performance or practices. It's tough to stay sharp and hungry when you are regularly being fed.

Oh yeah, this guy runs business out of HK too.

Nice little sarcasm.
Thank you.

If being in the rep game means sending my money off for one thing and getting another then no it isn't. I don't know anyone with any intelligence who would enjoy throwing their money away.
I haven't ever met anyone that enjoys throwing their money away.

I thought it worked like this. You see something you want, you contact seller and ask, he confirms, you order, you wait, you get what you ordered. Anyone who accepts less, well, I'll refrain from going any further.
You thought wrong. Obviously.

Mineral crystal is crap. I don't want a replica I wanted a homage which he said was no problem. The strap itself doesn't bother me as I would switch that anyway but that just added the final kick in the nutz.
I feel for ya.

BTW I never said a name and if I recall it's everyone else who is trying so hard to guess who it is..... Give me a friggin break, buddy.
I would give you a break if you didn't appear to be such a tool.

I waited two frekin weeks for this thing and it's not just a little wrong it's all wrong.
Two weeks is nothing.

With the Panny markings on the back I can't even sell it on the non rep forums b/c they call it a fake.
So was that the intent from the beginning?

Some of you guys act like I insulted your mothers or something.
Whatever. Oh and by the way, relax.

I think there are a couple of learnings from this.

1) You have to accept the risk that the watch you ordered might be different to the watch your receive.

2) If you do receive something different, contact the dealer directly and wait for their response.

3) Do not [censored], winge, create a big sence or abuse the dealer until you hear from them. Give them a chance to correct their mistake.

4) If you are unhappy with the response or hear no response for longer 1-2 weeks, than you can make a fuss.


We should just cut and paste this reply, since we've all done it so many times....

When you attempt to buy somethign that is blatantly illegal, YOU accept a certain amount of risk. heck, when you buy stuff for your xbox from Lik-sang in Hong Kong you accept a certain amount of risk.


So.....you can shut up now.

Hey [censored]. HOMAGES aren't illegal. Go back and reread the posts.

I think there are a couple of learnings from this.

1) You have to accept the risk that the watch you ordered might be different to the watch your receive.

2) If you do receive something different, contact the dealer directly and wait for their response.

3) Do not [censored], winge, create a big sence or abuse the dealer until you hear from them. Give them a chance to correct their mistake.

4) If you are unhappy with the response or hear no response for longer 1-2 weeks, than you can make a fuss.

I never said anything about WHO the dealer was. I never intend to at this point.

Posted (edited)
Hey [censored]. HOMAGES aren't illegal. Go back and reread the posts.

Very nice, nerb... :bicycle:

Save some money and buy a gen for god's sake.

Edited by cwai02
Thank you.

I haven't ever met anyone that enjoys throwing their money away.

You thought wrong. Obviously.

I feel for ya.

I would give you a break if you didn't appear to be such a tool.

Two weeks is nothing.

So was that the intent from the beginning?

Whatever. Oh and by the way, relax.

No. I only intended to use the watch for myself. I don't really dig replicas which use the legit brand name. The Panerai is a unique case because of the history and that even the gen 1950 is a sort of a replica, and then you get all this Richemont group stuff. That being said I like the design, dont care for the name, don't intend to mislead people into thinking I own a Panerai either.

>>I would give you a break if you didn't appear to be such a tool.

You are oh so mature. Let's see, while I was complaining I never said who the dealer was. The whole group thing takes over and people here think they are defending some type of replica clique honor or something. Whatever. IF that's what turns on those who take that stance, to attack someone who was wronged, then so be it. Some of you obviously have very low standards, and really for those who do (not to bash those who replied without trying to turn it around on me) it's really no surprise. If you don't demand honest dealings with some of these guys they'll just keep up the low standard of service b/c you keep sending your money to them.

Again, I know what online risk taking is, and when dealing with vintage or used watches I have been very understanding about certain things which you have to. When sending thousands of dollars for a rare watch or a vintage Breitling there is obviously an element of risk that you assume, and for the most part honorable sellers come through.

I started by being angry but never mentioning the person's name and saying that if they came through I still wouldn't do it, but instead in this forum the norm is to blindly take the side of the anonymous seller and attack the forum member who is obviously angry at being treated in a manner not befitting someone who was open and honest in communication and who paid promptly and waited patiently and even though in the mood to complain never mentioned the seller. I could understand some of these replies and attitudes more if I immediately outed the seller but I never did that. Some of the respondants got that and noted it but the rest decided to "defend the faith".

Whatever. If that's what most people here are like it sounds like a tennager or twenty something gathering place more than a watch enthusiast board.

I admit that ranting wasn't the most mature thing but I was [censored]. Sue me.


you can't take it all too seriously my man.

i'll also admit that jerking your chain wasn't the most mature thing to do either. in all seriousness, i very much do hope that you get this situation resolved in a timely manner.

please don't take any offense, i was merely funning.

Ya know, I can understand you being a bit upset, but why didn't you wait and see what the dealer's reply to your email about your problem was first? You're dealing with an illegal product from half way around the world, you didn't just walk into Lord & Taylor and buy a shirt & tie . . . The watch dealers here are here because of their reputations for their watches at fair prices, with good solid service before AND after the sale. You seem to be worrying yourself into a panic with all the ifs . . . you said it IS one of the dealers from the boards, you will be taken care of & the situation corrected.

"Look, when I communicate thoroughly with someone and then GIVE THEM MY HARD EARNED MONEY I expect them to follow through correctly. No stupid careless mistakes and quality issues."

LLLOL . . . you never went to a drive thru, huh ??? My first watch order got to me rather quickly too. Feeling extremely pleased with the delivery time, I opened my package to find . . . not just one wrong watch, but another one too that I didn't order too. Emailed my dealer, letting them know what I received, and waited for a reply. Turned out my watch went to Calif. & their watches came to me in Ohio. Rather than play with Customs again, I suggested just sending each other the right watches. Dealer said great, and would and did pay me/us back. With all the crap that's happened to me, when things start going too well . . . that's when I start getting nervous . . .

"Even if he makes it right though this is just so unexcusable."

Oh yeah, the other rule is the customer is always right.

Your first statement there . . . and actually, your whole post about your situation, isn't exactly going to make any other dealer hope you want to do business with them . . . this is a game of patience, the majority of transactions go through amazingly well, but you have to plan on something messing up. That's why you use the dealers here, they make it right.

Oh, the second statement was made by a customer . . . probably a pain in the ass customer, so don't bother telling a business person that . . .



Successful businesspeople take their customers seriously and treat them well, and make sure the orders are correct the first time. I can understand if one of the things was wrong but I was very specific and they essentially sent me the opposite of what I took great pains to describe I wanted. I'm sorry if very few, if any, of you seem to get that.

You are comparing watches with Swiss movements that you wear on your wrist to drive through junk food? I rarely visit drive through anyway. I haven't been a student for about 15 years.

I keep hearing this illegal thing when I tried to buy a sterile non branded watch. Those aren't illegal. Lookalikes aren't illegal.

Furthermore, and this is like the 10th time I repeat it, I NEVER SAID WHO THE DEALER WAS, did I? I can sort of understand the hostility if I named him but I never named him. I am complaining anonymously. It started as a vent and I know I shouldn't bother responding constantly but what the hell.

Let it die and I'll let it die. If they want to keep bashing me hey we can all have fun flaming each other ad nauseum, rack up the posts, whatever. I realize that college aged kids and the recently graduated age groups like to do that hip thing. Let's all get jiggy with it.


It looks RWG1 all over again! Who was that pilot guy?

ANyway, I had to return my order for it was missing seconfd hand, and I spent $20.00 for packaging and postage etc. out of my pocket. I was not happy about it after I waited about near two weeks. However, dealer also has to spend similar amount of $ to send new one back to me, so we both lost some.

It is not unusual to wait for rep to arrive @ your doorstep. In the past, many people ranted about same issue but in the end, most cases were resolved. There are few things that you may not be happy but if it was not a serious issue, I think you should move on to resolve issue rather than end up fighting with other members. Other members should be little more emphatizing with newbies with ordering issue rather than been there ,done that attitute.

I hope you will get issue resolved soon. Again, nobody likes to waste money, but it is given risk that I leared to take and play.

Just my 2cc -_-

Posted (edited)

Next time you may consider to send the package by Global Priority mail flat rate envelope.

It only costs $5.25 and it delivers in 7-10 days.

I did it a few times and never had any problems.

Edited by cwai02
Posted (edited)
you can't take it all too seriously my man.

i'll also admit that jerking your chain wasn't the most mature thing to do either. in all seriousness, i very much do hope that you get this situation resolved in a timely manner.

please don't take any offense, i was merely funning.

Well there we go if you be cool wit me then I be cool wit you. I'm really not that bad a guy and like I said I never outed the guy. I actually have a nice little watch collection and hang on most major watch boards. I just don't like being had. That said maybe it was an honest mistake. I can tell you something though, if he makes it right without a catch of it costing me more money I will up and say I was wrong. I have no problem eating crow.

I never intended for this to become a flame session with the other members but see how you react with 5 or 6 people coming at you from all angles. It makes yer head spin and you start jabbing back. One two, one two.


Although at this point I figure I'm flirtin' with being banned or somethin. I've never been banned from anywhere yet.

Edited by worlok

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