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I picked this topic up on REP-GeekS to-night.

The same is just as important here.

Open suggestion to all members new, old and in between


Our friend Pug posted this as a reply to the thanks By-Tor was receiving for his reviews in the "By-Tor's Watch Review" new section. I wanted to post this as a stickey for all to see. I know personally I sometimes look at threads/posts and think wow, what a terrific post or valuable info, but dont always reply as such.

I'd like to ask we take Pug's suggestion and let our fellow members, both new and old, know we appreciate the time invested into our hobby. Posting pictures, helping answer questions or even sharing a joke or two, we all make this a better and more fun place to be by simply participating. As TTK and I were discussion, one need not be a expert or savant to enjoy the forum. Sometimes a simply 'well done" or "thanks for posting" goes a long way in thanking another member for their pic/reply/post.

"the more you put in, the more you get out"

Many thanks to all

"...What people fail to understand is that we're just like them. The Zigmeister, By-Tor and myself are just like you and we really, really need feedback to keep us excited. Just because By-Tor writes the best reviews you've ever read doesn't mean he doesn't need "Wow, great post!" replies. Even the great TTK gets disheartened when he posts his pro-quality pictures and no-one replies "nice pic!"

We all need encouragement and support. No-one here is being paid to do what they do, so if you like a post, say so! Make the poster proud that he's got hundreds of people appreciating his work.

I do my bit and try to post encouragement in as many deserving threads as possible, but we should all do so. Supporting your community is being part of your community. The more you put in, the more you get out."



Sparta?!? This is RepGeeks!!!

All people, great and small need encouragement.

It would be great to see it here also.

Thanks rodwc.

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All people, great and small need encouragement.

It would be great to see it here also.

Thanks rodwc.

I WAS going to rate this "good idea", Rodwc, but then I realised that would be too ironic about your thread's intent. :p

Instead, I'll just post this link to Admin's recent "Spoiled & Uninterested RWG Members?", where he said virtually the same thing:


"Maybe this sounds silly, but it is always great to get feedback from the membership when you have spent hours writing up and interesting post, no matter what it is. Same goes of course for great photoes or other posts you just like for some reason. These posts are also a part of making this into a living and breathing community and sometimes can spark interesting discussions. ;) So please, post your opinion or at the very least use the rating system on great posts. No matter what you do, it will make the posters feel their time is worthwhile and it will also make it easier for other/new members to find these great articles. :tu:"

After he posted that, I took him at his word.

I thought it better to give a rating than not, to at least show some feedback to said person who took the time to post a good photo, review, or funny comment. It's one of the best features of this forum, IMHO, though an actual comment is always better, as you point out.

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I WAS going to rate this "good idea", Rodwc, but then I realised that would be too ironic about your thread's intent.

My threads intent was to further the good cause of this forum,

No underhanded tactics implied from here.

I hope that I havnt mis-understood you V.

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Further more V.

You have gone back over 3 months to pick a thread out on Sept 4th. 2007.(posted by Admin).

I, and the majority of the other members possibly dont have the same computer

skills and time, to go back however long ago to compare to what was said, and going on now.

My god lady , you must have a memory like an elephant!

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I WAS going to rate this "good idea", Rodwc, but then I realised that would be too ironic about your thread's intent.

My threads intent was to further the good cause of this forum,

No underhanded tactics implied from here.

I hope that I havnt mis-understood you V.

Wow, I think so. Let me rephrase, Rodwc! :p

You posted a very good suggestion (as read on 'Geeks) about giving feedback to members, which promotes a more positive atmosphere in the forum. I was going to rate your post with one of my little ubiquitous ratings instead of actually replying to it, which would therefore be rather ironic. Get it? :)

Like I said in the further reply, Admin had virtually pleaded with the membership to give more feedback, especially to people who had posted say, a review full of photos, which obviously must've taken hours, but which got precious few replies.

That's sad to see sometimes. I totally agree with what you're saying. Just so that you know, I already gave your thread 5 stars before seeing your reply. :tu:

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I totally agree with what you're saying. Just so that you know, I already gave your thread 5 stars before seeing your reply. :tu:

Ok. thanks , aint doing this for stars V.

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I am guilty of not replying about my feeling on more than a few occasions on this board (and other). the problem I have is that there are so many of YOUs that post great reviews/information etc, and there's just one little me.... how am i going to do that and get on with my day? *sigh* but, i guess, thats my problem not yours ;)

I'll keep this in mind and start to post thank you posts when they are deserved.

thank you for the reminder

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I have to admit I'm another who doesn't offer a lot of support, even to my good friends such as By-Tor or Pugwash, I justify this as only having enough spare time to quickly read through the topic's and not to post.

But as I have just done now I'm sure I should find the time to offer encouragement.


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This post is a fine bit of well intentioned input. rodwc is on the mark when stating that anyone who takes the time to benefit

other members as The Zigmeister has and many more as well, they always will appreciate a kind word for the effort. It is only human nature, and it is also good manners, especially if the reader of the instructive post learns something of benefit and use. Keep the ole 'Golden Rule' in mind and there will be a much happier forum.

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