TWP Posted March 11, 2008 Report Posted March 11, 2008 (edited) Dear All First let me point out that i am not looking for any sympathy, rather to inform everybody what has happened in my life for the past several months that has effected all aspects of my life. Last year proved to be one of the worst years of my life, and this year has not started off any better. For those that do not already know it began with my eldest son, now almost three, being falsely diagnosed with autism. After taking him to several different respected medical institutions an accurate diagnosis was finally made. Needless to say, unless you have children it is unfathomable to comprehend how much anxiety, stress, and pressure this has put on my family and myself. Since his diagnosis he has come a long way due to his twice weekly therapy sessions. His vocabulary as went from five words eight months ago to over 300, and this has been a blessing. Second, the week before Thanksgiving my wife intercepted an email from a female colleague. The email was very damning, it contained nude pictures and very incriminating responses. I was kicked out of my house, rightfully. I lost the ability to work on watches, communicate with clients. It is very humbling to live in a hotel room for a week! After turning over both my computers, telephone records, and taking a polygraph test my wife decided that indeed I had no intentions of or was having an affair. As you can imagine this put a damper on our entire holiday situation. Third, in december my wife was diagnosed with Lupus and has started presenting the classic neurologic symptons. She is 25 years of age, and her chances of living a productive normal life are slim. To make matters worse a couple weeks ago she had a late second term miscarriage. To add insult to injury three days after her procedure she had to be taken back to surgery to have a suction curretage for retained placenta. She had lost a lot of blood, her hemogoblin was 3, and had to be transfused with 8 units of blood. Fourth, my best friend whom was expecting his first child lost their child in the second trimester. Their experience was much worse as her placenta actually had grown into her uterus which due to medical necessity resulted in an emergancy hysterectomy. In layman terms she lost her child and her uterus! Fifth, since Christmas day I have suffered from three bilateral eye infections. Quite abnormal considering that usually people just get pink eye only a couple times in their lives. I found out last week that the bacteria is resistant to Cipro, which has forced me to take more powerful antibiotics, abandon contacts, which not really a problem however my visual acuity is not as good with my glasses. Sixth, we all handle problems differently. I am an alcoholic. I LOVE bourbon, and when i do drink four doubles is just getting me warmed up. Also, I have a particular weakness for diazepam during crisis situations. I know that this is the wrong way to handle problems, but it keeps the crippling depression at bay. If anyone here has suffered from severe depression then you all know what i am talking about. Really you just do not give a f*&K about anything. I cannot tell you how many times I simply did not log onto the computer, because I could not force myself to. Seventh, Navigator ripped me off on 40 cannon pinion sets that put me a month behind on all my mod orders. He has now made good on this, so that is cool. Eight, I had a huge seizure in december, eta movements ran out of stock, new asian movements ran out of stock and this has delayed a lot of orders. While most people would just pack it up and run at this point, I have reordered every watch and continue to delivery to my customers. I was burned a couple years back by a dealer known as luckky for $2000 USD so i know how it feels to be scammed. This i will never do. Nine, on a good note we are in the process of moving. We have found an old 1877 Victorian House a couple hours out of town that we are completely restoring. This will be very rewarding once it is complete. The Facts I may not be the best dealer, but to this day I have not ever ripped anyone off or scammed anyone. Infact, i am probably the most giving collector on the boards. Typically when problems arise i do not ask any questions, i simply take care of the problems or give refunds! Period. That is the way i have always done business. I am honest. I was the first dealer to point out to the community that UPO, of late, was being built with the 2842 movement instead of the 2824-2 movement. I always price my watches according to what i would pay for them as a consumer, and this is in direct conflict with other dealers that want to drive prices up to unreasonable levels. For example, when Ruby started offering the Big Bang SS and SFSO Swiss version at cheaper prices the two big dealers went to the factory and told them specifically not to sell Ruby those watches. I am facing this same crisis now as I am trying to get the new graham chronofighter in. When my price was advertised at $340, which brought me a hefty profit, and was $60 USD cheaper than the other two main dealers, those dealers went to the factory and asked not to sell this version to me. My actions I believe have been in the best of the community. In the end I realize that a simple thread when all these problems arised would have sufficed, but again i do not deal with things like this. I get drunk, pop a few pills and withdraw. I can only hope to do things differently in the future. More importantly, for every bad review you read there are 30-40 good ones that you never hear about. I sold well over 1000 watches last year with just a couple bad reviews. In any other business i think that is an excellent track record. I try to do my best to take care off every client before, during, and after the sell. What we need to remember though is that these are replica watches, the quality control not as good as the $10 casios that you can find in any Wal-mart. Yet, we expect these watches to run perfectly, we expect the cases to last forever, we expect warranties, and service that you would find at AD's. We expect every panerai movement to have perfect CDG, perfect this, perfect that. Well if perfection is what you are in search for go buy a GEN. Well I am here to tell you that everyone has been LYING to themselves. These watches would not even be quality wise the rejects from brands such as Invicta, Casio, Seiko,etc! Why can my cheap $80 USD Invicta perform better than a $400 USD cousteau, which supposedly has a better movement, yeah right! Infact, the date/day wheels have always lined up perfectly, and the power reserve is much nicer. Then again it is the unrealistic expectations that the watches that we buy are SUPERIOR. What you are buying are cheap watches, built in a country with terrible labour conditions, but this is besides the point. My advice for those with unrealistic expectations, do yourself a favour, save your pennies and buy a gen. You will be much happier in the long run, more appreciative. Lastly, I grow tired of this hobby of mine and am considering retiring. I am tired of all the threating emails, blackmail, etc. Tired of all the unrealistic expectations. Tired of all the childish behaviour, back stabbing, and just plain sick of a few of the primadonnas that freqeunt these boards and others. I have not made a decision yet, but to further contribute to this forum in the event that I do stop collecting, I WILL SHARE MY THREE SUPPLIERS CONTACT INFORMATION. THEY TAKE MONEYGRAM AND WESTERN UNION AND YOU WILL GET WHOLESALE PRICE ON ALL THE WATCHES THAT YOU ORDER! I HAVE WORKED WITH THESE SUPPLIERS FOR OVER A YEAR AND THEY HAVE ALWAYS DELIVERED! WHY BUY FROM ANY OTHER DEALERS WHEN YOU CAN GET WATCHES UP TO 60% OFF RETAIL? Edited March 11, 2008 by TWP
UB7 Posted March 11, 2008 Report Posted March 11, 2008 Very sorry to hear this mate, you are long overdue for some good luck just hang in there and take it 1 day at a time. But let me say just 1 thing, flush those benzo's down the toilet and don't look back. Benzo withdraw makes heroin and opiate withdraw look like a cakewalk. While you cannot die from withdraws from opiates (or at least its very hard too), benzodiazpam and alcohol withdraw can be fatal and life threatening, especially when the benzo's are combined with alcohol. If you have trouble sleeping, try a non-narcotic such as ambien, lunesta, or seroquel (this is the preferred out of the 3). If you can get a doctor to RX you a script of seroquel (25mg) this will put you to sleep very quickly, and you will wake up refreshed. It is also non-habit forming. Before I decided to go to law school, I was preparing to become an addictionologist. And after I graduated law school, I worked at Riker's Island recommending inmates who were addicted to heroin, alcohol..etc for treatment. I've seen it all friend, and benzo's are the worst of the worst. Please do yourself a favor and quit the benzo's before you become physically/mentally dependant, i've seen people end up hospitalized upon trying to kick their diazpam habit. You owe it to your wife, and kids to stay healthy so you can be there for them. Very sorry to hear about your child, hope everything works out for the best. Just hang in there mate! Like doc said, we are all rooting for you
The Mentalist Posted March 11, 2008 Report Posted March 11, 2008 Life has really kicked you in the balls. I wish you all the best. It takes a lot of guts to write what you just did. I hope it all works out and you have a better year. Now about your suppliers.....
TWP Posted March 11, 2008 Author Report Posted March 11, 2008 Very sorry to hear this mate, you are long overdue for some good luck just hang in there and take it 1 day at a time. But let me say just 1 thing, flush those benzo's down the toilet and don't look back. Benzo withdraw makes heroin and opiate withdraw look like a cakewalk. While you cannot die from withdraws from opiates (or at least its very hard too), benzodiazpam and alcohol withdraw can be fatal and life threatening, especially when the benzo's are combined with alcohol. If you have trouble sleeping, try a non-narcotic such as ambien, lunesta, or seroquel (this is the preferred out of the 3). If you can get a doctor to RX you a script of seroquel (25mg) this will put you to sleep very quickly, and you will wake up refreshed. It is also non-habit forming. Before I decided to go to law school, I was preparing to become an addictionologist. And after I graduated law school, I worked at Riker's Island recommending inmates who were addicted to heroin, alcohol..etc for treatment. I've seen it all friend, and benzo's are the worst of the worst. Please do yourself a favor and quit the benzo's before you become physically/mentally dependant, i've seen people end up hospitalized upon trying to kick their diazpam habit. Very sorry to hear about your child, hope everything works out for the best. Just hang in there mate! Actually, I have been on zolpidem for three years now 20MG. I often mix the three! Which is completely insane, like playing russian roulette. About the benzo's i have weened myself down from 3mg daily to .25 mg, but when sheeit hits the fan popping is just to easy. I have fought now to get of benzo's for three years now and it has proven to be most diffucult.I appreciate your words of encouragement!
surpur Posted March 11, 2008 Report Posted March 11, 2008 Life has really kicked you in the balls. I wish you all the best. It takes a lot of guts to write what you just did. I hope it all works out and you have a better year. Now about your suppliers..... Totally agree and I hope you will now see better times and you and your family will get better. Remember always - in life when it went down like for you, there is a big happy up just around the corner.
TWP Posted March 11, 2008 Author Report Posted March 11, 2008 Oh, I would also like to publically apologize to itailano177661. The racial slurs i made where completely wrong. At one time you were a good customer. I am sorry!
Corgi Posted March 11, 2008 Report Posted March 11, 2008 I think it's sad your wife would make you turn over your computers and give you a polygraph test to determine if you are lying. In a really healthy marriage a partner's word should be more than enough evidence... but I do feel for you, and although we've never done any business, my heart goes out to you. I really hope the future holds more luck in your future. Stay strong friend.
Victoria Posted March 11, 2008 Report Posted March 11, 2008 I just logged in, saw your PM about an awaiting email, and was thrilled to bits you had returned. Then I read this. I've said this before, TWP, you are the most honest (in the fullest sense of the word) person I have ever met online. You say things, if I were experiencing them, I would have trouble sharing with my most intimate friends, let alone on the ethernet. I don't know whether to be shocked or not. But I do know when to be touched. Your life touches me deeply. It also makes me wonder why my own life and personality has been spared such travails, with the secret fear that bad things are yet to come. Let's hope I'll have your courage and forthrightness, if and when. A word to my fellow forum members: The problem with these one-man operations, like we've seen with TTK and now TWP, guys, is that we expect way too much from one person. In business models we are used to, we have assurances of professionalism and accountability when things go wrong. We don't expect to be cheated, or ignored. We expect promptness, and near flawless products. That's not the rep game, guys. If that's what your personality demands, pray you, stop ordering. You'll be upset more often than not. As it stands, we're soon to lose two reasonably trustworthy dealers, amongst a list of rep watch scammers that count in the THOUSANDS. That doesn't mean we can't get angry or feel done out of our money when something bad happens. It does mean that piling on needlessly in threads of explanation confirms to them they should leave, and take care of themselves first. We'll see what happens now, won't we, with apprentice collectors all too willing to fill the voids. TWP, take care of yourself. Make the right decisions, not out of revenge, nor to stir the pot, but for yourself, your family, and your customers. That's all anyone would expect of you.
TWP Posted March 11, 2008 Author Report Posted March 11, 2008 I think it's sad your wife would make you turn over your computers and give you a polygraph test to determine if you are lying. In a really healthy marriage a partner's word should be more than enough evidence... but I do feel for you, and although we've never done any business, my heart goes out to you. I really hope the future holds more luck in your future. Stay strong friend. Corgi yes that is quite understandable. In a healthy marriage one would not expect to find offerings of sex reinforced with nude pictures in email. To be exact my response was Oh my god those pictures are HOT. When would you like to meet on Saturday. Can you imagine finding this on your wife's instant messenger?
doc savage Posted March 11, 2008 Report Posted March 11, 2008 T, It's encouraging to hear you counting your blessings and working towards the future. Please give your wife and son the full benefit of your life and mind--the alcohol and meds might get you through the pain but I'm sure you know where it leads in the end. I turned to alcohol myself once, I stopped going to work and basically dropped out of life. It took a huge effort for me to leave that part of my life behind and move on. My boys were diagnosed with autism in '96 and '98; my ex was already suffering from bipolar disorder and the situation with the kids didn't help it much. I know it must suck pretty intensely to have your work attacked, but in the past you have fought it in a very postitive way with your "respect sale." I'm sure that for every person complaining there are ten that are happily wearing their watches, that's just the nature of customer feedback. Try not to let it bother you so much, if you delivered every order in record time you would still get complaints. Just want you to know that you do have people rooting for you.
Guest carlsbadrolex Posted March 11, 2008 Report Posted March 11, 2008 Having never personally had dealings with you I cannot attest to your abilities or integrity. But when Victoria stands up for you, there is alot of weight in that testimony. Your personal affairs (pardon the pun) and the string of horrible events can obviously make ones life difficult. My concern as a human being is for your health and the health of those that you love. Take care of yourself man, ABOVE ALL. Although you appear to be a trust worthy replica watch dealer, the industry will survive for awhile without you. YOU however may not survive if your activities are not changed drastically. Know that at least one ill tempered, over reactionary, poor mannered American is pulling for you! You and your family are in my prayers!
rek001 Posted March 11, 2008 Report Posted March 11, 2008 Whew, that was tough to read. My GF is in the med biz, I've heard all the stories. I know you realize this but you can't go on drinking & drugging like this, you'll end up without a job or a hsopital that will take you. Then what. We'll be holding steady for you, anytime you need it.
The Mentalist Posted March 11, 2008 Report Posted March 11, 2008 In a healthy marriage one would not expect to find offerings of sex reinforced with nude pictures in email. We could all hope to be so lucky. It takes a strong man to resist that kind of temptation and an even stronger man to admit it, take his lumps and try and make things right. Sounds like you did just that and I admire that. BTW, do you still have her number?
Edwin25 Posted March 11, 2008 Report Posted March 11, 2008 TWP, I feel sorry for you... i hope nobody encounters the same thing in life. You have been in deep [censored] ! Now face life, and make the most of it Good Luck and all the best... Edwin
scoobs1971 Posted March 11, 2008 Report Posted March 11, 2008 Wow, that's some story.... I really feel sorry for you, man. But stop the booz and the meds as of now! This will only take your life into more drama. Concentrate on your family, health and job. These are the most important things in life. I think at this moment in your life the modding and 'collecting' takes away of that. Besides, the moment you say you are in business people expect you to work as a business man - rep business or not. Maybe you need to take a step back for a while and don't take new orders, handle the pending ones and get your life back on track. Take care!
TWP Posted March 11, 2008 Author Report Posted March 11, 2008 (edited) I am quite sure that Victoria could not have said it better. There are many of us that are one man shows, that have normal lives, families, and we do this as a hobby. My first rep experience was a bad one! Then i found the forums are then found luckky! There are so many more things that i would like to elaborate on, many deeper topics concerning highly respected members but I do not wish to create rifts in this community. I, too, have video, photographical, and email messages if you know what i mean. Out of discretion i choose the high road. I know it must suck pretty intensely to have your work attacked, but in the past you have fought it in a very postitive way with your "respect sale." I'm sure that for every person complaining there are ten that are happily wearing their watches, that's just the nature of customer feedback. Try not to let it bother you so much, if you delivered every order in record time you would still get complaints Thank you for your words of encouragement. I suppose if you thought my modding sucked you wouldn't have sent your 127 to me, eh? I am surprised that you did not go with a certified modder though To this day I have never spoken one bad word, EVER, about my competition. Never have I said anything bad about any dealer or modder. There are many people whom could tell you that i have spoken praise about Andrew, Narikaa, Vaccum, and The Zigmeister. Never one single insult. Infact, when The Zigmeister had his going away party I contributed to his Patron! However, the best way to get rid of competition is to eliminate it. I am not saying anything nor implying anything. All one has to do is recruit a bunch of trolls, lackies, smucks, behind them and attack. Take care of yourself man, ABOVE ALL. Although you appear to be a trust worthy replica watch dealer, the industry will survive for awhile without you. YOU however may not survive if your activities are not changed drastically. Know that at least one ill tempered, over reactionary, poor mannered American is pulling for you! You and your family are in my prayers! Edited March 11, 2008 by TWP
mendota Posted March 11, 2008 Report Posted March 11, 2008 Dear All First let me point out that i am not looking for any sympathy, rather to inform everybody what has happened in my life for the past several months that has effected all aspects of my life. Last year proved to be one of the worst years of my life, and this year has not started off any better. For those that do not already know it began with my eldest son, now almost three, being falsely diagnosed with autism. After taking him to several different respected medical institutions an accurate diagnosis was finally made. Needless to say, unless you have children it is unfathomable to comprehend how much anxiety, stress, and pressure this has put on my family and myself. Since his diagnosis he has come a long way due to his twice weekly therapy sessions. His vocabulary as went from five words eight months ago to over 300, and this has been a blessing. Second, the week before Thanksgiving my wife intercepted an email from a female colleague. The email was very damning, it contained nude pictures and very incriminating responses. I was kicked out of my house, rightfully. I lost the ability to work on watches, communicate with clients. It is very humbling to live in a hotel room for a week! After turning over both my computers, telephone records, and taking a polygraph test my wife decided that indeed I had no intentions of or was having an affair. As you can imagine this put a damper on our entire holiday situation. Third, in december my wife was diagnosed with Lupus and has started presenting the classic neurologic symptons. She is 25 years of age, and her chances of living a productive normal life are slim. To make matters worse a couple weeks ago she had a late second term miscarriage. To add insult to injury three days after her procedure she had to be taken back to surgery to have a suction curretage for retained placenta. She had lost a lot of blood, her hemogoblin was 3, and had to be transfused with 8 units of blood. Fourth, my best friend whom was expecting his first child lost their child in the second trimester. Their experience was much worse as her placenta actually had grown into her uterus which due to medical necessity resulted in an emergancy hysterectomy. In layman terms she lost her child and her uterus! Fifth, since Christmas day I have suffered from three bilateral eye infections. Quite abnormal considering that usually people just get pink eye only a couple times in their lives. I found out last week that the bacteria is resistant to Cipro, which has forced me to take more powerful antibiotics, abandon contacts, which not really a problem however my visual acuity is not as good with my glasses. Sixth, we all handle problems differently. I am an alcoholic. I LOVE bourbon, and when i do drink four doubles is just getting me warmed up. Also, I have a particular weakness for diazepam during crisis situations. I know that this is the wrong way to handle problems, but it keeps the crippling depression at bay. If anyone here has suffered from severe depression then you all know what i am talking about. Really you just do not give a f*&K about anything. I cannot tell you how many times I simply did not log onto the computer, because I could not force myself to. Seventh, Navigator ripped me off on 40 cannon pinion sets that put me a month behind on all my mod orders. He has now made good on this, so that is cool. Eight, I had a huge seizure in december, eta movements ran out of stock, new asian movements ran out of stock and this has delayed a lot of orders. While most people would just pack it up and run at this point, I have reordered every watch and continue to delivery to my customers. I was burned a couple years back by a dealer known as luckky for $2000 USD so i know how it feels to be scammed. This i will never do. Nine, on a good note we are in the process of moving. We have found an old 1877 Victorian House a couple hours out of town that we are completely restoring. This will be very rewarding once it is complete. The Facts I may not be the best dealer, but to this day I have not ever ripped anyone off or scammed anyone. Infact, i am probably the most giving collector on the boards. Typically when problems arise i do not ask any questions, i simply take care of the problems or give refunds! Period. That is the way i have always done business. I am honest. I was the first dealer to point out to the community that UPO, of late, was being built with the 2842 movement instead of the 2824-2 movement. I always price my watches according to what i would pay for them as a consumer, and this is in direct conflict with other dealers that want to drive prices up to unreasonable levels. For example, when Ruby started offering the Big Bang SS and SFSO Swiss version at cheaper prices the two big dealers went to the factory and told them specifically not to sell Ruby those watches. I am facing this same crisis now as I am trying to get the new graham chronofighter in. When my price was advertised at $340, which brought me a hefty profit, and was $60 USD cheaper than the other two main dealers, those dealers went to the factory and asked not to sell this version to me. My actions I believe have been in the best of the community. In the end I realize that a simple thread when all these problems arised would have sufficed, but again i do not deal with things like this. I get drunk, pop a few pills and withdraw. I can only hope to do things differently in the future. More importantly, for every bad review you read there are 30-40 good ones that you never hear about. I sold well over 1000 watches last year with just a couple bad reviews. In any other business i think that is an excellent track record. I try to do my best to take care off every client before, during, and after the sell. What we need to remember though is that these are replica watches, the quality control not as good as the $10 casios that you can find in any Wal-mart. Yet, we expect these watches to run perfectly, we expect the cases to last forever, we expect warranties, and service that you would find at AD's. We expect every panerai movement to have perfect CDG, perfect this, perfect that. Well if perfection is what you are in search for go buy a GEN. Well I am here to tell you that everyone has been LYING to themselves. These watches would not even be quality wise the rejects from brands such as Invicta, Casio, Seiko,etc! Why can my cheap $80 USD Invicta perform better than a $400 USD cousteau, which supposedly has a better movement, yeah right! Infact, the date/day wheels have always lined up perfectly, and the power reserve is much nicer. Then again it is the unrealistic expectations that the watches that we buy are SUPERIOR. What you are buying are cheap watches, built in a country with terrible labour conditions, but this is besides the point. My advice for those with unrealistic expectations, do yourself a favour, save your pennies and buy a gen. You will be much happier in the long run, more appreciative. Lastly, I grow tired of this hobby of mine and am considering retiring. I am tired of all the threating emails, blackmail, etc. Tired of all the unrealistic expectations. Tired of all the childish behaviour, back stabbing, and just plain sick of a few of the primadonnas that freqeunt these boards and others. I have not made a decision yet, but to further contribute to this forum in the event that I do stop collecting, I WILL SHARE MY THREE SUPPLIERS CONTACT INFORMATION. THEY TAKE MONEYGRAM AND WESTERN UNION AND YOU WILL GET WHOLESALE PRICE ON ALL THE WATCHES THAT YOU ORDER! I HAVE WORKED WITH THESE SUPPLIERS FOR OVER A YEAR AND THEY HAVE ALWAYS DELIVERED! WHY BUY FROM ANY OTHER DEALERS WHEN YOU CAN GET WATCHES UP TO 60% OFF RETAIL? Alcoholism is a progressive disease. Life gets more and more unmanageable, and only getting sober will change things. Your story is typical, full of chaos and anger. The only hope is getting sober. Get sober, and the rest will get better ; but first you have to stop drinking and drugging. Alcoholics Anonymous can save your life. Maybe you've tried it and you weren't ready. Now you better be ready. Do it man. Things won't get better if you don't - they'll get worse until you end up in jail, in a hospital, or in the morgue.
Guest avitt Posted March 11, 2008 Report Posted March 11, 2008 I am very sorry to hear about your misfortune. A few thought of advice came to mind when reading your message. They are in your best interest, and not necessarily the forum's: I think that it's fantastic that you picked up the old Victorian. I think that you should focus all of your free time on the house...Spend your time thinking about crown mouldings, tiling technique, etc. It will be a great distraction, and will draw you closer to your wife. I'd back away from the rep business for a while, if I were in your shoes - Maybe cut back to just occasional dealings with those you consider to be friends...Those who will appreciate what you do for them. Pick and choose those deals which will have the highest probability to make you feel good about yourself. Hold onto your contacts. They are a valuable asset. You don't know how your situation will change in the future, and it might benefit you to retain these resources. Peace.
Victoria Posted March 11, 2008 Report Posted March 11, 2008 Hold onto your contacts. They are a valuable asset. You don't know how your situation will change in the future, and it might benefit you to retain these resources. YES. To inject a bit of levity, remember that old saying: "Does Macy's tell Gimbel's?" Well, Macy's is still around, isn't it...wonder why. @TWP's reply: I know that may be true -- that you're quitting forever. But right now, your life is shambolic. Do you really want to be making decisions about what or what not you'll be doing in future, NOW? Well, it's none of our business. But look at all the replies so far. Just take care of YOU.
TWP Posted March 11, 2008 Author Report Posted March 11, 2008 YES. To inject a bit of levity, remember that old saying: "Does Macy's tell Gimbel's?" Well, Macy's is still around, isn't it...wonder why. While true i doubt that if i leave i will ever return. The only part i enjoy anymore is modding to be honest. There was a time i enjoyed playing the violin, too.
stevie7s Posted March 11, 2008 Report Posted March 11, 2008 T, Some of the things that you mentioned, I would not wish on my worst enemy. I am so sorry that you are going through them in your personal life. I hope that all that is behind you now and that your new home provides you and your family with a fresh start. As far as hearing that you sometimes battle your demons with booze and pills, all I can say is to remember your little guy and think of him when you reach for those bottles. He needs his daddy much more than you need those vices and eventually when things return to normal around your home, those bad things, as well as all the bad memories, will be a part of your past. Take it one day at a time and remember you are among friends here
loewenheart Posted March 11, 2008 Report Posted March 11, 2008 I have known a person once that had alcohol/substance abuse probs just like yours and she would tell me the most unbelievable stories with the utmost of confidence. They were still all lies.... loewenheart
capice Posted March 11, 2008 Report Posted March 11, 2008 Man, all sh()*&t came on you for a year, how can you survive? Because you've got family. I know from very close buy what booze can destroy so get some help quitting the stuff m8, or your kids will loose their father. I scincerely hope you get your life back in order and wish you and your family all the best
dvn Posted March 11, 2008 Report Posted March 11, 2008 TWP - I have a son who is slow in speech developement and me and my wife were in a constant worry since he was 2 until now. He is going quite well now. So i feel for you and what you went through. My was lucky i didn't to have to turn to booze for it. in my opions and for as long as you did not screw anyone, your priority is your family so take care of yourself and your family frist and be strong. things are always work out right for good people. Takecare dude.
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