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Keystroke Loggers...information Needed


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Hello Everyone.

I have been away from the forum in recent weeks. All is well with me, so don't get overly concerned. Cut to the chase, I am trying to help a friend at work trace her childs path online, and she is looking for a key(stroke) logger of some sort. Can anyone tell me any info, advice, experience with particular programs, etc. It would be greatly appreciated. I wouldn't have posted this if she said her child was online looking for reps. Thanks for helping keep a child safe!

Esmarc :pimp:

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For a young child, use Netnanny. Younger kids won't mind the restrictions, and it is a rather overt program. Older kids will resent any keylogger. If they discover its use, all trust will be lost between parent and child. Any restrictions or logging actions by parents must be known to the child and (grudgingly) accepted to be effective and successful. Snooping will be counterproductive. Tell them not to.

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I have a few questions before I can give you an educated response:

How old is this child?

Is the child going to be unsupervised on the Internet?

Does this person use AOL or broadband service?

How much money does this person want to spend?

Just a few questions to help "guide" our info. ;)

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I have a few questions before I can give you an educated response:

How old is this child?

Is the child going to be unsupervised on the Internet?

Does this person use AOL or broadband service?

How much money does this person want to spend?

Just a few questions to help "guide" our info. ;)

Teenage child, who has been known to do things online and meet people he shouldn't have

Unfortunately yes, at the moment, he will be unmonitored on the internet, either this or pull the plug on the net.

This family uses DSL, not sure about AOL or Yahoo, etc.

Trying to spend as little money as possible while getting the most bang for your buck...

Thanks Willith, et al.

Esmarc :pimp:

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Trying to spend as little money as possible while getting the most bang for your buck...

Searching for a technical solution for as political problem will never be 100%. Will the teenager know there's a keylogger installed, ie will he be actively seeking ways past it, or is this a covert operation?

I recommend moving the PC to the living room, as it's cheaper and easier, but if the PC is being used as a replacement for supervision, then you might do well using a proxy/firewall solution. That way you can log everything on a separate machine that the teenager cannot circumvent.

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Thanks Pugwash,

The teen will not know, covert ops. This is in place of parental supervision as his Mom has to work some nights. It is my understanding that the teen is not "computer savvy" enough to manipulate some of the newer keylogging software.

Thanks again, any input and advice is greatly appreciated guys!

Esmarc :pimp:

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No need to move the PC anywhere....and no need for your child to know they are being monitored......simply install e-blaster from Spectrum software......it will monitor every activity on the PC...logon / logoff sessions..........all keystrokes typed are logged...all programs launched......website visits.....chatroom sessions.....sensitive words and phrases.......like... ( meet / what time etc etc)......downloads......e-mails sent and received.....will take a screenshot at user defined times......has it's own e-mail client...and you can have all the information forwarded to the e-mail address of your choice as many times a day as you like......is invisble and can be activated and de-activated by a simple password....unless your child is a prodigy....he/she wont find it.......!

I'm an ex PI and I used it in many matrimonial cases......as well as business use.....it works superbly and costs about $99.00

Here's the website.....: www.spectorsoft.com

And an example of what it can do.....!

• Are your children being approached by child molesters?

• Are your employees stealing from you by goofing off all day online?

• Do they close chat and other windows whenever you walk into the room?

You have the RIGHT TO KNOW!

eBlaster gives you the power to uncover the truth...

it’s as easy as checking your email.


Let eBlaster Show You EVERYTHING They Do Online

eBlaster is the most dependable, full-featured remote surveillance product available from the worldwide leader in Internet monitoring software. Robust and secure for the most demanding businesses, yet easy for even computer novices to install and use effectively, eBlaster provides both Instant Notification Email and Chat Alerts with Comprehensive Hourly and Daily Activity Reports to give you the power and control to:

Be Copied IMMEDIATELY On Their:

• Emails

• Chats

• Instant Messages

• Sensitive Words and Phrases

Receive Detailed Hourly Email Reports Of ALLTheir Internet And PC Activity, Including:

• Emails sent and received

• Both sides of Chats and Instant Messages

• Web Sites visited

• Sensitive Words and Phrases

• Programs launched

• Peer-to-Peer (P2P) files downloaded

• Every Keystroke typed

• Logon/Logoff activity

Download And Install eBlaster In Under 10 Minutes

Purchase eBlaster now – it’s the monitoring software of choice when you absolutely, positively need to know EXACTLY what your employees or family members are doing online -- even if you are thousands of miles away.


Time-sensitive events -- such as employee email transmission of company confidential information or a molester’s chat room advances directed toward your son or daughter -- require immediate action. That’s why eBlaster 5.0 employs Instant Notification to provide you with an EXACT copy of every email, chat, and instant message. Additionally, eBlaster features the ability to capture and forward key words and phrases you determine are particularly sensitive and worthy of receiving as part of your Instant Notification.

Immediate Email Forwarding

eBlaster records and INSTANTLY forwards incoming and outgoing emails, including Hotmail, Yahoo mail, AOL email, MySpace webmail, Outlook, Outlook Express, and Microsoft Exchange email. No other product on the market records and IMMEDIATELY forwards emails. eBlaster acts at the moment an email is sent or received and then sends a copy to the email address you specify.

NEW! eBlaster now permits you to “pick and choose” the emails you wish to see, using a powerful filtering function designed to save you time and the frustration of sorting through unimportant correspondence.

Immediate Chat And Instant Message Forwarding

eBlaster records and forwards BOTH sides of chats and instant messages for:

• AOL chat rooms

• AOL Instant Messenger


• MSN Messenger

• Yahoo Messenger


• Trillian, and many more.

Only eBlaster provides you with this valuable feature.

Keyword And Phrase Detection

eBlaster's powerful Instant Notification functions permit you to monitor even more. You can direct eBlaster to look for certain keywords or sensitive phrases, and when they appear, eBlaster will email you IMMEDIATELY.


eBlaster records EVERYTHING and sends it to you in an easy-to-read Scheduled Activity Report. This comprehensive report can be sent as often as every 30 minutes, or every few hours, or just once a day. Take your choice … your wish is eBlaster’s command!

eBlaster's Comprehensive Scheduled Activity Report includes Emails Sent and Received, Chats and Instant Messages, Keywords/Phrases, User Logon/Logoff, Web Sites Visited, Keystrokes Typed, Programs Launched, and Peer-to-Peer File Sharing.

Email Recording

eBlaster records incoming and outgoing emails, including Hotmail, Yahoo mail, AOL email, MySpace webmail, Outlook, Outlook Express, and Microsoft Exchange email. In addition, eBlaster permits you to “pick and choose” the emails you wish to see, using a powerful filtering function designed to save you time and the frustration of sorting through unimportant correspondence.

Chat And Instant Message Recording

eBlaster records BOTH sides of chats and instant messages for:

• AOL chat rooms

• AOL Instant Messenger


• MSN Messenger

• Yahoo Messenger


• Trillian, and many more.

Web Sites Visited

eBlaster records URLs of all web sites visited. The exclusive eBlaster Activity Report includes:

• URL visited

• Total time spent on each web site, and

• Date and time the web page was first viewed.

Keystrokes Typed

eBlaster will record every keystroke typed on the computer, whether part of a chat conversation, an instant message, an email, a Word document, or even a password typed. The eBlaster Activity Report includes:

• Application in which the keystrokes were captured

• Date and time the characters were captured

• Actual captured characters, and

• Optional hidden character reporting (Shift, Delete, Control, Return).

Program Activity

eBlaster includes a monitoring tool capable of providing a comprehensive overview of all applications used on your home or office PC. The eBlaster Activity Report includes:

• Application

• Application start time, total time, active time, and

• Character count.

Peer-To-Peer File Sharing

eBlaster permits you to address the legally sensitive issue of file-sharing by capturing information from:

• Kazaa

• Kazaa Lite

• Morpheus

• Limewire, and

• Gnucleus P2P.

Keywords And Phrases

The power of eBlaster permits you to direct the program to look for certain keywords or sensitive phrases, and when they appear, eBlaster will record them and include its findings in your Comprehensive Scheduled Activity Report.

User Logon/Logoff

When a user at the monitored computer logs on or logs off, eBlaster will record the activity and include it in your Comprehensive Scheduled Activity Report.



Edited by TTK
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@Bob and Puggy...whilst I agree that there is no substitute for building a great relationship with your kids......educating them.....unfortunately the great relationship that you build can evaporate very quickly as soon as they come under peer pressure that doesn't align itself with your way of thinking / moral beliefs etc etc.......the best way is to monitor the external influences that are being directed towards your child......you know the old saying.....knowledge is power.....and power in the hands of a responsible parent is greatest power......better to have a gun and not need it....than need a gun and not have it....!

The internet is a sick place, full of sick people

Yeah....look at this place..... :lol:

Edited by TTK
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@Bob and Puggy...whilst I agree that there is no substitute for building a great relationship with your kids......educating them.....unfortunately the great relationship that you build can evaporate very quickly as soon as they come under peer pressure that doesn't align itself with your way of thinking / moral beliefs etc etc.......the best way is to monitor the external influences that are being directed towards your child......you know the old saying.....knowledge is power.....and power in the hands of a responsible parent is greatest power......better to have a gun and not need it....than need a gun and not have it....!

Yeah....look at this place..... :lol:

good point here.

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Thank you EVERYONE for your informative posts. Fortunately this is not a situation I have to deal with personally, and I agree with those of you who recommend good parenting. I don't have kids, and I have a girlfriend who lets me roam the web as freely as I like (hence many hours spent here).

Stay tuned for my new avatar, my girlfriend is getting sick of looking at Lima's cleavage every time I post...

Esmarc :pimp:

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If you install something covert, how do you then confront the kid regarding his online actions without destroying any trust that may be left in the relationship? Teenagers are somewhat volatile. The idea of ACLs and the child knowing the limits at the outset and that the limits will be monitored is by far the best. Just my $.02. However, even though I'm middle-aged, I'm not yet a parent.

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Stay tuned for my new avatar, my girlfriend is getting sick of looking at Lima's cleavage every time I post...

Esmarc :pimp:

I'll never get sick of that! :wub:

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Believe me......lack of trust is nothing compared to the dangers that confront our kids every day.....a responsible parent wouldn't reveal that the child is being monitored......they'll act in a way that's appropriate...unless their child is in real imminent danger...at which point the trust issue has to be put aside.....a reasonable child will see that his parent(s) are acting in his /her best interest from love and nothing more sinister.....trust can be rebuilt.....a missing child or one who is hopelessly hooked on drugs or aligning themselves with loony cults is much more of a challenge...I'd rather know than not know.....wilfull ignorance where your children is concerned is tantamount to neglect......!

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TTK is right, and if your kids know that you are monitoring them they will find other avenues to circumvent (friends, library). Admittedly it wouldn't be a fun conversation, but how would you rather find out your daughter is traveling to the middle east to be with some guy she met on myspace, keylogger or evening news.

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Bob (Nanuq) gotta thank you for the Blue chair idea, yesterday I took my 4yo into the Lounge room and introduced her to our new family chair, she has already made use of it on a couple of occassions. :thumbsupsmileyanim:


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