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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/20/2015 in all areas

  1. Just took a few shots of these two together and adore both, PAM 47's are the way to go and these two are pretty well as good as you can get and both wearing my favourite watch strap maker Mario (Orloff) whos OEM quality is simply superb. Regards AJ
    1 point
  2. 1 point
  3. It does exactly the same Micky, there wild and only the 1,4,7 and 10 are in the right position! AJ
    1 point
  4. All I can say Micky is their loss and our gain. Best to keep you all to our selves. I would advise any member who needs a great watch smith in EU to send their watches to SSTEEL. BTW my 2 TC,s will be coming to you soon when your back log is cleared mate. Mart
    1 point
  5. I think she is getting close to assembly.... Sent from my droptop using telepathy [emoji466]️
    1 point
  6. cc.. that insert is just crazy... never ceases to amaze me how ridiculously fat the the fonts are..
    1 point
  7. Maybe the content of these images would qualify as art?
    1 point
  8. Agree totally, do not fight with the inevitable, let it go and move on, this is wasting too much of the most precious commodity we all have, time. Regards AJ
    1 point
  9. Micky: He's a very bad man. Oops wrong forum. Seriously though, sometimes people act as sheep to fit in. Usualky the ones without enough willpower or fight in them. Maybe this 'friend' just wants to fit in there. I understand it hurts but sometimes you just have to accept that whilst you're not at fault people are following the herd. Maybe he fears the ban gerbils there if he defends you. Let it slide and move on. You can't please all of the people all if the time. And now you can't defend yourself there so put your energy into places who value your contribution.
    1 point
  10. TC has the "classic" aka 16610, you have the "modern" sub aka 116610 This looks to me as a Noob v5, and a nice sample too!
    1 point
  11. So are the 1680 and 6263. After some follow-up over on another board, it sounds like the point of this thread is we have so many options with out of box modern pieces but not with vintages. There are revisions after revisions put out for modern pieces, for example.
    1 point
  12. Something of note, I do know you can order replacement lenses direct from Ray Ban. I have a pair of polarized cockpits I bought from an AD about 5 years ago that I still wear. Dropped them one time flat on the lenses and busted one scratched the other pretty bad. Called Ray Ban and ordered a new set of polarized lenses for I think $60 or so. So if the rep frame is built like gen you could buy gen lenses and have a pair of Franken glasses. My uncle is an opthomologist and always in in either Revo or Rayban. He says even though lenses block UV etc. The quality of the lenses is where the big difference is at Compare looking through a pair of good lenses vs. a pair of polarized UV filter glasses from the likes of Foster Grant, big difference and I would think the Foster grants are of better quality lenses than reps are. Right now I have the Ray Ban Cockpits, Maui Jim Freight Trains, Gatorz polarized Magnums, Wiley x Saints, and Wiley X Romer ll's. Sunglasses and watches are my 2 vices like a woman's purses and shoes
    1 point
  13. My guess is that is a custom made dial, hands, bezel, and dome crystal. More complicated case work and one off custom parts would definitely drive up costs. The project x is only slightly modified using most of the original parts. It would only make sense that these would most likely cost more and if you really study them they should. If I ever buy another modern watch, I will seriously consider this. I keep coming back to marvel at the pictures. It truly is a work of art. Sent from my droptop using telepathy [emoji466]️
    1 point
  14. Lets not debate politics knothead and gran not allowed on The forum Knothead thanks for your service but why say you killed terrorists where did that came from? I been In The army The airforce i even flew f-16 Many years i been to 4 wars Old Kosovo Iraq Afghanistan Libya protected eastern countries airspace from russia i did my time my service and dont expect a thank you or respect for it it was a Call to protect what is right i seen some really bad stuff im not gonna Lie i seen mass killings that Would keep you Awake for 20 years i spent Many nights just thinking about The things i done But there is nothing noble In killing a man knot so please stop using that phrase your sentence somehow made it Like it is a noble Thing that you fought In The war i salute you for hearing The Call and did what you thought was right truly i do But jeez man i seen war others here have too A wise man once Said Respect your fallen enemy because he Also fought for what he believed In Gran i respect your opinion about The iraqi war i was there i agree with you In some points that it was a bad Call but Saddam needed to be removed nothing good Can ever come from a dictator Lets stop this thread and move on guys
    1 point
  15. SURE! That war was based on a lie and totally unwarranted. Yes! That war has created more terrorist than you ever killed.
    1 point
  16. Let me start off by saying I have known Matt since I was a kid. He was there for me when i got my first rep DJ and he turned it into a master piece when I was 13. It blew my mind at such a young age and I've been in the rep scene ever since. I am so happy I got to introduce him to the forums and he has been able to extend his expertise to all of you guys. Matt is truly a remarkable person. Truly a honor to know the guy.
    1 point
  17. Problem is if you buy and sell a fair number of watches, it's pretty darn difficult to remember all the little nuances of every sale. It's nice to be able to go back and review the thread later. Another factor, it's a useful research tool for folks who are looking for a particular model. looking back gives you a feel for the price range, what mods are popular and what they add pricewise to the watch. I realize that if you use free photo hosting services sometimes they delete photos after a time, or possibly people delete them to save on photo hosting costs. Personally, I don't like sites like Photobucket, I only use them on sites that won't allow direct downloads from my computer, like RWI. I believe that one problem is they compress the photos too much and there is a lot of image degradation. I'm very happy that this forum allows you to download directly from your photo files. I'm also very comfortable with leaving photos up on the website. Lastly, It's sometimes a good selling tool, I have had folks email me 2-3 years out asking if I still have a dial, strap, crystal or sometimes a watch. In most cases it's long gone, but I may have something similar that they could use. None of this is possible if you take down the sales thread as soon as the watch is sold. So now we are heading off on tangent, away from the original thread. Mickey, Very sorry about you being banned over there. Their loss Our gain!! Probably one of the big differences between private forums and public are the attitudes of the folks in charge. While I am certainly not and advocate of a "no holds barred, wild, wild west" atmosphere, a certain degree of latitude is always appreciated. Of course all of this is determined by the moderators. If you appoint someone as a moderator and they are the type who get's their energy from "power trips" in your face moderation and a very caustic demeanor, over time they will run off more people than they gain, and usually the folks that leave are the ones with the most knowledge and the biggest contributors. After all, it stands to reason if you never post, you are never going to be banned!!
    1 point
  18. I'm happy that you guys are going to work this out in a gentlemanly manner (and I don't mean pistols at 20 paces!!) i did go back and read the original sales thread and looked at the photos. Here is my take on this in retrospect, and might help someone else in the future not get involved with a dispute like this. First off, i don't think the seller did a very good job with the photos, especially selling a very expensive watch. Second, I don't really think the buyer did his due diligence. I have been buying and selling genuine Rolex watches in a very small way for about 40 years. mostly selling something to buy something else. During that time, I have boughrt a lot of used watches, many were before the internet made transactions so easy or in some cases so difficult. I always asked the seller for good clear photos, including a photo of the lug ends so that I could see the engraving and serial number. If the watch is selling w/o papers, the serial is only important to date the watch, but also to make sure the serial # is pertinent to the years of production. Had the buyer asked to see the lug ends with the serial # as well as the other side with the model number, this whole thread would have never happened. Also had the seller posted good quality photos of the lug ends, this "He said, He said" about the buyer doing further work on the serial side would all be moot. Everyone could see what the watch looked like before it was sold.Because with genuine Rolex watches an intact serial number is so important, it is a must see before buying, period. Serial numbers are obliterated for several reasons, none of which are aboveboard. Grey market watches often have serial numbers removed, however these are OK watches,just can't be sent back to a RSC. The second reason amd far more serious are stolen watches.Problem is if they are removed, it's impossible to really tell if the watch was sold "grey market" or stolen. No serial also renders the papers worthless, the punched paper could be from any watch of that model ever produced. The serials are removed, just as serials #'s are removed on firearms, to eliminate tracability. In both of these cases, RSC will not under any circumstances work on these watches. Because of this as folks stated above, the market for a watch with destroyed serial numbers sells at a terribly steep discount, even if you can find a buyer.Also, delinberately removed serial numbers are not like serial numbers that wear off due to age. this is a watch made in 1995, it's 20 years old. the serial numbers would still be easily readible unless removed for a reason. So Guys lesson well learned, better photos of everything, and if they don't meet your requirements as a buyer, PM or email the seller and ask for more or cleared.
    1 point
  19. I believe that they are cracking down, because thye want everyone who sells or repairs to be a "supporting Vendor" At a "Small cost". I hate to see what they are doing happen, but their loss is definitely our gain!! I have known Matt for several years, and everything he has ever done for me has been better than expected. He and I have a lot in common, because we are about the same age, but that aside, he is very competent and a great guy to work with. In fact i have a watch all boxed up and in my truck, ready to drop at the PO, going to Matt.He has worked on genuine Rolex watches of mine, and that's something that i certainly wouldn't trust to just anyone.
    1 point
  20. Just in, traded my red sub and a little cash for it, double swiss gilt!
    1 point
  21. Well this is sad yet disturbing. But I guess there are lots of issues with shoddy work from less-than-competant modders via PM's and what not. For noobs, it can be tough to navigate who can be trusted and who can't, so holistically, I see the challenge for rep forum administrators. Not to work Mikey.. your reputation speaks for itself and those seeking quality work will find you.
    1 point
  22. Wow, defensive much? The question posed was actual location where these are made, which this thread gave no actual specs nor indication of location made, only "Swiss oem std". FGD answered the question already, and with much more grace than you seem to have. You are the one with the poor mental attitude, and it's unfortunate for FGD that your attitude also reflects poorly on him as well by association. I'm glad you have no more words because it may be best that you stay out of customer service related aspects of this endeavor and leave that to someone better equipped to handle.
    1 point
  23. I picked up the Steve Caporal bag from Ben at that price point. It really is an excellent bag and I am impressed to say the least. Shipping was $108 EMS but the packaging of the shipment was shit and I need to engage with Ben on that as it was very poorly wrapped. Faux croc Hermes box was all fucked up due to a few broken pieces of styrofoam used for the packing job. For Fucks Sake Ben....if I spend $1k for a bag, could you please fucking wrap that muther fucker up a little more with some bubble wrap. /rant off/ I plan to post pics and do a review here soon but am moving and wanted to chime in on the bag. I would like to comment that just like our watches and the various factories that kick out our reps, their are really good reps and really bad ones. Mine is excellent. OP got a shitty one for sure.
    1 point
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