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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/05/2015 in all areas

  1. Guys been away and trying to keep up via my phone which is terrible for posting but does take excellent pics. So get ready cause it's about raffle time again and we already have 9 watches in the raffle with many more to come! Now to figure out how to get the pics from phone to computer..................
    1 point
  2. If they had been I might have liked it more... you cant 'beat' a night out clubbing...
    1 point
  3. Personally I have always found the mods on RWI decent guys and also very patient when I have made selling mistakes in the past... Problem is always with any international community is that humour/cheekiness what ever you want to call it doesnt travel well.... and it can easily create an instant offensive or defensive response ... humour or the understanding of the translation of that humour into other languages or cultures can be a dangerous path and esily whats meant as a bit of fun can be taken the completely wrong way.... I think its better to remember the humour you meant to convey when typing rather than reacting negatively to someones misunderstanding... and a quick sorry and explanation is a quick resolution to any misunderstanding.. I always apologise if my humour does get taken the wrong way rather than question the other persons lack of understanding (which i aint saying is the case here) But all in all I always found it better to just hold your hands up and say sorry (whether I feel i am right or not) I aint into internet warrior or faceless bravado or getting myself worked up over and about something I only want to enjoy and benefit from.... All in all there are some great guys on any of the forums and there are some total twats... there are good mods and to a lesser extent some poor ones... For me its just a case of doing as your asked and if you disagree keep it to PMs other than that life is too short to make an enemy you will never meet let alone get yourself worked up over ... But thats me..
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. 3717 on 6.75" wrist works just fine ...
    1 point
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