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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/17/2016 in all areas

  1. I'm having a few 'specials' built by a great member here. Over the last few years I've collected parts as and when they come up. I was in no rush to complete things, after all; "good things come to those who wait" or so my mother tells me. It's now been a while since I started and I'm getting updates and things are getting close on some of the builds. My excitement is mounting, partly because I can't go out and buy these watches off the shelf and partly because I've been planning these for years. Am I alone in this or do others get excited about frankens, more so than a standard (however desirable) rep?
    1 point
  2. 243 on PhillyRock (strapmaker over at the other RWG) grey wildebeest...such a great strap!!!
    1 point
  3. Nice work. Looks like it was worn lovingly. No wrist shot though?
    1 point
  4. Yes and no, it seems no matter what it is once I get it meh................. it may sit in the box (gen) for a week or two before I get the bracelet expanded or rep try on if fits off to the watch box. I buy watches for friends just because (that is fun) for myself very little out there that I have not had in rep or gen form , think how many pass my doors for raffles guys. When you have had just about everything you get watched out, not to say I still do not constantly look at different gens reps reviews etc I still do that all the time. I get the feeling if I hit the lottery and could buy anything I pleased it would still be meh when it was mine. But I did not answer your question directly no most of the time, in fact I forgot I bought a few M2M they just showed up.
    1 point
  5. Pfuuh...that answer safed me some bucks Sent from my wooden drums via Tupperware
    1 point
  6. First up, does the movement go into hand setting position ok? does the date change over ok when the time passes 12pm? Does this movement have "quick set" date change? If so is it working ok, does the date change over crisply? if all these functions are ok, then take it to a decent watchmaker who has a Quartz testing machine. there are a series of 3 or 4 easy tests that will determine what is wrong with the movement. with this information you can start the hard part of sourcing the replacement part/s. Join watch forums, introduce yourself, be polite and explain in a sympathetic manner what the watch is, why you want to repair it, what you have done so far to repair it and lastly...what you require. I have just read a blog "RaulHorology" he repaired one of these. Make contact, but above all do not steam in with "can you sell me the part I require" with a bit of patience and the correct approach, you may get it running. good luck.
    1 point
  7. Sent from my SM-N9100 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  8. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  9. Fully moded with REAL ETA low beat movement, NOT hybrid. Email me for details vaclume@gmail.com
    1 point
  10. The hot glue fix is to use a electric glue gun, Put glue in the lever hole. Let it cool down. Put the lever back into the cg. Put the pin on top. Use a glue guns tip to heat the pin and slowly push it in place. It makes the lever be less loose. The glue method makes it sometimes a bit messy and sometimes leaves glue residu on the cg/lever. Non-messy alternative: http://www.repgeek.com/showthread.php?t=91320 You can also sand down the feet of the cg where they join the case for a tighter cg.
    1 point
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