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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/06/2016 in all areas

  1. UPDATE: Since I am waiting for the crown to arrive, I finished my 1675. I still could not sit still so I tried a new method of polishing. I used different sand papers and polished with water. I just used cape cod for the last finish. Now it really has a good mirror finish and you could literally see me mirrored in the chamfers when I was taking the picture. Now I just have to be patient....
    2 points
  2. Welcome to the forum and thank you for such a long and interesting first post.
    1 point
  3. I am sorry, I am in London during that weekend.
    1 point
  4. I know where you are coming from (I used to have that view as well), but it is truly very limited in scope. That is, you are focusing in on a tree while missing the rest of the much larger forest. While there are certainly rogues in every field - if you do not believe there are criminals & crooks in the green movement, you are willfully blind - the profits that businessmen amass come from the sales of things like iPhones & iTunes & Priuses & sandals & tv sets & all the things you & I want/use every day. Businessmen also provide services like making clean drinking water & building homes & repairing bicycles & fixing teeth that make our lives more comfortable. The most successful of these businessmen then purchase yachts & private jets & mansions, all of which give people like you & me jobs to design, build & maintain those yachts, jets & mansions. Capitalism is based on the simple concept of trade - I have a good or service that is worth more to you than a handful of cash, so you trade the cash for my good or service & vice-versa. If the good or service I am offering is useful to a large number of people & I am skilled enough to market my good or service to make you aware that I exist, then, with a bit of luck, I stand to make alot of cash. You just need to produce a good or service that will have widespread use & find a way to spread the word so your potential buyers know you exist. And there is nothing stopping you from doing the same thing. That is why I believe that people who criticize others' success/wealth are either unaware or fooling themselves.
    1 point
  5. I'd like to nominate him for the very first "name and shame". He told me in front of the whole class that "You're a jerk and will never amount to anything." Hah! Eat those words, jack! :neener:
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Damn am i the only one who gets it?
    1 point
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