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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/14/2016 in all areas

  1. Wearing the gilt today.
    1 point
  2. Nothing but respect!
    1 point
  3. The strap is from Bosphorus Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  4. Looks great. Cool strap! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  5. You really are getting better and better at this Bart. Guys, you think these look good in the pictures, you should see how much better they look in real life.
    1 point
  6. You may be able to fix the defect at 4 with incredibly careful application of a little-nothing'th of isopropyl alcohol on a pointed cone-shaped lint-free QTips. Very specific, but I have had some success in removing varnish like that
    1 point
  7. I parked the car and kept the silence alone. We should remember all the time not just one minute a year. Following on from something @droptopman said in another thread, yes Europeans stereotype Americans as Americans stereotype Europeans and there are many British to this day who sneer that America was late into both wars and joined at the end, then tried to steal all the glory. There is no glory in war. Both sides loose, but one side generally looses more. The simple factual truth that even my father, an educated man with a keen grasp of history and politics, will never admit, is that Britain was on its knees staring defeat in the face during the Battle of Britain. America saved our [censored]. There is no dishonour in admitting it. Our soldiers and particularly airmen fought like terriers. Often bailing out of downed 'planes twice in a day, only to climb back in and face near certain death again. We simply didn't have the resources there is honour in what our ancestors did, but there is also honour in acknowledging what others did and probably in finally acknowledging that the bombing of Dresden and the sinking of the French navy AFTER it had surrendered were war crimes. Remember the cost of war and those that paid it and continue to pay it. I have seen too many guys sleeping in the streets and being unwanted by the society that was happy enough to send them into a war. America in particular has seen too many body bags flown home from the Middle East in recent years. Most of whom where from blue collar families, not the rich elite that are keen on war. Remember all those boys, the dead and the damaged and remember also the boys next in the line. Remember also that in modern warfare the majority of causalities are innocent civilians. Look for every option before warfare. I'm ranting a bit, but ex soldiers and their welfare is something very close to my heart.
    1 point
  8. Some adjsutement to do. Pearl lume, lollipop hand, dial without scratch @4. But I can wear it now ! [emoji322] [emoji632]
    1 point
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