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Posts posted by Admin

  1. I would personally like to welcome Legendkiller as RWGs first ever diamond member. The diamond membership has one important role and that is to keep RWG alive and cover the costs of running this forum. RWG has grown into a large community and thanks to this, new friendships are formed around the world. This is part of what we feel is unique to RWG. We like to think we are a welcoming community that takes care of our members.

    The RWG Diamond club is there for the people who are willing to pay a little higher price just to contribute to cover our costs. We won't be able to offer a lot more perks for our diamond members, but they will always have the warm and fuzzy feeling (I can only imagine it must be a bit warmer and fuzzier than the feeling our other contributors get ;)) that their favorite watch community stay online. That being said; Legendkiller has been asked to be our diamond club manager and he as promised that he will personally take care of some perks for the diamond club members. Even I don't know what this will be! Hopefully, RWG will also be able to offer some special perks for our diamond members once in a while.

    The diamond membership will be our most exclusive club and the initial price was set to $50 per month. Legendkiller has signed up at this price, but as our diamond club manager, he has decided that the price was too high. He wants more members to join him in our exclusive diamond club room. (Note to self; Have Nanuq start looking for a new location for the admin lounge. I have a suspicion that the diamond club parties next door will be noisy. I even suspect they carried in more cases of champagne there than they delivered to the admin lounge....). As an initial offer, all members will be able to sign up for the diamond club @ $20 per month. Yes, it is pricey, but every penny from all memberships goes towards the costs we have to run this forum. We expect this to be a small club and we will do our very best to be able to offer members here something special, even though that is not the mission of the diamond club memberships ;)

    So grab your diamond membership here:

    Upgrade from VIP/platinum to diamond:

    1. Log into your account here: http://account.selg.nu/login/index

    2. Click here: http://account.selg.nu/signup/index/c/yXT2WFaK2

    Upgrade from member-status to diamond:


    If you have any problems at all upgrading, PM or e-mail me and I will solve it for you asap.

    • Like 2
  2. There are 2 things you could try. I suggest you do both;


    1. Clear your local DNS cache: http://docs.cpanel.net/twiki/bin/view/AllDocumentation/ClearingBrowserCache

    2. Delete all cookies, temporary internet files and cache. Instructions for various browsers (Might be some out-dates images/Screenshots here. If you need help, just google "Clear browser cache *insert browser name here*": http://www.wikihow.com/Clear-Your-Browser's-Cache

    Restart your computer

  3. First of all, let me thank all the members that have answered my request and upgraded so far:tu: Hope many more of you will do the same. Upgrading your membership is without a doubt the best way to support our great community!


    Chief can not get donation link to work" 0%" in box can not get out and put in money?

    The donation-feature is working without any problems for me. I click the donate button, I am then forwarded to Paypal, fill in the desired donation amount and then log into PP-account. If this doesn't work, feel free to PM me and I will give you the PP-address you can use.

  4. What about to donate a percentage of each sale to RWG - I thought we had this in the past?



    We did, but unfortunately, most of the members never honored this. "Yes, I know I posted it for sale here and I sold it, but I sold the watch on one of the other forums" was a well known excuse...

  5. Guys, I am sorry for having to reach out to our members again, but the economical burden on my shoulders is to heavy for me to carry alone these days.


    As most of you know, PayPal closed all of our accounts and we were unable to accept PP-payments for almost 6 months. Because of this, all payments from existing member stopped. As you might know, our VIP/Platinum members are allowed to choose whether they prefer to pay per month, per quarter or yearly. All income to the forum is important, but we had a lot of members that were paying by the month. Since PP closed our accounts, all of these VIP and platinum memberships expired and I had to cover pretty much all expenses out of my own pocket for almost 6 months and we are talking thousands of dollars here.


    Now, I am in no way a rich man, so these extra expenses had to be covered using my personal credit card. Fortunately, we are now able to accept payments as usual, but unfortunately, only a small percentage of the members that used to be supporting members have signed up again. This basically means that we don't have the cash flow needed (yet) to cover all of our expenses, meaning more expenses for me. I love RWG and the great forum we have created here. I have made a lot of friends here and I have also been so blessed that I have been able to be a part of one of the GTG's and actually meet some of our great members. But the money is tight and this money issue has actually become a big burden for me lately. Actually so much, that I notice that it is influencing my relationship to the forum in a non-positive way. Basically, I have to work a lot more and harder in my other job(s) to get more money and this leaves less time for me to spend here (Or even more important; with my family). I may not be the most active member in the forums, but that's basically because there is always a lot going on in the background here. For instance, I receive 10-30 e-mails/PM's every day with questions, problems, etc. that needs to be answered/solved/etc. Not to mention hardware maintenance, software upgrade/updates/, database maintenance. And this is just on the web + db-servers we have. Add a backup-server + load balancers and you can imagine that we have a pretty complex setup. All to give the almost 8000 unique daily visitors that best possible experience browsing our forum. Doing this hasn't bothered me at all for many, many years. But now, when I have this economical burden hanging over me, I notice that I feel the forum isn't all the fun it used to be. I feel annoyed by the number of e-mails and questions I get, that I know people could have just used the search function to find. (Not to mention all the e-mails I get from members who are unable to log in here, just to find out that they aren't members here. Good things we have multiple RWG's.....). I feel I could have done other things, that actually got me some money in my pocket, instead of having to optimize the database today, etc.


    OK, long story short, we need your support and there are multiple ways you can support your favorite community.


    The preferred one is to upgrade to either VIP or platinum membership. By doing this, you are giving something back to the community and we are giving you something back: No ads, bigger PM inbox, no limitations on search, access to post in sales forum, etc.

    You can upgrade your membership by going here: http://www.rwgforum.net/pages/upgrade


    If you think $5 per month is to expensive (or $3 per month, if you pay by the year), I have created a special RWG supporter-membership( or the "cost-less-then-a-cup-of-coffee-membership" ;) ). This will only cost you $2 per month (Can only be purchased on a pay-per-month basis) This will remove the ads from the forum and you will get a RWG Supporter tag, but that's about it.. You can upgrade to this special membership here: http://account.selg.nu/signup/index/c/26QFkdw3

    Log in with your forum username and password.


    Last option is to make a donation to the forum. This is of course available to all members, even if you are a supporting member or not. Please use this link to make a donation: http://selg.nu/support/2


    I hope as many as possible will consider an upgrade. I know it's a tough world out there, with lots of people with little or no money in their pocket, so please contribute if this is something you feel that you can afford or of you feel that our forum is worth to support. If you have no money, you can also support us by click the ads, if you see an ad for something you find interesting. The ads might be annoying, but they do generate a small income for the forum!

    The forum itself will always be free and open to everybody, but we rely on our generous supporters to stay online. After all, this is a forum with more than 46000 members. If just 1% upgraded and paid our new RWG Supporter-membership each month, we would never have to ask for donations again.


    Let me just end this with a massive thank you to all of you who already have upgraded and who is always there to support the forum. :tu:


    Oh, and if you are having any difficulties upgrading or submitting a donation, please send me a PM or e-mail (admin (at) rwg.cc)





    PS. Please keep this important topic bumped for a while, as my weekend is rather busy




  6. I am getting lots of strange characters appearing in the text of some posts, example: Thanks T. <br /><br />Tapatalk posts aren't doubled up and are going through instantly now.<br /><br />However the markup tags are still there as you can see...<br /><br /><br />Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Is this just a problem from the members using tapatalk?


    Using Safari 6.0.3 here.

    Yes. These posts have been posted via Tapatalk and this is why these characters appear.

  7. There isn't much I can do about TapaTalk. They know an updated has been released to the forum software, so all I can do is wait for them to release an updated version of their product that will solve these problems.



    Email notifications still AWOL.  Looking forward to that being fixed too, as missing out on quite a few posts.


    Mail notifications are working just fine for me and none of our other members seems to have problems. 

    Oh, and all problems (except with Tapatalk) should have been fixed now.

  8. Hi all. There has been a minor forum upgrade/security upgrade that seems to have influenced several underlying systems. I am working on fixing these glitches.


    And just for the record: Topic views and post numbers doesn't update immediately. 



  9. Hi guys


    We just experienced an unexpected error on our database-server. Unfortunately, it took me some time to figure out what the error was, so the site has been showing an error-message for some time now. All is solved now and everything should work as usual.

  10. Guys, I need some help. Totally stuck when somebody asked for the english name of a solitaire I have been "playing" a couple of times.

    You add 5 stacks with 4 cards in each to the table. You then add 1 card, with the picture side up, to 4 of the stacks and you are then ready to play. The objective is to get "free" pairs, (2+2, A+A, etc) either on top of the stacks or while you lay down 1 card at the time from the remaining deck to the table. Every time you get a pair, you remove the cards and turn a new card from the stacks, if the cards were removed from the stacks. When all the 4 stacks are gone, you are allowed to open the 5th stack and turn a card over. You have to get rid of all the cards, both in the stacks and the deck to "win"

    Dunno if my explanation is good enough for anyone to figure this one out ;)


    Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using Tapatalk 2

  11. Got up yesterday morning and it had been snowing all night. Thought I would help the missus and went outside to brush all the snow of her car, since my car lives in the garage ;)
    Anyway, it looks like my cell phone slipped out of my pocket without me noticing. So when I had finished brushing the snow of the car, I figured I had to remove the rest of the snow in the driveway, so I started up the snowblower. 
    I guess you see where the rest of this story goes, so here is what a Samsung Galaxy S3 looks like after a run through the snowblower;
    I actually think it held up pretty well ;)
    The funny thing is that when I drove over it and it ended up inside the snowblower and made a hell of a noice, my thought was "Whoa....how did I not see a rock that was big enough to cause that kind of sound in the snowblower."
    It was when I can back to where the phone had been thrown out that I saw what looked like the phone in the snow. Everything was so covered in snow, that I actually didn't see how bad the damage was, until I picked it up, so my initial thought was "Oh no...now it's probably water inside of it and I have to go inside and get it dry somehow, so that it will work again". Water wasn't exactly the biggest problem ;)
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