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Everything posted by jonthebhoy

  1. Aye laddie.........some might say there's scullduggery with a big scull and others that there's scullduggery with a wee scull. You decide. JTB
  2. Right. I had to get up in the morning at ten o'clock at night half an hour before I went to bed, drink a cup of sulphuric acid, work twenty-nine hours a day down mill, and pay mill owner for permission to come to work, and when we got home, our Dad and our mother would kill us and dance about on our graves singing Hallelujah
  3. I bet you if it's a rep jfreeman420 will be all over it!
  4. ......And as I have been reminded, you must not produce a poll. New suggestions are for discussion only at this stage. http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?s=&...st&p=190688 JTB
  5. I hear you kruz. It's a sensitive subect and requires to be carefully considered, by all, before jumping to rash decisions. Your Admin team require time to absorb, consult and deliberate on this and thus far we have not had that time. We know your thoughts about going to a vote but with the greatest of respect to you, our door is not being hammered down by the membership demanding the same course of action. Please give us a little more time and consequently in that process discover some more views. We, as always have the interests and the future of the forum and all of its members very much at heart and we would be failing in our duty were we to take decisions based on timetables rather than what's best for all. Thanks for listening. JTB
  6. yea yea yea...........point taken, now move along now!
  7. Can I please ask everyone to exercise a little patience. This thread is only over a day old and has generated 210 posts from 3099 views and that from a membership of 4,621. Allowing for multiple posting by various members I'm not convinced that it is truly representative of the membership as a whole………yet. I would also venture caution against jumping to polls. At this juncture it would not be in the best interests of the forum. I'm not breaking any trust when I tell you that Admin continues to maintain dialogue with the dealers, and the Admin group are working behind the scenes also to try and find some sort of closure to this with the potential of one or two new initiatives being brought to the table. Therefore I would advise a little restraint at this time until more information is available. This thread should and will remain open for further reasoned and constructive argument and discussion. JTB
  8. Likewise. Was it something we said? JTB
  9. Didn't he go a bit weird in the end and spat the dummy out when we suggested moving and setting up a new board!!! I think he even had a pop at a few of the "well intentioned" among us in his second resignation letter. JTB
  10. Just this once...........I'll give you that one!
  11. It's official. The "Who has the best sub?" has now been surpassed by "Who has the best 111h?" Similar thread here. JTB
  12. For what it's worth I started collecting reps almost 3 years and $4000 dollars ago and initially I stuck to Swiss ETAs, however have since dabbled with Asians. I may be lucky but, save for one, are all working tickety-boo. The one that isn't is just running a little hot and when I can be bothered I will fix it. Hope this allays some of your fears. Regarding the 111 and the 177, I'd pick the former, but that's just my taste. JTB
  13. Betcha Q would have no problem knocking something up!
  14. As long as the hinges on the door haven't seized..............it hasn't been opened in two years!
  15. You've got it bad my friend. Recommend a lie doon in a darkened room. JTB
  16. Yes I know I know............."Use the friggin search button JTB!" For this I have given myself a warning (for a couple of days anyway!). JTB
  17. Be assured that there is no more important a topic in Admin at the moment, however, the debate, for the time being belongs to you the membership. We have continuously, since the topic was borne, pushed Andrew and Joshua for a response and finally we have a response. There may be more to offer and these gentlemen have, as always, the forum at their disposal. We, in Admin, have no wish to rush into any decision until we are satisfied that the membership have had enough time to absorb and opine on the issues at hand. Thus far there have been some very good points raised by both camps and it would be unfair to pre-empt the discussion with a knee jerk action, one way or the other. On a personal note the two dealers in question have been around for a long time with a solid and trusting customer base, much of which was developed from the old RWG and here and the other boards and as such it is only fair that we should leave the door open to them to bring forward any other information that may help to clear up or clarify this problem. JTB
  18. Sorry kostas......cross purposes. I thought you were referring to J & A admitting to such emails, however, the existence of [censored] off buyers and misrepresentations are not in dispute......they exist.
  19. 23 hours and 24 posts it took us to get these two together. Are we talking records here? Nah.......didn't think so. JTB
  20. Just playing devil's advocate here but even if one or more existed, how likely is it that your request would be entertained?
  21. To quote a line from 'Rita, Sue and Bob Too'..........."You took yer bloody time!"
  22. More comedians in here than you can shake a stick at. So the sum and substance is that no-one really knows what the wee boy is wearing in 'Blood Diamonds'?
  23. 11 User(s) are reading this topic (0 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users)11 Members: jonthebhoy, r11co, Chicken Manny, NRG, Estaban, trustywatchguy, Jos Nana, Mark, socom, razafina, CJVCMC
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