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Posts posted by capice

  1. Not being a sentimental person at all but as I didn't reply as quick as normal to my messages and email for those concerned, I wanted to let you that my hero died today.....

    As I informed some of you my mother was seriously ill for the past few weeks and this morning she faded away to a place without pain and trouble.

    Being born in the 2nd WW, she had a very tough life, and took care of 4 boys on her own with a smile , pushing aside all the trouble she went through. A few years ago she had a stroke and the fall of her life set in when one of our brothers was killed in a caraccident. She couldn't bear the thought that she had to burry one of her sons and from that day on the sun in her eyes faded away.

    She will allways be in my memories as a strong and unbeleavable optimistic person.

  2. You are blessed with this nice neighbour/watchmaker my friend, another great timepiece.....

    Only the gendials have perfection so until the gendial is made 1:1, there will be a lot of water under the bridge.........congrats m8

    btw did I say I love this one...;)

  3. right TJ, we all share a love for watches, some are lucky to be able to buy gens, most of us here maybe own one or more gens next to reps...I vcannot imagine why someone would say something like V mentioned just because you only have gens....what;s the purpose of that?

  4. Great pic BT,....I agree with your remark that some reps ARE worth their money(at least a lot of them..) Take my Ebel Discovery, Tag Aquaracer,Pam 005,3717,Pam252..Depends on where you get them and what version but still...a lot of respect for the makers of these reps.

    I know I'm gonne be burned for this.........but I don't see what it is with Rolex. I know some of their gen mvt's are made inhouse and are very complicated I respect that but the watch simply doesn't do anything for me. I will never will spend that amount of money on a gen Rolex...simply not my brand, sorry

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