WWOOOOOOOWWWW, finally home........ Amazing, awesome, exhaustive,inspiring,mindblowing, impressive are just some words running through my head, still dazzeling from this weekend.
Thank you all for having me in Brussels. Thanks to Andy and Stefane for organizing this superweekend, to Stefane in particular for the delicious apetizers, drinks, hospitality and diner, to Narikaa for sponsoring the raffle. Thanks to Admin for this board, without it this would never have happened !!!
Also thanks to Scoobs and Yellomen for a great and entertaining companionship while travelling
Leaving with Golfman at 3 AM from Stefane off to the hotel, I was stunned by the technical knowledge, details of you guys about our hobby and sharing wondeful stories. We have our own European The Zigmeister now
Now I'm gonna sleep for a while.....