If Victor is the guy that works out of his house over in the Clarkson area of Mississauga then ya he is a good guy,done work for me and bollobandit in the past,more for bollo,i cant remember his name so if thats not him,pm bollo here (he is coming back from St Lucia any day now).
Keep in mind the pics you get from this dealer and what arrives are two different things.
There is no demand for a rep ladies Breit,a mens brand (lol though i bought my wife a blinged Cockpit),i highly doubt any rep would be any better than the rest,but pick it up and do a review if you like it. Would love to see it.
Great review BT and frankly it is discouraging these days at the replies to reviews,i have noticed this for some time,i`m sure you have as well.
Guys,instead of lurking,post comments good or bad to what you read,even if its all bad and you dont want to put up reviews yourself,its all good. Feeds us to keep going...
While i sometimes forget you are a Rolex man BT,i know you have an appreciation for Breits,as do i with Rolex,i`m wearing one now.
Great review on the BO1 by the way,just read it today. And a great wristie.
Hey gents,
I have owned many Breits over the years,rep and gen. Here is some of my fave wristies i've taken....
Please dont hit "reply" directly to this post as it will copy all the pics here,let see your Breit wristies! And a big internet high five to those that can tell me which of the above are gens....