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Everything posted by Pugwash

  1. As seen in the wristcheck, I thought it only fair to give this shot more exposure. It's three exposures (+/-2ev) HDRed in Photomatix and retouched in Photoshop. The lens flare looked good, so I left it in. There were a few other lighting anomalies (inevitable shooting into the sun) that I removed as they just looked messy. The landscape is the river Clyde at Dumbarton Castle, west of Glasgow. Scotland always does me proud with the landscape. Click it for 1920px wide version.
  2. Thanks. It was three exposures (+/-2ev) HDRed in Photomatix and retouched in Photoshop. The lens flare looked good, so I left it in. There were a few other lighting anomalies (inevitable shooting into the sun) that I removed as they just looked messy. The landscape is the river Clyde at Dumbarton Castle, west of Glasgow. Scotland always does me proud with the landscape.
  3. Sunday's watch kicks your watch's ass.
  4. I no longer have this watch, so no newer pics.
  5. Pugwash

    SLR Lenses

    No fast lenses? I'd go for anything in f2.8 or faster. If you're going people, you need an f1.4.
  6. I've read that review and it was not that accurate. It seemed to be a serious case of picky buyer's remorse. You said ... ... and I can't find negative reviews in this thread. Yes, no copy/paste, stupid headphone socket, poor camera ... that's not a bad review, it's just the cons against which there are a huge number of pros. It's not a perfect device, but it's not bad at all.
  7. Dropped my iPhone twice. It's got light case damage.
  8. Who wrote a negative review? Let me rephrase that; Which iPhone owner wrote a negative review? Playing with one in a shop and deciding not to buy it isn't a negative review. I've always said it's not for everyone, but which iPhone owners are dissatisfied?
  9. iTunes Application Store. HUGE improvement, and it'll be available on old and new iPhones running v2 of the software.
  10. The price in the UK doesn't change, thankfully. ... and yes, no-one is forcing anyone to upgrade. The newer phones are not necessary to get the new apps, so only those who can get free/cheap upgrades (ie. anyone in the UK) or those for whom the new features (flush jack, 3G, GPS) are essential should consider it a no-brainer. The old phone doesn't get any slower because a new one comes out.
  11. The worst iPod? I've not heard that, but it would still make it better than anything else out there. The iPhone was released in November 2007, 9 months before the 3G version. If you actually do the modicum of fact checking or research before just assuming stuff and running with it, you'd save yourself some time speculating on a speculation. I've got an iPhone v1 and if I want to get a v2, I just have to pay
  12. I think you'll find this is complete rubbish, by the way. It's too thin, for a start. Skylab astronauts confirmed that you can't see the Great Wall of China from space.
  13. Saturday's watch is full of tock:
  14. Friday's watch is full of tick.
  15. Nice words, Unc! Stick around.
  16. There's plenty of faked risk, though.
  17. I get the impression, and correct me if I'm wrong, that Pamfried traded for a Honpo 187 and got a generic 187. Is that right?
  18. No. It's master of web-browsing, music, movies and IMAP email.
  19. If that were the case, it wouldn't be illegal to import tritium tubes to the US.
  20. FAKE ps. Well, duh. It's made by a BlueTooth headset manufacturer, attempting to look home-made.
  21. No-one's saying it'd suit you, much like those who prefer a Kowoon to an iPod. You don't need to buy one, especially as there are better fits to your usage. I still think there's no better convergence device than an iPhone. It's not the best at some stuff (not a great camera) but those it does well (mail, web, etc) it does better than any device. If you're looking for a camera phone, for instance, you'd be better looking elsewhere, but if you need a movie-watching, web-surfing iPod, it's the king. Oh, when the App Store opens, all bets are off. We'll all have to start this discussion from scratch then.
  22. It was removed as it was used as a starter in nukes. It's also ideal as a terrorist dirty bomb. Not that it'd kill people, but it would scare the crap out of people when the words "radioactive dirty bomb" was read out on the news. If you were found to be home-making tritium, you would have a lot of explaining to do to very scary people without a sense of humour. It's not that it's dangerous (it can be in the quantities you can get, if you've got no real lab experience) but it's the sort of thing that scares the uneducated, especially those in government.
  23. Congratulations! I can't wait to see pictures of the finished articles.
  24. Oh, I'm aware it's not complicated, but as you say, the risks are substantial and invisible. I don't know how you'd get it mixed in paint, though. Discussing it in too much detail can also get you looked at rather closely by Homeland Security, I bet.
  25. It's a controlled substance. Here are my Tritium watches.
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