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Posts posted by cornerstone

  1. I'm assuming that ex-directory means an unlisted number.

    If that's the correct assumption, then 0 would have ex-directory numbers if you randomly pulled them from the directory

    Too, too sharp!! WINNER!! :king:

    Mel N Colly stared though the soot-smeared window on the 26th floor of the office tower. Overcome with depression he slid the window open and jumped through it. It was a sheer drop outside the building to the ground. Miraculously after he landed he was completely unhurt. Since there was nothing to cushion his fall or slow his descent, how could he have survived?

  2. He points his car north, uses the reverse gear ( hope this is the word for it ) drives a mile and then drives forward again.

    I don't even think he needs to drive forward again - he just reverses! WINNER!! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    By the way this is an open game - nobody is hijacking it by asking questions, it's just a laugh. Go for it! Personally I'm quite pleased to be using these board game cards that have sat in a cupboard for five years! ;)

    There is a town in Australia where 5% of all the people living in the town have ex-directory phone numbers. If you selected 100 names at random from the town's phone directory, on average, how many of these people selected would have ex-directory phone numbers? :victory:

  3. My wife is fine with watches - in fact she's quietly relieved...

    It's the enormous replica Cherished Teddy® collection she's worried about:



    I'm sitting in a bar with four buddies and one guy calls out "Hey, look," pointing at the two hundred Cherished Teddies lined up on the bar, "we all have Cecilia: You Pull My Heartstrings!" That was, like, sooooo embarrasing. It's important to keep that overall air of coolness with Cherished Teddies. :animal_rooster::bleh:

    EDIT: Up for trades with expensive ETA watches, naturally! :lol:;)

  4. Thanks for helping with the boundaries....

    Then I would have to say an Hourglass...lots of grains of sand.

    Well, I'll let Melvin call it, but it looks good, and it sounds good! ;):thumbsupsmileyanim:

    The Amazing Dave, the famous magician, claims that when he is in the far north, he can point his car north on an ordinary road, drive it for one mile, and without turning around, end up one mile south of where he started. How does he do it? :sorcerer:


  5. Yes, It´s my shirt , my wrist and my PO from Andrew. I just love it...

    By the way - according to my PO it must be nine o´clock...

    Looks awesome. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    And yes, nine o'clock!! WINNER! :king:

    Okay one for me to sign off for the night....

    Harry Plum, a fruit farmer from Georgia, was waging war against the blackbirds constantly sampling his cherry crop. One day Harry noticed 16 blackbirds dining on his favourite cherry tree. Determined to teach the birds a lesson they wouldn't soon forget, he got out his shotgun and blasted away at them. Although Harry only managed to hit one of the birds, he did succeed in blowing it clean out of the tree. How many birds are now left in the tree?

  6. $75

    It's not right but it is right! I wondered about the question as I typed it - is the item a 'pair of underwear' or just 'underwear' - the answer it gives is $45, but obviously you got this one cracked.

    WINNER! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    @melvin: is that your shirt and orange PO in your avatar? Watch looks niiiiice! :wub:

    If two hours ago, it was as long after one o'clock in the afternoon as it was before one o'clock in the morning, what time would it be now?

    Oh no, does anyone around here have a watch? :o


  7. I´ll take another try on this one...

    The fresh blood comes from a smashed mosquito that drenched it´s thirst at Franks blood. Then he smashed it and not disturbed by the noise anymore he fell asleep...





    Yes! He killed a mosquito on the ceiling! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    WINNER!! :1a:

  8. WINNER @ Melvin! :thumbsupsmileyanim: Aye, 12.

    Don't forget this question is still on the go:

    John dropped in to visit his friend Frank, and found him snoozing on the couch. There was fresh blood on the ceiling above his head, but nowhere else in the room. John anxiously woke him to check his condition only to find that everything was fine. How could Frank's blood be on the ceiling but nowhere else?

    Anyway, here's a new one...

    Gloria opened her own clothing store called 'Big Girl's Blouse'. She wasn't sure about pricing certain items so she devised her own method. At 'Big Girl's Blouse', a vest costs $20, socks cost $25, a tie costs $15, and a blouse costs $30. Using Gloria's pricing scheme, how much would a pair of underwear cost? ;)

  9. The seventh man was in a coffin.

    :smartass: Winner again!! :victory:

    I thought that might keep you guys busy for at least five minutes!!

    Sam and a few of the boys were playing cards when Sam posed a question. "In an ordinary deck of playing cards, two of the Jacks have two eyes and two of the Jacks have one eye. How many eyes are on the four Jack cards?"

  10. 100

    :thumbsupsmileyanim: WINNER!

    This could be controversial...

    Two cars made their way along the winding country road and came to an abrupt stop at the park's gate. Seven men got out of the two cars and proceeded along a footpath when it began to rain. Six of the men began to walk faster to get out of the rain but the seventh man couldn't be bothered. Ironically it was the seventh man who remained dry and the other six got soaked. Since all seven men arrived at their destination together, how was this possible?

  11. :lol::lol::lol:

    Extra points for working it out! TWO WINNERS!! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    In the 'Strange' family, each daughter has the same number of brothers as she has sisters. Each son has twice as many sisters as he has brothers. How many sons and daughters are in the family?

    An application of the calculator thought experiment (CTE) Ý tells us that x sin x is a product;

    y = (x)(sin x).

    Therefore, by the product rule,



    = (1)(sin x) + (x)(cos x) = sin x + x cos x

    Recall from Section 2 that

    y = cosec x =


    sin x


    Therefore, by the quotient rule,




    (0)(sin x) (1)(cos x)


    (recall that sin2x is just (sin x)2)


    cos x



    cos x

    sin x



    sin x


    cotan x cosec x.

    (from the identities in Section 2)

    Notice that we have just obtained the derivative of one of the remaining five trigonometric functions. Four to go...

    © Since the given function is a quotient,




    (2x+1)(sin x) (x2+x)(cos x)



    and let us just leave it like that (there is no easy simplification of the answer).

    (d) Here, an application of the CTEÝ tells us that y is the sine of a quantity.




    sin x = cos x,

    the chain rule (press the pearl to go to the topic summary for a quick review) tells us that



    sin u = cos u



    so that



    sin (3x21) =

    cos (3x21)




    = 6x cos(3x21)

    So.......ahh........12 :thumbsupsmileyanim:


    Edit.......see what happens I give you my working out like every good boy should and jtb beats me

  12. That´s also a correct answer, but the main reason is that when you go twice you have to pay 4 tickets and when you go once you have to pay only 3. Don´t forget your own ticket...

    Correct! WINNER! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    For the rest of the day, in honour you will now have the skills of an international Scotland player. This may require you tying your boot laces together! :lol:

    Okay this is a bit easy, but hey...

    Two mothers and two daughters were fishing. They managed to catch one big fish, one small fish, and one fat fish. Since only three fish were caught, how was it possible that they each took home a fish? :g:

  13. If they have the same strength the one made of wood must be heavier because you need a lot more wood to build a ship that has the same strength as a steel made one...

    And now I go to bed...

    Goal Melvin!! :thumbsupsmileyanim: That's exactly right.

    And now time for....

    :thumbsupsmileyanim: SCOTTISH QUESTION OF THE DAY :thumbsupsmileyanim:


    Assuming that you are paying, is it cheaper to take one friend to the movies twice, or two friends to the movies at the same time?

    (It doesn't depend on how much popcorn they eat!)

  14. You gerra fork and ... hic ... pushshsh tha cork inna bottle witha handle and ... heh ... DRINK!!!!

    Yeah, you're right....but I'm stone cold sober. :(

    :lol: WINNER!

    Remember, this question is still 'live', as is the blood one for those that haven't surrendered on it:

    In the course of constructing a pyramid, a large stone cube was being transported across the desert on logs. All of the logs were two metres in circumference. How far did the stone cube move in relation to the ground, with each complete revolution of the logs?

    Enjoy! :p

  15. Okay, that sent everyone running! :lol:

    Here's a non-maths one for those that aren't into that sort of thing...

    If you were to put a coin into an empty bottle and then insert a cork into the neck, how could you remove the coin without taking out the cork or breaking the bottle?

    (I call this game 'spot the wino'! :thumbsupsmileyanim: )

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