Unfortunately it is a fact that replicas (in general) are no damn good, for reasons that are pretty obvious ......maybe, just maybe 0.1% of the replicas are good to great watches depending on what standards one is setting.
Fortunately we are in a position to find and choose between the better replicas and gather information to choose the better ones
Replicas are no good....as a rule. I have had 40+ replicas. Current collection about 10+ replicas.
I have several replicas running fine after 10 years and with no othe damages....but most will fail/run poorly/have poor power reserve within 1-3 years if not serviced
However all replicas I have given to my girls or to other relatives tend to brake in one way or another well within 2 years...often after a few months..braceletts that brake easily is the most common failure followed by failure of some kind to the movement.....
replicas need tender loving care, sometimes a new movement or sercvice and knowledge to survive
older version is 15703 while the new 2015 version is the 15710
So what da ya think?
It must be terrible for you to hear this, but this is not strange. Pain relief is important, no need for your mother to suffer without reason. My grandmother had cancer and when the treatment no longer had any chance of saving her from the disease the treatment was stopped and from then on they focused on saving her from the suffering.