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Everything posted by rolexmaniac88

  1. Just received the beauty ! It is defintely a genuine. Would like to get some advice from the community though. So i put it on to see how it would fit. It does fit and i can feel the tip of the bezel even when installed (i didn't put it all the way in order to be able to remove it though). However, i don't know how much the insert should be recessed. What do you reckon ? Me there's very little place but it is recessed but very little. Does anyone could provide picture of a good recessed look so i can see if i need to shave it a little? Another great advice: do i really have to glue it or not? I think it could hold but maybe we are never too sure. I just ordered gorilla glue. Thanks in advance! Unfortunately, cannot provide picture (until next tuesday). But will definitely will then. Have a good week-end
  2. Thank you everyone. It is on its way to me. Gonna look real nice on my WM9/BK V3 sub.
  3. Thanks to all of you for your help. I really appreciate it Deal is done and i am pretty happy with it. 70 euros shipped, only 20 euros more than if I had gotten it from any AD. NOT BAD
  4. Thank you. I think so too. But I don't have it yet. So i cannot compare. I didn't buy it yet. I wait for people to confirm it is in fact gen.
  5. Dear fellow members, Can somebody confirm it is gen? Pearl seems okay to me but i never know and since i'm not expert i will rely on the capable hands of some more skilled members. Thank you in advance BTW, price is 75 euros which i think is okay compared to the $120-150 range it usually goes for. http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/9871/p3261486.jpg http://img708.imageshack.us/img708/3836/p3261490.jpg http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/5697/p3261489.jpg
  6. Same! It is growing on me and might really be my next gen purchase. That or a tudor snowflake 7021 or 9401 no date or 9411.
  7. Thanks a lot and i had completely forgot about the swiss T25 !!!!! You just prevented me from committing an enormous mistake!
  8. Dear fellow members, I have an insert problem. 2 questions: - is the insert from the 14060 is the same than the 16610? - is the insert from the 16660 is the same than the 16610 (or any from a sea-dweller)? - Is the insert from the 16800 is the same than the 16610 (this one i know the answer it is yes but i'd just like to get it confirmed)? Thanks for all the help. BTW, another question on the top of my head? Would a WM9 V3 BK could be turned into a tritium older 16610 without contradication (i was thinking lugholes, gen insert with tritium pearl and nice aging of the markers - i know the engraving would therefore be wrong but it doesn't bother to much) ? Give me your thoughts. Otherwise, i have a noobmariner who could fill up this place for this project.
  9. I want it, i love it!
  10. well, everyone got his preference. I hear some even like 47mm watches!
  11. Are you kidding? Its the best thing! No date mag, kinda like a sea dweller look! It is just perfect. Just pray so they issue a 38mm version, and you have a daytona 62XX for 2800 euros!
  12. +1. Grey or black dial? That is the question!
  13. that's a hell of spirit for st patty's day!
  14. sweet, sweet, sweet
  15. well, it's not close to a 1655 but...i really don't know. I cannot help but think about the Heritage Tudor: THAT IS SOME WATCH!
  16. Apparently there'll also be a new explorer II: See it for your eyes: not too shabby!
  17. Great result ! As soon as i saw the MBW case, i knew where this was going! Very nice project. Kinda like toomuchgear 5517 which was a true piece of art. With a nice job on the dial so it appears older, this will be a nice addition to anyone's collection for SURE!
  18. Completely agree. Hopefully, these classics are still out there! @panerai153 (i apparently don't master the multiquote thingy so much): overall, the tudor looks superb. But when i pay closer attention to it, yeah they probably could have done something the the crown, even the crownguards. But it still is so PRETTY !
  19. Bad news for some, good for others: it is supposed to be 42mm. For me, i don't know how my tiny wrist will quite respond to that. I loved the understated looks of a 38-40mm Daytona. Well, maybe 42 is a stretch i could cross. I'm so psyched about this (you probably guessed with the raffle of posts i just wrote). Does anybody know when it should be out? GOSH I LOVE IT. By-Tor, marsupilami, LHOOQ you've just made my day!
  20. I totally agree. Can you confirm the price or you just guessed? The only thing to make me truly happy would be to be able to choose the bezel. Maybe a stainless steel one, or something like a tachymetre...
  21. Who agrees on the fact that they just made the submariner UGLY ? I just don't like this look, too bulky, the edges, everything. And the green one, please, SPARE ME ! HOWEVER, the Tudors are DOPE ! 7032 reminiscence ! WAOUH ! I'm calling my AD right away
  23. I would welcome any info regarding this subject too
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