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Everything posted by trailboss

  1. The Ebel Discovery is perfect execpt for the pushers being about a half mm too long. The De Witt acedemia is almost as good. And the Mont Blanc Timewalker is perfection. Plus asd Grahams as has been stated. Col.
  2. Brilliant! Just the tip of the chrono sec hand I think. Red stiching in the strap would have made it. I have seen these straps with coloured stiching and it works a treat. Don't know if I can find a shot. I'll have a look. EDIT: Yep. Here we go. On a PO. Can't remember who's pic this is to give credit. Chime in if it's yours. Col.
  3. Nope. Me thinks that wouldn't work either. I would say it's a screen shot taken with a screen capture program tho there is software that can capture whole flash animations as well. Because they don't. All Josh's stuff is shipped by Andrew's supplier according to Josh (passed in a PM by him to lord remembers who and posted at RWG1 ages ago). Ever noticed how the PKGs are exactly the same? Josh and possibily Andrew's people never even see the watches. With ET it goes to a place operated by and excluisivly for Chris and staff on his payroll examine them. Thus the far fewer grumbles you hear about crooked markers and missaligned date wheels regarding Chris. Are you telling me all Jandrews ETA's actualy are ETA's? How about the crystals? How many Saphire ones have we seen that arn't? How about the "improved" sec@6? I have bought from Josh in the past and have been quite happy with what I have recived but the LWLs (little white lies) are just too frequent for me to trust anything they say now. If it's a basic cheapie I will still buy from him but for the top end stuff I would rather pay a bit more for peace of mind. If you're happy with Josh, well and good. That's your right. Chances are good that you will get your watch. If there is a problem and send it back yes, it will be fixed/replaced but I would rather have it right the first time with out having to work out what is BS and what is truth while wadeing thru the website. I don't like being lied to. Period. Don't think I'm picking on Jandrew here. There are a lot of dealers here with the same LWL problem. Nearly every cheap sub is sold as a noob for example yet only a small portition of them come from the noob factory and the bits about ETA's and saphire are allmost universal. I know which is which and I'm shure you do to but it makes it very hard for the newbies to tell WTF they are actualy buying. As for the ETA thing, that's gotta be down to trust in your dealer and I don't have that level of trust in Jandrew or quite a few of the others anymore. Chris is not the only choice for a good dealer by any means but he is a reliable one. Regards, Col.
  4. I'll pass. It'l only have me crying at the end. Call of the Wild had the same efect and still does. BTW: the the thread title sounded like a porn spam posting Col.
  5. No, Chris has a watchmaker in China who chks his stock before it is shipped out. All stock passes thru his CN operation and does not come direct from the wholesaler as do many others. Yes he is more expensive. He has never tried to compete on price but relies on a quality product. He is one of the few folk with propper Noobmarriners for example. His dearer subs are a combination of a noob dial and MBW case and if Chris says "ETA" that's what you get unlike most places. It's up to the indervidual to decide if paying a bit more is worth it for the QC he gives. He also spells out his return and warrenty terms in plain english. Chris is one of a small handfull of dealers I trust to answer any question I put to him with 100% honesty. The other advantage of Chris is like another cpl of dealers he can, for a few dollars more ship from inside the EU so there is no customs risk if you live in places such as Italy or Belgium who are very tough on reps. Some terms asked about above: MBW: Marias Best Watch. A company based in Thailand who have made quality Rolex and Patak reps for a long time. Now rumered to have some very nice Pams in the pipeline. WM9: Watchmaker 9. A Taiwan based dealer who specialises in quality if somewhat expensive Rolex reps. Proberly "the best sub" especialy if purchased thru BKLM here on the forum. He does extra QC and some mods to make them even better. Some current debate exists over WM9s claims of "solid gold" in his TT bracelets but one way or the other they are still head and shoulders above all others tho the TT Noob from Chris and others is close enough for most. The Cartel: An aledged cartel that is said to comprise of Josh and Andrew along with one or two others depending on who you ask. Alegations surfaced concerning price fixing and standover tactics involving strong arming other dealers offering lower prices that have never been solidly proven to the satisfaction of many here. Search and read here and at RWI and make up your own mind. Regards, Col.
  6. Mention the MVT shure but FFS DON'T mention it's in a rep! All sorts of hell will break lose. Tell 'em somthing like it's in a cheap no name CN gen that belongs to your young brother or some such. Ya, a 21J ain't worth repairing. A new one should set you back under twenty bucks. Once you have a few stuffed ones and some skill you may want to do simple repairs since you will have parts from others but it's realy not worth the effort. They are definiatly worth regulating tho. You may be surprised just how accurate they can be. Regards, Col.
  7. NO, NO, NO! It is most certainly not junk! the A21J in all but it's cheapest and crappyiest form is a damn good reliable MVT. It can be ajusted in most cases to keep COSOC time, it's tough as nails and dirt cheap. What more could you want? My "Touture Test Noob" is nearly thru it's year of continues wear in which it has been subjected to everything from full bore rifle shooting to jack hammering whilst being worn. It's been worn while using sanders and chain saws etc so HF vibrations don't phase it either. It's got covered in spraypaint and washed off with thinners, it's been drowned, roasted (forgot to take it off when attending a house fire), droped and abused in every way I can think of and still keeps time to within 10 sec a day. It's power reserve is low but I suspect nothing a clean and ajust wouldn't fix. It must be very dirty in there by now. In a few weeks we will find out when it gets pulled appart at the end of it's year on my wrist. Yes, TZ do an exelent course in watch making. Fifty bucks plus whatever tools you buy and an ETA MVT that you can pick up for sixty USD or so. The email help available from your instructor alone is worth much more than the price of the course. Some sources for tools are listed below. zantechinc www.nationaljewelerssupplies.com Otto Frei Jules Borel And in the UK Cousins The last three will also have MVTs available. DO NOT email Otto with questions. He is rather hard to deal with unless you know exactly what you want. If you need any further help PM me. Regards, Col.
  8. Welcome Brucer. Glad to see you are doing a lot of reading as a first step. There is a lot to learn here and at the other fora and a few days reading gives one a massive head start in the hobby. Don't be afraid to ask questions tho. Especialy before you buy. Allways ask for an opinion on your choice of watch and/or dealer. Chances are there is someone here who has that exact watch from the same dealer and can tell you what it's like. You are spot on about By-Tor BTW. Anything either he or The Zigmeister have to say is gospel. Neither have the time to answer questions by PM much anymore but will chime in if they see a thread they can help with and there are many others here to help. Don't forget to consider either an up grade or a donation if you can afford it. It takes a surprisingly large amount of money to keep this place afloat. Regards, Col. EDIT: Dam it Offshore, you beat me too it while I was composing. Note to self: Don't stop half way thru to answer PMs!
  9. Great post Mr Zumba sir. I have allways thought the A7750 was geting a bad rap for nothing. Appears I was correct, asuming it is serviced every now and then. Col.
  10. Hey guys. Chief, it shall be done! Ken, I'll take care of it. Onze, you're priceless! Going now to post the auction, if my PB will work on Dial Up Col. EDIT: some things come up. I'll post the auction tomorrow.
  11. Here's the results folks! Book Buyers prizes. !/ Noob sub from Eurotimez: Tehflea from RWI 2/ AR job from Chieftang JohnG RWG1.1 3/ Handmade pen from AHW: Bob_Bean Geeks 4/ Handmade pen from Graman: Gruey Geeks. 5/ @ shirts from Kenburg Jeffmtbr RWI The main Draw 1/ PVD Sub from Fakemaster NuTymer Geeks 2/ LV Noob from Eurotimez Alphakazi RWG1.1 3/ Rolex Datejust and boxset from WBK. Ducatista RWG2 4/ Movado Museum from annon John Craig RWG2 5/ Neonode cell phone from Jamin72 (and this is a total flue folks) John craig! RWG2 6/ Logitech Key board from whoosh70 bwhitesox RWG2 7/ AR job from Chieftang JoeyB looks like RWG1,1 scooped the AR jobs! 8/ Handmade pen from AHW Gruey. Geeks. Wierd, pens seem attracted to him. Sory mate, you deserved a bit more IMO! 9/ Mont Blanc pen from WBK NuTymer Geeks. 10/ Hand made pen from Graman Madcatlancealot RWI 11/ Opperation freedom patches from SA347 Bwhitesox RWG2 12/ Watchmakers Tools from Annon R2D4 from RWI 13/ 2 Shirts from Kenburg. Tehflea. Thats all folks. A wierd draw I know but the video will be available if anyone wants to see it. Tickets were mixed before and after being scrunched up. With only one execption the multi winners bought A LOT of tickets. Up to $250 worth in fact. Can the winners Email me at ozfirefund@yahoo.com ASAP with their adress for mailing prizes. If anyone has a prize they don't want feel free to put it up for sale/ auction at the forum of your choice and donate some/all of the proceeds. Maybe split them between the appeal and the forum fund? It ain't over yet! Yep, I have a couple of watches still in the kitty for auction! There's a gen with a retail of over 800 bucks from a most generous Jamin72 (again!) and a Brietling from WBK. Told you he is whacko! The Briet will be going up at RWI and the Gen at RWG2. I'll get them up tomorrow. I'm stuffed today. I just wanna go home! The sooner you get me your addys, the sooner you get your prizes. Don't forget I'm still having to travel for the best part of an hour to dad's to go on line so I'l only be chking the mail once a day. First time will be in aprox 20hrs. Thanks to all those who helped make this possible. We have raised $3285 so far including those who opted out of the raffle but not including those who donated but did not pass an amount on to me. I suspect the total is well in advance of 4000 bucks with more to came from the auctions. Well done everybody. Give yourselves a pat on the back. Oh, Onzenuub, I need your address too mate. There's a special little thankyou headed your way for the work you put in. For those who don't know Onze has been takeing care of posting at Geeks for me since I am not a member there as well as bumping the thread everywhere. Onze even offered the use of his PP acount for those without CCs to donate.Considering you live on the other side of the world and have no connection with this disaster appart from living on the same planet I think you deserve it. You are NOT to auction/sell it tho. It's for you buddy. I'll catch up with everybody tomorrow. You are all stars in my book! Many thanks and regards from my self and the people of Victoria, Col.
  12. CLOSED! Thanks all! The draw will happen in aprox 22hrs from now (14:00 tues AEST). At that stage I will have a total for you. It aint over yet! I will also be anounceing two new auctions! One here and one at RWI so stay tuned. Thanks to all who donated and those who helped. Now if only I can get my own internet connection back Thanks and regards, Col.
  13. Hey folks. Still no sat, stuck on dialup at dad's still. I will issue any outstanding tickets some time after close of raffle prob (close time as above)in aprox 24hrs. The raffle wil be drawn on tues as advertised. Thanks to those who have donated, Regards, Col.
  14. Hey guys, sorry for not being arround. The sat link is down again and I had to take a drive to dad's place an hour away to use his dial up. All tickets should be issued as of 4AM GMT. At the sugestion of some of our American members I have decided to extend things by a few hours to allow the full weekend for the US to get involved. I was reminded that a whole different lot of members come in on weekends so you now have untill 2PM AEST (GMT+10) Monday to donate. The draw will be Tuesday. Thanks to those who have donated. A couple of late entrys on the prize list as well: a pair of hand made pens from Graman over at RWG1.1. Reagrds , Col.
  15. When you can get a rep this good, Who can tell? Ignore the cheapo strap mind you! Col.
  16. Oke, I should be up to date again. All who have email'd their recipts as of 16:00 GMT should have their tickets. If you don't, PM me. Thanks to all who have donated. Regards, Col.
  17. Hmmm, odd, no PM recived. Don't know why. Try emailing to the ozfirefund@yahoo.com box instead. I'm gunna catch some sleep now. Its 3.30am. I'l chk in the morning. Nite all. KEEP DONATING! Col.
  18. I've been hanging arround you so long Dutchy I got most of that without the translation! Col.
  19. Best first post ever! On any forum. What more can I say? Welcome and regards, Col.
  20. Oli beat me to it. How is the letter worded? It sounds more like a request than an order. Does it say you MUST attend and then state the section of law under which they can make you?If they could order your presence they would have. Flemish law is strict about allmost anything but it sounds like they are trying to get you to do somthing they actualy have no power to compel you to do. As has been stated if they wanted you and they could they would have draged you in there by now. WTF are you supposed to have done? You were in possesion of nothing. Their just trying to get you to grass up the dealer. Does not your Uni have a free law service for students in need of advice? Does it have a law faculity? Most countries have some kind of free basic legal advice for students/uneployed/low income earners etc. I am shure we had a thread exactly like this at one of the fora only a few mths ago and I'm preety shure it was your country involved. Nothing happened. Personaly I would do nothing at all if you are not going to get advice. Even Rolex realy can't do anything (can you fellas, I know your reading this )Becacuse you were not in possesion of anything. Your PP acount certainly won't mention "rep watch" will it? Who knows what you ordered but I'm shure an upstanding bloke like yourself would NEVER have knowingly orderd a rep! Col.
  21. I like a man who knows what he wants but in this case what you want is gunna cost you a fortune! You can get a cpl of realnice gens for 2grand. A decent Speedmaster gen and enough left over for a pair of top shelf reps in fact. It may be time to compromise and settle for sec@9. As has been stated the basic A7750 is a sound MVT likley to last you a fair old while but at least with the sec@9 a gen ETA 7750 is not too far out of reach if you want to go that way. Mind you the lower grade gens are proberly no better than the Asian version. Col.
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