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Everything posted by trailboss

  1. Maybe it's just the angle of the pic but the scallops on the bezel don't look even to me. Those at the botom appear to go right to the insert edge. Col.
  2. Let me start by saying that I doubt that mecehanical watches will ever die. Brands may, I think Rolex are in for a big shock soonish but the whole concept of a micro mechanical marvel on your wrist will allways appeal. Personaly I have wanted an auto since I first saw adverts for the Speedy moon watch all those years ago. Thank you Popular Mechanics. The worlds space programs still use mechanical watches. Even the Chinese. I don't see the Seiko Space Watch being adopted by seriuos space flight, ever. For starters it's near three times the price of a Speedy. However so say that there is no design merit in a high end quartz is false. I have mentioned a few times here that Offshore has recently brought my favorite Seiko back to life. Appart from the fact that it was a 21st present it's a marvel of its own. It uses the seiko 7A38 MVT, one of the worlds top three quartz MVTs. Within it's case are no less than four stepper motors, one for each dial. An all steel MVT, not a skerick of plastic to be found. It can be ajusted to an accurecy of .026 sec a day and has a service interval of fifty years. How is this not an achivement? These MVTs are truly a work of art. A different art for shure but an art all the same. Yes, it spends most of it's time in the watch box while I wear a 108 dollar noob sub but that's simply because I have no intention of wrecking an irreplaceable jewel. Should I manage to obtain a spare crystal, bracelet and MVT for the jigger it will get a lot more wrist time. I think we should be more concerned about the watch itself dieing out. As has been stated the younger crowed hardly wear a watch at all. Let alone a mechanical one. Omni: You can get a rep Micro Timer? I must have a look for one. Stormtrooper4: Sorry matey, that Breit is just plain ugly. Robby: Ya, the truly well off are never short of readies. Even during the great depression they had money to burn. So far this time 'round the top end of any market is not showing signes of dropping off. Cars, boats, planes or watches. The middle ground is suffering tho. Thus Rolex's problem. Of cause, the rep industry will get the blame for their own over pricing of what is basicly a manufactered object. The truly top end, the propperly hand made pieces from the likes of VC etc will allways have a steady stream of clientel. Col.
  3. Offshore will tell you guys I have nothing against Seiko. A good watch is a good watch regardless of who makes it or what powers it. You wanna see Seiko reps? Go HERE There's thousands of them! If you're tempted don't buy there, they charge far too much. Dealers here such as Hont can get them for you a lot cheaper. A good quartz is a hell of a lot more than 100 bucks BTW. Try buying a Bvulgari Carbon Gold for that! Even a top of the range Seiko is near a grand. A quartz Tag can be two or more Stateside, four and a half here so there is still a considerable saveing buying a rep. Col. PS: Yes Offshore it's still running.
  4. Ok, OK, How do I know where you were born? Your above post simply says "i don't think thats Chinese" , twice. And I was agreeing with you! Snowball I think you have your answer. Not the one you wanted but your answer all the same. Col.
  5. Doesn't look Chinese to me. Luthier or maybe RobbieG could proberly confirm that. I don't think either can read CN but they would both know it when they see it. My guess would be some sort of inventory or QC mark. Col
  6. It could be worse, inagine the office showers over at RWI. Seanf . . . . . . . . .midgets . . . . . . . . . . monkey buttlers . . . . . . . and poor old AHW in the middle of it all. The horror! The horror! We advoided this problem over at RWG1.1. When we remodeled the old place we went for a full set of roman baths instead. The attendents have been trained to recognise both Conerstone and Sean on sight. That's where the rotweilers come into play. Tried to hire Dani's pooch but he wouldn't be in it. Somthing about corupting a perfectly good dog. When the rottis are on their break Alphakarzi's mawcaw takes over. 'tis a grand sight swooping umongst the imported marble columns. The cleaners do complain about removing bird crap from the Da Vinci sculptures tho. Col.
  7. A lovley watch mate. Not entirly shure I like the smooth bezel tho. As for the Swiss made, It's a nasty error but with my old eyes I'd need a loupe to tell and I buy for me, not some WIS down the high street. Having said that, it would prob bug me to the point of having to fit a new dial just because I knew it was there. The markers are more of an issue tho, appaling. This (the Swiss Made markings) may indeed be restricted to one or two dial styles since the rep dials come in almost as many variaents as the gen. Someone posted the revelent pages of the AD catalog in the RWI versionof BTs review of this 'un and the gens go on for pages and pages. I have seen simerlar listings for the rep. BTW, Junior, we don't have ADs here. AD stands for Authorised Dealer ie:a retailer of gens. Ours are trusted, not authorised. Col.
  8. Oh crap! I gotta agree with Dani +1 Actualy the whole thread has been great. Alltime greatest first post? Col.
  9. No kid! Kinda hard to sell a half mill watch on the bay huh? My guess would be he had buyers lined up beforehand. Samurai, mind if I cross post this? Col.
  10. That's Otto all over. Sometimes you just can't help but to use him but oi vey, NEVER ask where stuff is if you want to see it eventualy. He has been known to send a $200 invoice for wasting his time in responce to emails. TTK ain't got nothing on Otto. Your stuff will turn up eventualy tho. No doubt of that. Yes, I think he [censored] Jules off as well thus the split. Jules has been cheaper of late as well. Col.
  11. Wow! what a thread! Great read and a lot to take in. Robbie: You and TJ share a birth DATE but from memory you're justa few years older my friend. BT: Those pushers! OMG, there a whole half mm too long! Col.
  12. Gold plateing services are everywhere. The quality ranges from OK to great along with the price. There are even guys who can do it at your place. They usualy do car badges abd suchlike. For the Queenslanders I can recomend HGP Refinishing Services in Brisbane (look in phone book). I have used them many times before as they are the choice of many jewelers in this part of the world. Col.
  13. I doubt this module will ever be improved on. The Liaoning Watch Factory who makes almost all the A7750s used in reps does not make the sec@6 module. It's made lord knows where proberely in a factory under a house somewhere in GZ. The design of the module was proberly contracted out or just bought. Chances all the staff and boss know is how to churn out this MVT. The're factory workers and machineists not watch smiths. Thus nothing will be done in a large way to this MVT. It sounds like the changes are minimal as you would expect in this case. Engineering improvements rather than design. One of our trusted dealers confirmed to me that the factory had made no claims of great improvment in this MVT "the factory..... didn't really mention much of an improvement" so the plot thickens. Col.
  14. No worse than many of us have done. Learning by mistakes may be a little exy but it's efective! As the guys said, no biggie. Find a watchsmith close by who is not a AD (authorised dealer) and get a quote. At least if you do need a new crown tube and crown you will have a much better rep as a result. Col.
  15. More than a few. Lots. Welcome to one more. Col.
  16. Hey Robbie. The watches are great but I'm suprised no one has mentioned the quality of the photography which is supurb! A man of many talents, well two at least Several of those shots could easily be framed and hung as art. Regards, Col.
  17. OKE, sorry PT. If you're not selling it it's not realy your fight but I would love to see pics of this suposed "new" MVT. Col.
  18. Thank you AD. Trying to find the post would have been a needle in a haystack job. Why? 'cause over there any real harsh comment may vanish into the matrix. Here that would not happen unles it was totaly OTT. Even then it would just get a warning and cavet attached. Free speach is good mmkay? His silence leads me to belive he has no comeback. Josh: You have (mostly) great watches, great priceing and reasonable ASS so why do you insist on blowing it by telling LWL after LWL? You were once the dealer of choice for almost every person on the boards so why spoil it by spouting BS so deep you need wings to stay above it? It shows an almost total lack of respect for your clientel and respect my friend is so important when dealing with someone we have almost no comeback with when things go badly wrong. If you do not show respect for us how can we trust you with our hard earned dollars? How many nice houses, cars ect have the members of the various fora bought you in the last few years? Yet you treat us with total distain by treating us as if we are fools who will belive anything you say. No more my friend. I think you have realy blowen it this time and that sadens me as we could benifit greatly by an open and honest approach to the tru nature of what it is you are selling. The stupid thing is you have enough clout to enshure this problem was fixed properly but apperantly can't be bothered to do so and that is a damn shame for all concerned. I strongly belive that as a result your (you and Andrew) days as a dealer of choice with anyone on the boards are numbered. Hope theres enough trade at RG to keep ypou going. After all, your never going to get kicked from there are you? PT: Waiting. Pics of this "new" MVT please! Col.
  19. I don't think anyone debates that Josh. Just the veracity of said infomation! So the consessis is that what we have is a new timebomb? Shurly it can't be that hard to get this jigger right? I'm not totaly convinced more jewels is the answer either. Considering these things usualy come dry could not more jewels actualy increse friction in the sec@6 train? A complete redesign would seem to be in order. The Zigmeister: could you clear somthing up for me? Did the MVT have 29J to start with as AD stated a page or two back? Col.
  20. Well Josh? We're waiting! The LWLs appear to be geting bigger by the day and not just from the cartel I must say. Thanks Francisco for the hard work you have put in here to expose yet another one. Depressing ain't it? I belive that one of the problems with geting this MVT right is that the sec@6 module is not made by the factory makeing the MVT itself but by a third party who just don't care who bad it is. The base MVT in almost all our chrono reps is a Liaoning however they do not make the sec@6 module. The source of the module is unknown (anyone?). For a slightly different take on the inherent problems of this MVT have a looky HERE and part 2 HERE Note I said different, not right, not wrong. I don't know near enough about this MVT to pass judgment. I would like coment from those who do however. Regards, Col.
  21. My thought exactly The Zigmeister. Nice watch, far too big for this little black duck. Col.
  22. Don't think it would work on a watch beacuse of joints and voids (crown seal, pushers ect) but what great tech! I can certainly think of a hell of a lot of other uses for it. Having said that it would be great to water proof leather straps! Page bookmarked for future reference. Thanks for the link. Regards, Col. EDIT:If you can't get the site take the "index.HTML" off the URL and it works folks.
  23. From the looks of that you should have them in hand tomorrow my friend. Enjoy. BTW, your english is not at all bad some of the best posters on the various forums are from non english speaking backgrounds. Feel free to pratice on us. Come to think of it. Some english speaking folk here have worse spelling and grammer than you including me on a bad day Regards, Col.
  24. On the off chance anyone is building a FrankenTag Otto has a few of these dials in stock for $89. Page link HERE Col.
  25. I can source for about 60usd but 16? I think the cheif has the answer. All the same, but a dozen and flog 'em off, you can't lose. Col.
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