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Everything posted by JoeyB

  1. My first build is a Rolex 6542, and it's been improved several times since. I almost wish I had never built it, or my 1675 cornino with the exclamation dial, as my 16710 - also improved several times - was my 'all' watch. All 3 are now gen style crystal and bezel mount. I really can't choose one of them. A half step behind is my 6204 Sub. I could sell any of the rest, but not these 4.
  2. OK, but if you want the time in Hawaii, which is GMT/UTC -10, putting the 10 at the 12 o'clock position gives you midnight (12:14 in the blue area). What do you do to get France which is +2 GMT?
  3. I travel with my GMT IIc with the hour hand set to my home time (central). My GMT hand is set to GMT/UTC and I turn the bezel to the time zone I am in (GMT/UTC +or-). I read the visited time from bezel at the GMT 4th hand. It seems to work for me. I've never suffered from jet lag. And this watch has the GMT 'quickset' jumping hand.
  4. So, regardless of where you are in the world, when it is midnight where you are at, and your watch is set to where you are at reading midnight, the GMT 24 hour hand is reading the very same time?
  5. To me, it makes more sense to set and leave the GMT hand set at GMT/UTC and move the bezel for different time zones. Unscrewing and screwing the crown/tube to set puts more wear on the weaker part than using the bezel. If the GMT hand is set to GMT/UTC how is that a 'tell'?
  6. I'd have though that everything points North up there. It's more accurate for you than those further South as well. The GMT/UTC 24 hour hand must be set to your local time zone. And it only works in the Northern Hemisphere, and only when Daylight Savings Time is not in effect. The further away from the equator you are the more accurate the reading will be.
  7. If you look at the pic in my signature you will see that the time is 10:24 P.M. local, and the 4th hand is pointing between the 3 and 4 on the bezel. That tells me it is 3:24 A.M. UTC/GMT. For Spain, being UTC/GMT +1 you turn the bezel so that the 1 o'clock marker is at the top, or '12' position. Then read the hour that the 4th hand is pointing to on the bezel. For any of the UTC/GMT '+' hours move that number directly to the '12' position. In this picture the bezel is set to -10 UTC/GMT, the time in Hawaii. For minus UTC/GMT you subtract from 24 (24 -10 =14, and move the 14 to the '12' position) Local time was 11:45 A.M., and it was 6:45 A.M. Hawaii time. And it was 4:45 P.M. (16:45) UTC/GMT.
  8. On all my GMTs, 6542, 1675, 16710 and 116710, I set the 24hour GMT hand to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)/ Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Then turn the bezel and read the time for the zone I need from the bezel.
  9. Ah, 'Who has the best Sub', the eternal question. The best advice is to read, read and read some more, The 'Search' function is your friend. There are tons of testimonials with pictures here, along with critiques. Trusty Time is a trusted dealer, and we have several more trusted dealers as well.
  10. Fortunately, it is never senseless.
  11. I was called out after not posting in this thread on the first 3+ pages. Read my posts. Members have been wronged, but there is more to it.
  12. Sorry. I was trying for 4th grade to make certain you could understand it. Maybe you could get someone to explain it to you.
  13. Based on what you post, I'd say you have a mental disorder. How is your rant on RWI going? Did they get the vigilantes put together yet?
  14. You didn't. You couldn't. In fact, you asked for it. Now enjoy it.
  15. With all due respect, I'd suggest you go back and look who turned this thread for you. I hadn't posted in this thread and had no intent to do so until one tried to play cutesy, and the other posted my name. See reply #60. I was called out, and will answer.
  16. That's odd. It looks as though you are the troll who made a long, many page thread on another site bashing this site. You initiated the thread bashing RWG on TTK's RWG. And it is right here in this very thread that you tried to stir the pot by inviting me in with your post. TTK has certainly lowered his standards for a lap dog in having one like you.
  17. You have proof md2020 is a "junkie"?? Show it. You are the troll. I come here, not trolling other sites. You have proved you are out of control, have no self control at all, and now verify that fact again. Yes, I was banned on the other RWG, and no, I do not go there, nor have a name to go there with. Those spreading lies like that would be the "loser". You make it worse, and have the other forums bashing this forum with your incessant, misplaced whining. I didn't call anyone a "lair". I did call out the lies that were told here, and the liars who told them. You have nop clue what I've done, but that doesn't stop your uneducated and ignorant rants. I have yet to stick up for md2020. I've no doubt you can't comprehend that fact. I'd think that most would be very wary of dealing with you. And in closing, thank you again for verifying all I posted.
  18. Nope, I didn't ask that. I didn't make a reply to this thread until one member decided to play cutesy, and another member posted my name to that cutesy reply. By that they asked me to join in. I have yet to make ANY defense of ANYONE stealing a member's property or anything else. Where did you get that from? The 'code of honor' on this site is that of the membership as established in the rules of the forum. http://www.rwgforum.net/topic/24786-read-our-forum-rules/ In particular, but not limited to, #s 5, 7, 8 and 15 have been violated in all these md2020 threads by several members, and three in particular multiple times. My objections and defense is directly in regards to those rules and nothing except those rules. I am not your son.
  19. People want the truth. The things said about md2020 may be true, or might not be, in part, or not at all. But those casting the unfounded accusations are making the problem worse, as you said.
  20. Good. I'd feel bad if you were disappointed.
  21. Whoever could you mean? We have members here who have had no problem and in fact good experience with MD2020. And we have those we know who have issues with MD2020, including one of our Admin. Up until two weeks ago everyone in question was in line to get their proerty back, repaired and finished. So, what happened two weeks ago? We know that some went to a PM, do not know what was said or done, but do know that it was reported by one of the PMers that MD2020 was once again PO'd by someone there and told them all to do something physically impossible with their watches. We also know that some here chose to cuss out a fellow RWG member, pile on, tell lies and perpetuate fabricated baloney. That would be you. And now more of your lies? A "junkie"??? That "junkie" garbage is now posted on other watch sites, thanks to you. And RWG is being bashed again on two sites, thanks to you. It looks to me that your inability to control yourself, your incessant attacks, your need to use cussing, your failure to be honest, and your penchant to make up baloney only serves to make the matters worse. And now you want to ban a fellow member for disagreeing with you and your methods? Your actions are that of a child throwing a tantrum.
  22. I'll treat your advice with all the significance it deserves. (flush)
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