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fitch last won the day on July 22 2014

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  1. I am confused as to what the correct info about this is; I've been told the threading is different and it does seem that way, also the case is phong 5514, it has accepted a 703 tube in the past, I have an ataya 702 and it gets stuck (in the past ataya 702 worked like a charm in my HH5514). I found a psot from 10 years ago: which addressed this and also the solution but this seems out of my league so instead of trying to solve this myself I might be better of with a watchmaker, any suggestions in the EU who might be able to help me out? thanks!
  2. Hi it's been a while since I last posted here but I've never lost track of RWG and would like so advice from the rolex vintage experts; I have a phong case which has the fitting for a 703 tube but I would like to use a 702 instead; any idea if a conversion is possible (or who might be able to do this in the EU)? thanks in advance for your input!
  3. Been 14 years or longer, can't really remember. Some names resonate a bit but there was so much information at that time for me it wasn't until Eddielee, lello, TTK, Maria, River, Ubi, Zigmeister, Palpatine, that I started remembering names (and of course you are still one of them Nanuq :)) been lurking these last few years, haven't added much reps to the collection but still happy with what I've got I wish you all the best and really nice to see many of us oldies are still around
  4. Slay, Awesome inserts! I went a little overboard with fading one so if anyone is Looking for a Ghost insert drop me a Pm [emoji854] (you van have it at no extra charge for the aging, I just like to have enough $ to get a new one from slay [emoji23]) and since every insert responses differently to the aging process inwas able to hold back on the second I got from you and it really worked well; I wanted to go for a worn but bot too much faded insert; So it’s slightly aged and really Goes well with the rest of the setup [emoji1] [emoji1303][emoji1303][emoji1303]
  5. it's a beauty :)
  6. logged in and out 5 times without any issues
  7. Rollie , Fitch , Jacob & Mir36


    I need your help to FINALLY finish my 202a Project , Please come to my thread to Share your knowledge & Experience

    I REALLY Need yours skills & talents , since my hands shake too much , Im sure i will end having my parts modded from you one way or another

    I opened the same thread on RWI but I guess I will have more communication with you guys over here :

    PLEASE for Pity's Shake HELP ME close this Initial (First) and LAST project ! 


  8. That's beautifull!!! wel done mate!
  9. Beautifull work Rolli!! also a very nice strap combination we're so lucky these dials are available to the community! keep up the great work
  10. Great combo! thanks for sharing
  11. For now it has a Pre-V 202/a caseback from Jakob (that's the only spare one I had ). The case is an old JimmyF, sead cg, original crown and C3 crystal, the parts have received a PVD coating from Rolli a few years ago. The strap is a Dirk with refurbished logo buckle. I know this dial is an acquired taste but the color and structure of the dial is really something special
  12. Hi all, I'm very pleased to introduce my latest addition; the aqua di panerai You can read all about Rolli's dials in the seperate threads that address each dial so I will quickly move on to the pics: I hope you enjoyed the pics Cheers, fitch
  13. Same here! best of wishes for 2016 to you and yours and to everybody else
  14. Yes! Just Pulled the trigger i can't wait to receive it and see this beauty in real life! Thanks Rolli!
  15. It's a great looking dial!! hopefully my next addition as well
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