I have been collecting for about a year now. I only have 6 reps, and a gen to my name. Over the past few months, mypassion has not subsided, but my willing to purchase a rep has. I love being a part of this community the sharing and learning, it's fantastic. However, for me to purchase a watch, it has to be something a bit special. I saw the Hublot, and yes thought it was wild, it was unique.....did I want it? No. I saw the Costeau, and it is beuatiful, did I want it? No. I saw the Slevin edition of the IWC, do I want it....YES. That is my next purchase.
My purchasing has slowed down, but my integration into this community hasn't. For me, the watches themselves are a 15% segment of the enjoyment I get from the hobby, the other 80% comes from here.
Are reps worth buying?
It gives us something to talk about, and as true as Twotone's signature is, 'where people gather, life happens' That for me is the hobby of replica collecting. Purchasing and wearing the watch is all but a process. The discussion and anaylsing of it is where it starts and from where enjoyment stems for me.