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Posts posted by maxman

  1. The Ebay pic shows the batons are a 1 peice design...........I thought Gen's always had a split parrallel baton ??

    Are you sure it's gen??

    Just a thought

    I was thinking the same thing. Hard to tell sometimes but that looks a bit suspicious to me. The 2 oclock baton looks like one solid piece.

    I think the new rep batons look better than that




  2. Pmsl Maxman, and yes dave does need some help !

    Not getting into the political debate but I agree with what has been said re the US economy, short term pain will lead to long term gain, the country is not [censored] financially as lots of 'informed' people would have you think, the US economy is a lot stronger than the likes of Greece so won't be falling on it's [censored] just yet.

    The doomsayers are in their element atm ;) Keep Calm and Carry On :)

    Dave? who Is this Dave you speak of bro? I was actually referring to the American public/media. ;)

  3. I have posted this video twice In the last four years. The reason Is I believe It's the absolute truth. People are going to believe whatever they want to believe. I'm not saying thats good bad or Indifferent....It just is. But when you have certain facts that can not be denied....because there based on actual facts... people will still refuse to believe them. I just don't know what to say. But I do believe George Carlin got It right. It's not the politicans hurting this country..It's the Ignorant uninforemed voters that believe everythng there told by a lying mainstream media with It's own agenda. That agenda??....do and say what there told to do and say. That's of course If they like having a job. That pays quite well I might add.

    I understand that Americans want to see this country grow and prosper again. Good jobs with decent pay. People having a decent roof over their heads with food on their tables. Sounds like reasonable expections. I'm also one of those who still believe the United States of America Is the greatest country In the world. I know.. except for Canada where people have $50.000 watches and drive cars 160 mph or 250 kmh or buy homes with a quick swipe of thier credit cards. All while picking out your next cruse ship extravaganza. Why not just buy the cruse ship? You know....for shits and gigles.. while making funnies of the USA [censored] up economy. Not all of us here are In such a position unfortunately. That said.. I feel that most nations at one time or another have had there down time....were having ours. The great depression was a horific time for this country....but we not only came back..but we came back very strong. I believe with all my heart that we will come back again.

    The video I mentioned above Is the best political commentary on todays politices that have ever heard. I don't like what George Carlin say's but believe every word of It.

    Now we got four more years of Obamma. His only plan for the next four years were some cheesy pamplets he handed out toward the end of his re-election campaign. I'm sorry...but that was Insulting. If you were not Insulted....then enjoy. :) Obamma has proven to be dishonest....over and over again. He coverd Eric holders ass with the Executive Privlege Conification act. Which of course gives him the right to withold the truth from the people who hired him. One of his main promises before elected was that his administration would be transparent. As transparent as any president In resent memory. He refused to hold holder;) accountable for his actions. Now he's covering up the slaughter of a American ambasador and three other Americans In the Benghazi attack. He and his administraion told this country that It was because of a youtube video that no one ever heard of or saw. Not anyone I know anyway. They told this bold face lie while knowing that this was a planed attack. They had known for months that the embassy would be attacked and did absolutely nothing about it. They actually watched the attack In real time. He's been patting himself on the back for killing Osama bin laden since day one. The truth is he had nothing to do with the killing of Osama. he may have given the order....but what president wouldn't? If people would do there research they would know that one of his.. Osama's 15 wifes.... tipped off the Americans to his wearaboputs. In other words...he got lucky. So now the region Is rid of the taliaban and other radical extremist and all should be good. Well Mr president....It Isn't. So why not be a real leader and just tell the truth. The answer is a easy one. He's just another politican....and not telling the truth comes natural for these people. It's who they are and what they do.. But I will give him credit....the Jay Z and Bruce Springsteen thing.... well done Barry. Your minions ate that [censored] up like surf& turf.

    But It was Bushes fault...no It was Clinton's fault. No it was Bushy Sr fault.....and the beat go's on. There all lying pos that could care less about you and your family. Some worse that others of course. Lets see what we got so far. George W Bush told the this country that we needed to declare war on Iraq because they had weapons of ass destruction. They had absolutely no proof and the UN were looking for these WOMD. But George said that he would not give them anymore time. George said there Inteligence said otherwise. I think Intelligence Is the operative word here. They found no weapons so now we were going to liberate Iraq. I don't remember anyone from Iraq asking us to liberate them. :g: Will that shitck was not working well.. so we went with..."we are here to fight terrorism". There have been several surveys done over the last ten years. The soldiers were asked about there feelings about the war and there partisaption/ Involvement In It. Most of them said "they didn't have a [censored] clue why they were there kilillg and being killed. Not a [censored] clue. Must be a hell of a thing to have weaponry In your hands that is capable of kiliing hundreds and thousands and not exactly sure why you're In this position. Sometimes things don't really hit home untill you've been personally affected. Say for example you're sitting accross from your son daughter mother father brother sister.. etc. To see those loved ones....If they were lucky enough to make It back...but see them without there legs or arms..or parts of their face missing. That can sometimes change how one feels about those who sent these people to a part of this world that will most likely never change. It's thier country and part of the world and they will live as they choose.

    Now lets move on to Bill Clition...I think It's all his fault. I actually like Bill...he wears Panerai's and likes cigars ;) But we must remember "I did not have sexual relations with that women". Nice try Bill. :acute:

    Most what I said here is not to be taken to heart....unless you feel strongly with or against me. Most of It was meant to be satire. Some of what I said comes from the very core of my belief system and heart. But this Is just one persons opinion. I'm grateful that I still have that right. If I have offended anyone...that was not my Intention. I think I'll let George wrap It up. RIP George


  4. I'm actually one of those silly Independents that care more about the man or women who represents the party than the party Itself. I voted for Obamma In 08 and I have not been Impreseed to say the least. But I won't blame him for the eight years of the Bush administration. I don't usally like to engage In these types of threads. People are going to disagree and things can and do get quite nasty.

    Michelle Obamma In 08 said that

    "This was the first time In her adult life that she has been proud of America". I guess those 200 plus years that came before can't compare to the election of your husband. It was one of the most disgusting things I have ever heard. But are first lady wasn't done with her anti American [censored] talking. There was this Veterans ceremony where the vets were folding a flag over a caset In honor of the many Americans who faught and died to keep this country free. There were bagpipes playing In the background. It was trully a beautiful occasion for Americans to take pride In their country and those who gave so much to keep her free.

    This video has been examined by some of the best lip readers and forensic speech pathologist In the world. As far as I know all these people agreed with the vile garbage that came out of her mouth. Now thats one classy first lady.

    She said..:all this for a dam flag" while her husband the president smiled In agreement. Watch the video and draw your own conclusions. These are the people that Americans have chosen to run the country. Sounds good to me. I don't think Michille understands that if not for these brave people there might not be a United States Of America. Or she dosen't give a [censored]. You can clearly see the hate and disgust on her face

    It was either Obamma or Romney. This was the very best this country had to offer It's people. We are trully [censored] as a nation. Have fun. :)


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