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Everything posted by maxman

  1. So true WM,WUS Is Indeed a sales forum,a huge one at that. "They just want business to flow smoothly" exactly Although I have to admit that It did take me sometime to get over my ban About two minutes,maybe three
  2. I really like Oris's,I think they are hard to beat for the money. The Oris Titan(pepsi) Is a fantastic rep,very underated Imho. I like big watches but at 51mm It would be to big for me. The Breitling SA(48.4) Is about my limit. That being said,the Prodiver looks to be a very well made and rugged timepiece,love the locking system for the bezel
  3. Bulls eye Ken,very well said
  4. I say "good riddance" Some of these places are saturated with censorship,screw them Is right,welcome to RWG the "big boys" sand box
  5. It sure looks like one to me,but then again Im far from being a expert. Beautiful Pam Tutima,congratulations
  6. Touche ,Got me on that one mike BTW the RW Nubucco Is keeping perfect time thanks to you, now how about some onion nuggets
  7. I will let someone who is qualified answer your questions,I do wish you the very best of luck with your endeavour
  8. Welcome to RWG Boug,I see you are in good hands,enjoy
  9. Man thats cool in a freaky kind of way,I like It The little lady Is Indeed talented,thanks for sharing Nanuq
  10. To quote Michel Jackson(Jackson five) Abc, you and me,thats the wayyyy, love should be
  11. It's a real watch,tells the time and everthing.So It's not a fake.
  12. I think It might be helpful to take a few pics. Im not familiar with AP's but there are many here who are,good luck
  13. +1 and the fix will probably be In before the project Is complete,as wheaton suggested. Nice Idea though,hearts In the right place
  14. maxman

    Hair loss

    I have had a decent head of hair most of my life, but about four years ago It started to thin a little on top. I noticed this area about the size of a quarter where I could see my scalp,I freeked Well I started doing some research and found two Hair loss forums,Hairloss talk and Hairloss help. These are the two biggest hair loss forums around. The first thing I tryed was Rogain, I had a tearable reaction to It,swollen eyes and puffy face,not good,had to stop taking It.I read a lot of negative comments about propecia,so I decided to skip It. I then started doing a lot of research on a natural approach,some said It would help, some said It would not. Well I gave a try and Im glad I did. I started this fight against my hairrloss In Dec/07.(Diet) I started eating a more natural diet,whole foods/organic/ a lot of brown rice,fruits and veggies, ect.(suplements) I take a daily mega vitamin, Omega fish oil, Saw Palmetto,Calcium,and Biotin. I also try to drink around 64oz bottled water a day.(shampoos) Mon-Wed-Fri Nizoral 1% the other days,Nexus for thinning hair.I also do "scalp messages" every other night or so,this helps to Increase blood flow to the scalp,healther scalp,healther hair. I dont know how much It helps but It sure does feel good This has been my regimen for almost three years. Have I grown any new hair?? I dont think so but It has indeed slowed down my hair loss. My hair was looking like [censored] there for a while,lifeless and limp,kind of whispy. My hair looks much better now, It is thicker and that thin spot on top of my head Is barely noticable. The girl that cuts my hair has also seen a change. I was also finding some hair on my pillow and In the shower,not anymore. The reason many regimens dont work for people is because they give up after a few months. The truth Is that one should give whatever there trying at least 12 months before they deside If It's working or not. If after 12 months you see no Improvements, well then It probably safe to say "It's not going to work". I did not notice any changes In my hair for about 8 months,after that I could see that my hair was becomming healther and thicker. Great toppic Dani, I was actually thinking of starting the same toppic a few weeks back. There is some very good infomation In this thread,thanks everyone
  15. maxman

    Hair loss

    Coffee Is now all over the keyboard,thanks
  16. Bump,come on RWG,lets get this great rep sold
  17. I'll take the second one thank you very much
  18. Thanks Boss,very considerate of you to provide this look back In rep(fora) history,pioneers??? ABSOLUTLEY
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