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Everything posted by maxman

  1. maxman

    My first rep

    Congratulations OGM,ya done good,very good Indeed
  2. The lever should be flush with the crown guard,or very close to It. It seems that some are better than others. Ask the dealer for pics before delivery Is your best bet. Reguardless of the CGL issues,best Pam rep ever made Imho. I have the old model that is very nice but this one Is much nicer,congratulations Sql,absolutely love that tan/orangish strap,looks fantastic on your wrist
  3. Indeed,I just learned something new,very nice
  4. I have purchased most of my straps from Heroic 18,IMHO they are the very best straps for the money. There beautiful gator straps run form $150-175. There submarine buckles are coolest that I have ever seen,give them a look. Many gen Pam owners purchase there,I can see why. I have three of there straps,one gator,fantastic quailty
  5. It takes great knowledge and experence to do a proper A7750 service. We have some of the best In the bussiness right here at RWG. Take a look around,good luck
  6. Welcome to RWG Cybertek. My first rep was the 42mm PO,the quartz version outside of the movement It Is a very good looking rep,I gave It to a friend. I now have the 45mm auto that I like very much,great rep.If you are used to Canal ST reps you are going to love It around here. The Infomation here Is some of the best,If not the best available anywere,enjoy Mike
  7. Nice,very nice.love the ss bracelet
  8. +1 Indeed makes one appreciate RWG that much more,no comparision Imho. No long threads about battery life
  9. Me 2,Im a Chinese junks kinda guy I was there about five weeks before the ban hammer fell
  10. Yep, I was also banned from WUS. This guy had concerns about purchasing some Invicta,he was worried that It was a rep. I replyed that there was no such animal, that It would be like a Timex rep,no worries. I also told him about a few other things to look out for,trying to be helpful. This mod sent me a pm telling me that I should pay attention to the TOS. He also said that I sound like someone who knew a little more about reps than I should. This pos also suggested that If I Indeed did wear reps(cheep Chinese junk) that WUS wasnt the place for me. I very calmly and respectively said something to the effect about his mum and a three legged donkey I said I was calm I told him to stick his ban In his happy place. Dont think he liked that to much,no written apology for me. I really did not care for the place, so no big deal.RWG ROCKS BABY
  11. Thank you very much 14060,It's infomation like this that makes me love this hobby so much. Members like youself that give of there time and experence to the rep community. I feel that this movement will find It's way Into some reps that we have been waiting years for. Again thank you very much for the break down,absolutely fantastic
  12. People are alwas switching there straps around on there Pams so I dont think It's that Important that you wear a gen gator,unless you insist. The Important thing Is to wear a quailty strap. The reps straps will not fall under this catagory. The strap from EBay Is from Panatime like Drulee said. I have the exact same one In brown. They can be somewhat shiny when new, but after some wear they loose the shine and look pretty nice for the money.There not a great strap but a desent strap. Take a look In are starp section,some of are members make some of the nicest straps that you will ever see. Take a look at some of the "horn back" croc, lizard, and gator straps, they are just flat out awesome ,good luck
  13. Good news Is that Breitlings and Grahams are some of the better reps. Take your time and follow the advice above,good luck
  14. maxman

    pvd pron

    Thanks rolli,the dlc coating Is a much better approach
  15. maxman

    pvd pron

    I should have thought that,makes more sense,thanks
  16. The cape cod Is for polished ss only. Try a Scotch brite pad,these are for brushed ss,they have worked very well for me. My Omega bracelet had some finish issues. I used a scotch brite pad and the bracelet looks much better now. Remember to always go In the direction of the grain and the pad should be a little damp,makes It eaiser to work with,good luck
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