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Everything posted by maxman

  1. The best to you and family krpster....classy post. Mike
  2. I thought Ken was close to that on his own Oh well...make mine a Scotch...straight up.
  3. In all seriousness...I think most of the cars I've seen In Poland are Fiats Nissans VW's and Hondas. Small cars for small roads......but. Polands Arrinera has started taking orders and plans to begin deliveries to Europe,China the Middle East and the USA later this year. Lamborghini knock off? prehaps. But a very cool looking car Irregardless. http://blog.<strong>...r-Gets-A-price/
  4. My bad "An Uneducated person it is". I guess "techinically" speaking..."ass hole" is one word. My bad again.
  5. I would think you would refer to me as a uneducated person Instead of a uneducated American. :I dont know how educated or uneducated you are....but you are definitely a ass hole. Nice horse btw
  6. It's the end of the video that makes It worth waching...but ZR1 Is the king. If I had my pick as a everyday car? I would take the Nissan.. Then again?
  7. I know..I know...we just can't keep up to the Polish when It comes to making safe cars.
  8. Check out the new funbags air bags on the new CTS-V. American made baby
  9. Toatal and complete bull [censored]. People who actually believe this nonsense are Ignorant,,or they just like to Insult American cars..or Americans In general. We had a period between the mid to late 70's thru the early 2000's where we did make some poor quailty cars. But If you look throughout history...you will see that the Americans were not the only one's who could make a piece of [censored]. Jeremy Clarkston was asked not to long ago while he and the Top Gear crew were In Vegas. "Why Is It that you hate American cars so much and love to refer to them as rubbish"? His reply. "I like to get a rise out of the yanks". But then he continues to Insult American cars and the folks that build them. [censored] you Jeremy That being said... I happen to like the show and I take his Insults with a grain of salt. BTW Jeremy...dont foget your dental cleaning comes up In two years. I have never spoken to a true historian who would ever refer to American cars as junk. Was there a period where Americans were not building good cars? yes. But If you honestly think that a country that can send a man to the moon...and this August sent a rover to Mars. If you think that country cant build a good car....ok. Actually American cars are some of the most beautiful cars ever made. If people would actually do there due dilligence there would be no need for these troll type post. To the OP DP....you knew that you would Insult a large % of the membeship here. Hence the flak jacket. I'll take a guess and bet that your one of those who likes to troll the members here from the US. I mean how would you feel If I or someone else started a thread/topic on..."BRITISH Teeth..or the lack of. Whats up with that [censored]"? But of course I would never start a thread like that because It would only show my Ignorance and lack of class. No matter what a friend might or might not have said about the Brits dental habits. Some will say...ya ya ya....Americans used to make some good cars years and years ago. But not anymore. OK. I'm not going argue with the haters. Believe whatever It Is you want to believe. Oh and there was that one guy...what was his name...oh ya...Henry Ford...or something like that. The fact Is that for many years cars here were made pretty much for straight a way driving....handling wasn't really a part of the engineering process That didn't necessarly make them bad cars....but not much fun to drive unfortunately. But remember many Americans were more concerned with a comfortable long highway/motorway driving than carving up a mountain road. But we can do that now just as good as anyone....thats right...anyone. Oh ya...another thing. Ferraris are using American(GM) technolgy for there suspensions. MRCT.. Magnetic Ride Control Technology. Good enough for Ferrari....but not quite up to Clarkstons high standards. Then he go's out and purchases a GT40. Oh Jermey.....you're such a lovable douchebag. Mike http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxLCw-S3al4[/media]
  10. They dont need a excuse....but It's nice to have one just In case. Adam Richman.. MVF nation baby. He's a national treasure bro.
  11. Here's a excellent review by RWG member Importr. This should help Good luck. Mike http://www.rwg.cc/to...perocean +abyss
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