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Posts posted by Ronin

  1. Pug, I was just making an exaggerated point based on the burning bridges comment and common stereotypes. I was being a smart arse. And to the point, in the metro area I live in, using an Apple product in the coffee shop is still like flashing your Rolex, and many of the hipster Apple users I encounter in my neck of the woods still look down their noses at the guy with the Dell/Zune. YMMV.

    On the flip side, Steve summed up the iPad nicely during the keynote:



  2. A couple thoughts from above:

    1.) Building a Hackintosh. Been there done that, but at the end of the day, some update is going to break it. -or buy the time you invest in the new EFI dongle, and all your hardware, you are only a few hundred $ away from a "Gen" :). More work that its worth.

    2.) @Cheif - I agree about the still trying to figure it out. Hell, if they had simply reduced the price of a MacBook "Air" to Sub-$1000 they would probably fly off the shelves. Imagine a MacBook Air "convertible tablet! The MacBook Air will probably be my/wifes next "around the house" device after seeing the iPad.

    3.) The Wired article and Jobs calling others lazy! (Below comments stolen from another blog)

    "About Adobe: They are lazy, Jobs says. They have all this potential to do interesting things but they just refuse to do it.".

    This is coming from a company who refuse to :

    1. Do multitasking.

    2. Include google voice.

    3. Have an open app store.

    4. Allow FireFox.

    5. Allow flash just so i-pone and soon i-pad users can do the interesting things that android user will do soon...

    (the list could go on and on).

    Who is it that is hypocritical?

    Steve can't call Adobe lazy.

    It took Apple 2 years to add copy and paste to the iPhone

    It took Apple 3 months to fix the wifi bug in iPhone OS 3.0

    It took Apple 2 months to fix the text message exploit in iPhone OS 3.0

    It takes Apple 1 month to submit an app or app update to the appstore


    I am just playing Devils Advocate here. It is that this is the first time, in a long time, that people are really coming out AGAINST Apple.

    I am still going to stand my tin-foil hat theory that Flash simply cuts into the Apple $$$ making machine, and could kill AT&T 3g networks via things like Hulu. I am sure if Steve, Apple and Adobe got into a room, this could have been resolved long ago.

    Steve going off like this reminds of the NBC confrontation a few years ago. So now if Steve burns the Adobe bridge, they could say Fsck You Apple, and concentrate on the PC/Win7 leaving the end user/consumers the ones who suffer. Image if all the "Creative Types" that use Apple are forced to move to the PC world for the next Adobe Suite, etc. (I am exaggerating here to make a point, most creative types would not leave Apple because Apple is still 'hip'.)

    With the success of Windows 7, now is not the time for Apple to be burning bridges with Adobe, Google, et al.

  3. I went through a similar predicament a few months back. However, I decided to temporarily go with a sub-$50 computer desk. That way if I turn out to be all thumbs, one less thing I have money tied up in.

    Check this link out if you want to go all out: http://www.shorinter...com/benches.htm

    That Marketworks link also caught my attention for their seemingly good prices.

    One other thing I thought of was an older "Roll Top" desk. They have nice cubbys usually, and being able to "close" off the work area seems like a good idea. Check Craigslist.

  4. You can copy/paste from iWork to Mail. Why would you not be able to do that? Are you confusing multi-tasking with task-switching?

    It doesn't support Java. Are you confusing Java with Javascript?

    Not to be so literal, but, what I meant, and correct me if I am wrong, you can not have Mail and Numbers open at the same time. So you can not bounce between the two applications cutting and pasting whimsically. True to your point, I could have been in Mail, copied some text. Closed Mail, opened Numbers, pasted the text.

    Yes, I meant to say Javascript. Funny thing is, as you mentioned no "Java". So this immediately would negate my ability to access my corporate expense reporting system, or Ciscoworks web application. At least in full function OS-X I can have Java and Flash. ;)

    The "early" release without "pre-order" ability is where I think they will loose the sales. No pre-order because of no FCC approval.

  5. couldn't you just use it to access the other computer with a remote connection... problem resolved lol.

    Sorta defeats the purpose of "ease of use". (In my wifes case, yes she remote desktops into a Windows PC on our network). Explain remote access to the 70 year old. Ohh, and most of those quality remote desktop applications from the "App Store" cost $.

    I can see the explanation now. Here is your new cool whiz bang device. For the x% of web sites you can't view, launch this application, login to this Windows machine, and try it there. Ohh, and if you need to download a file that ends up on the PC, make sure to move it to either your .Me account, or DropBox.

    Sigh x2.

  6. Quick follow up. If I gave one of these to my 70 year old Father, who is quite savvy on his Mac Mini, the first call I would get would be:

    Q) Son?

    A) Yeah Dad?

    Q) Why can't I pull up the menu from "Jimmy Bob's Steak House" on this new thing.

    A) Well Dad, "Jimmy Bob's Steak House's" web developer is a moron, who only programed the web site using Flash technology.

    Q) So I want to show my Lady Friend the menu, what should I do?

    A) Walk over to your Mac Mini in the other room, and pull it up [in Firefox (his default browser)]

    Q) Thanks Son, ohh, does this explains why I couldn't play www.flashchess3.com or that Tower Defense game.

    A) Yup... You might want to look for suitable replacements in the iTunes App Store.


  7. Nice article Pug, I largely agree, and some of those reasons are why I switched my family to Mac's. (Again, I am a huge Apple fan)

    I have been been a big fan of "Applianceizing" computers. That is the reason I have a Mac Mini as a HTPC, and another Mac dedicated to video editing, etc.

    However FTA:

    If the iPad and its successor devices free these people to focus on what they do best, it will dramatically change people's perceptions of computing from something to fear to something to engage enthusiastically with. I find it hard to believe that the loss of background processing isn't a price worth paying to have a computer that isn't frightening anymore.

    That is just it, I am not convinced it will. After switching my family to Mac's and iPhone's two things happend.

    1.) The calls about their "PC's" slowing down, and Malware/Virus stopped! :good:.

    2.) Calls began about things like: I can't access my work's "extranet" application (that relied too heavily on Microsoft crap). My wife recently encountered an .edu site she needed access to for some important homework stuff. Again, a piss poor developer relied on too many Microsoft specific calls. On a related iPhone and thus iPad issue, I would get frustration from friends and family about not being able to access "their favorite restaurant, Realtor, yoga studio" web site because-- the site was done in FLASH. :thumbdown:

    So I guess the frustration simply lies in the fact that Apple gets you 90% of the way. That last 10% leads to the second guessing, and frustration. I know people who have "switched back" to PC who would rather take their chances with MalWare/Virus, so that they can regain 100% Web and Work functionality.

    Looking at pictures of your kids on your whiz bang device only gets you so far. If the niche for this is as a living room, airplane, train, device that is fine. But without 100% web compatibility, and multi-tasking (what good is running iWork apps on this, if for example you can not cut-n-paste from Safari, or an email into your Presentation) it is simply a Jumbo iPod.

    Imagine if instead of Flash, this did not support Java... Technically, Java is the #2 web technology behind Flash.

    Apple had a chance to invent something NEW here, they did not. They had a chance to bury the PC based tablet, and Netbook, they did not. They took an existing product, enlarged it, added a few features.

    It might sound like a conspiracy theory, but things like Flash, and Blu-Ray support (on Mac's), and keeping you "locked" into their stores all have financial underpinnings here. At the end of the day it is all about Share Holder value.

    I dunno, time will tell. Another "Fail" is when they announced this. The device has not received FCC approval yet (it will, no doubt), the first ones are 30 days out. I think with all the bad press, and hype cooling off, their early announcement may do more harm than good.

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