This is my first post. Thanks to everyone for the wealth of information presented in this forum. After a few weeks of soaking up all the knowledge, I eventually ordered and received my first PAM rep. Apologies in advance for the poor quality of the pics.
Receiving this package is almost a rite of passage in this forum...
DSN 177H. As you can see (maybe barely) the cgpin needed some work. Didn't bother me at first, but after reading the mod posts and feeling MacGyverish, I tried my hand at the CG pin mod. Remove CG, check. Remove CG pin.... no luck. Anyways on to plan B... BTW I took the pics midway after I realized I my be on to something...
Since I couldn't take out the pin, I would have to file it down while it was attached to the CG. I got some tape, pricked hole through it with a pin and wrapped th CG in tape, overlaying the hole over the pin...
I then took a metal file (readily at hand from the days I used to build/paint lead soldiers) and proceeded to file the pin down CAREFULLY. You have to do it by feel and eventually you will feel you are filing against the tape.
You'll have to redo this a few times and re-wrap the CG in tape until you get a satisfactory result. Alternatively you can even do this without unscrewing the CG from the case as long as you take care to mask the other areas...
The end result...
Thanks.... FGD, pls put me on the waiting list for your dials.