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Everything posted by Anguz

  1. I just found out that my camera is fuxed-focus and has no macros...[censored]!
  2. Hey Freddy, I will attempt to figure out the macros setting online, as I never had a booklet for my camera, I bought it second hand. Thanks for the tip though...I will check it out.
  3. Tried a bunch via instructions on Pugwash's part 1...still didn't turn out as I though.I think the trial and error begins now. Hopefully by the time I have some cool reps, I'll have figured something out as I practice on my Bulova M7. I already burned through a couple of duracells, man does this camera eat the juice out of these things! Thanks a lot BT, and as always, Lani. Cheers.
  4. PS Lani, Living in Hawai'i, there must be some lovely ladies you could get to model for you? Flash a grin, a watch, and a photo or two...not bad for a day's work? Cheers
  5. Hey Lani and BT, I am not the greatest photographer and don't know about all the funtions on the camera, though I do try to play around with it. I didn't see the tutorials section for some reason, however, I shall check it out now. Thanks and Cheers!
  6. Greetings gang, One of my new favorite procrastinating hobbies is reading about all the watches here and especially looking at the watch pornography you guys do so well. My question is this... How do you get the photo's so clear and beautiful? I have a digital camera but it takes sh*tty pictures indeed. Is it a lighting issue or is my camera just not good enough? I will post an example here. Tasukete!
  7. I just blew about an hour reading some of your reviews. Why do you have to review such cool watches so well? I'm supposed to be writing a paper on Euripides' play Medea! Thanks a lot! And thanks genuinely as well
  8. Well said. I hope to do the same soon.
  9. Very groovy watch Lani. Henry VIII would be proud!
  10. Btw, I've been to Hiroshima and it is a great city. Of course where "the" memorial is, I found a very strange...well aura, I guess is the only word. I went to see a Carps game too, played my team, the Seibu Lions, Carp won, boooo! I lived in Tokyo and it was an amazing place. Have a fab and groovy week Lani.
  11. Very interesting past. I look forward to hearing from you, Cheers
  12. Gorgeous watch
  13. My Blue Light therapy includes drinking a lot of Labatt's Blue Light...okay, that a lie...it's not light, just Blue.
  14. Kakoii...ok that's it for the nihongo for now Third generation eh? That's cool. Do your mom and dad speak Japanese? I lived in Japan for four years teaching English and picked it up...but I lose more and more everyday as the only Japanese person I know here only speaks English as well, LOL. Great place. Cool folks. Amazing food! Anyhoo... Cool, just let me know what kind of info, or anything you need from me and I shall do it ASAP. Cheers Lani.
  15. Maji kaiyo? Nihongo ha jyosu desu yo! Also very casual, just like mine. Shirasete ne! Jya mada ne. That was difficult, my Japanese is disappearing fast!
  16. Wow...that's all I can say... I mean...holy cow! I will remember RWG and you! But, I'm not going anywhere Thank you very much indeed. Honto arigato gozaimasu (which I find has more meaning)
  17. Hey Lani, That sounds amazing. So for the Seiko and/or Bulova for it then? How shall we proceed from here? A thousand thank you's again Lani, you are one helluva guy. Cheers.
  18. Hey Lani, Whatever you say my friend. I will stand fast for the time being. You have me intrigued... Cheers!
  19. Hey Lani, You always seem to be the one to answer my questions and I thank you for that. I would love to financially support the site as I have been here quite a bit since I have signed up. Once I graduate Uni in April and move to England, I will be in a better position to do so. As of right now...I am pretty much hand to mouth...which is funny as I know this is an expensive habit. I suppose I will have to quite one of my vices in order to fund it! In London I am sure I will be doing better than a University student in Niagara Falls, Canada. Am I still allowed to post something on the trades section if I don't sign up as a supporter? Thanks again either way Lani. Cheers.
  20. Hey gang, I have a couple of authentic watches, a Bulova M7 and a Seiko DX 6106-5467. I am interested in trying to trade these for a rep submariner...am I allowed to do this? I do not want to break any rules as I am new and do not want to get in trouble What is the protocol? If it is indeed allowed. Thanks in advance lads. Cheers.
  21. Better photos of it
  22. The Milgauss is sweet. I always fancied myself a bit of a scientist! LOL
  23. Cheers Lani. Already scheming for my next one
  24. Hey gang, After a lot of looking I finally got my first rep. I wanted a submariner for years before I even knew about this rep market, but this Explorer II popped up and I just had to get it. Some dude near where I live was selling it on kijiji. Since I didn't buy it off of a dealer, I know no details about it whatsoever, other than it looks cool. Thanks for all the advice guys, so far...I'm sure I will need more eventually! Cheers PS I'll post a couple of pics but my camera is just crap...
  25. Thank you Neo. I do plan to but a Noobmariner, but not for about another month I'm afraid as I have to pay my University tuition first! But I will definitely order one at the beginning of the month. Thanks for the advice everyone. Great forum! So much info.
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