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Posts posted by Whatever123

  1. Thanks By-Tor. I know even if someone here has fitted gen endlinks that doesn't mean they will fit for my case, too. But I though I'd give it a try if there are positive experiences here...

    Rep endlinks are hard to get. I tried with a complete new bracelet but the fit wasn't any better.

  2. I guess I am alone then. I was brought up & continue to believe that a Rolex watch is a mark of sophistication & success. Although I do own/wear Rolex watches - gen & rep - because of their design, history & technicalities, I also want to be seen wearing them. And I make no bones about that. Otherwise, at least in the case of reps, I would opt, instead, for any 1 of the much-better-quality gen copycat watches that are made with new/serviced movements, come with proper QC & a 1-3 year warranty.

    No, you're not alone there, mate... that's part of the game for sure. And that's not what I meant by "fool others". I never try to pass my watch off as gen - if anyone asks, I always say it's a rep ("but a pretty good one", haha). Anyway, I sure do like the feeling that some people might recognize the watch and I also like to be seen with it. But I would never say it's gen if someone asks or even worse try to fool my friends.

    The worst thing of course is trying to sell a rep as gen... and I honestly hope noone here on this forum has ever tried to do that or will ever do that...



  3. You're right of course, but personally I don't care too much about how close to the gen a rep is (OK, if it's not TOO obvious...), I would never worry about the Rehaut engraving for instance - to me it looks great. I do hate those little imperfections like a spot on the datewheel, a slightly misaligned index or a faulty lume dot though...

    All my friends know that my reps are reps - and whenever they take a closer look at one, they pick a little imperfection like those mentioned above and say "oh yeah, chinese... not even close... look at that...". i really try to convince them how good those reps actually are for the price, but you know... :bangin:

    So I always try to make my reps look technically as perfect as possible. If it's not spot on with the gen - well, no one will notice anyway except gen owners and RWG members... :rofl:

  4. A while back Concepta sold a beautiful GMT IIc with a Corum 2893-2 movement, gen dial, etc.... You can find the sales post here

    I would say that answers the question as to whether or not Domi will fit a 2893-2 movement in there. Not sure what was involved on the mod, but it seems as though it is very do-able.

    Wow, that's a nice one! OK, so Domi can do it... let's see how expensive it's going to get... :whistling:

    How about that DW overlay - anyone know if a ETA DW will fit?



  5. Thanks freddy and kbh! I shot Domi a PM and asked him if he has ever fitted a gen ETA 2893 into a GMT IIc. Anyway, you still have to use that date wheel overlay, right? No way to fit an ETA date wheel? Are date wheel overlays available for this model somewhere?

  6. THis has bugged me for quite a while now. When i had the GMT IIc, which was a great rep btw, i compared it to my friend's gen and found the cyclops mag was quite off. The rep was way magnified compared to the gen, i had i believe V2, Zseries. Just wondering whether that has been improved for the V3? Anyone?

    That is indeed strange... normally bad magnification is one of the easiest "tells" of rep Rollies. Now with the GMT IIc it seems to be the other way around... someone who doesn't own the gen would probably always think the gen is the fake one when compared to the rep... lol

    I don't think they fixed that for v3 - but I haven't seen a good enaough pic of a v3 to compare it.

    What bothers me atm is the bad datewheel overlay on mine. Anyone changed that? Are ETA datewheels possible on this model? After all it's supposed to be a 2836 clone.

  7. Hi folks,

    I have a gen Maurice Lacroix strap which is a bit too long. Unfortunately I can't just make another hole in it, because the deployant already sits at the side of my wrist... so the other end of the strap has to be shortened by about 2cm. Anyone who can do that?

    It's pretty hard to get those straps (for the 2007 limited edition) so I'm happy I got one. Didn't think of the size.



  8. Hi,

    here you go:

    - buying = yes

    - selling = no

    - importing via post no

    - cChances being caught via registered airmail = small, but not 100% safe

    As written, best go via an EU dealer or buy from an EU member.


    Never underestimate German customs... I would say the risk is higher than 50% that your watch gets caught. They X-ray everything (even registered letters) and watches are an easy target.

  9. Can anyone tell me what is allowed to buy and possess in Germany, inly hommages or real replicas?

    where can i buy replicas in germany, so that custom does not make me trouble. looking for panerai


    Welcome to RWG!

    If you're question is "Is it allowed to buy replicas in Germany?" then the answer is NO...

    If you want to buy a rep, talk to the EU dealers (e.g. Precious Time, Naarika), you find them in the dealer's section. Inside EU there are no customs issues, so you should be safe.

    German customs are probably the strictest in the world, so don't even think about buying reps from outside EU... :black_eye:



  10. Yikes, that's expensive! Just a month ago, a gen U1 bezel sold on eBay for $40. Has anyone confirmed if it will fit a rep?

    Yes, it will fit. I fitted a gen SDR bezel to my U1 rep without problems. They go for more than 200 new... and you can definitely see the difference to the rep bezel!

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