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Posts posted by Whatever123

  1. Hi there,

    the datewheel in my GMT IIc has a litlle "play" in it - I don't know how to describe it better. It turns all right, but when I move the watch, the datewheel moves with it, about 1mm or so, but it's enough to make it look pretty misaligned. If I give ithe watch a push in the other direction, the date looks OK again until I give it another push in the opposite direction... bangin.gif

    So what's the problem and how can it be fixed?

    Thanks for your advice,


  2. Are you sure this watch originates from BK? BK fixes these issues. The WM9 etched crown is also very hard to see with the naked eye.


    No, I'm not sure, because I bought the watch from another member. But I have no reason not to trust him.

    Can you judge from pics if it's the BK version or not? Here are some more pics:

    And I just searched the crystal with a loupe... definitely no etched crown!


  3. Where is the crown etch at 6:00 oriented in relation? Is it dead on at 6:00, or slightly off?

    Basically, I'm trying to determine whether it's the crystal that's crooked or the cyclops. If it's just the crystal, a slight adjustment can fix that. Even if it's the cyclops, you can realign (though that will mean removal and re-install of the cyclops).

    Hi ubi,

    thanks for the answer! Unfortunately the crystal has no crown etch. It's the BK version, I believe he uses Clark crystals, right?

    I don't think, adjusting the crystal will help, the angle doesn't look like that. I guess I'll better send the watch to Domi... but as it's sure a lot more work to realign the cyclops, it might make sense to buy a new clark crystal (they go for 23$ on the bay) and have Domi install it...

    I read somewhere here that a 2,5mm gasket would be right for the clark crystal - but the auctions now say he can supply only 3mm and 2,7mm. So 2,7mm will work too, or won't it?



  4. Hi there,

    I just noticed, the cyclops on my new WM9 sub is slightly crooked. It's not much, looks even worse on the pic than in person - but still it nags me a bit, now that I've noticed it... bangin.gif

    So, what can I do? Take it off and re-glue it with UV adhesive? Ist that possible?

    Buy a new clark crystal with 2,7mm gasket? May be crooked again or even worse...

    Buy a gen crystal? Too expensive, I think...



  5. Pearl looks good to me as well. I didn't realize that the M-Serial number WM9v2's had such great engraving? It looks like it lines up quite nicely and the engraving looks really good too! I'd say you got yourself a nice sub there :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Thx! drinks.gif

    I'll try to post some more pics tomorrow. The engraving is really very good!



  6. The pearl looks pretty good.

    If you keep your eyes open, you might be able to pick up a gen insert over a VRF or on ebay for $80 or so. I've picked up gen tritium inserts, slightly used for $60. Patience is the key.

    I didn't realize that the WM9V2 had the RolexRolex engraving on the rehaut. But it's certainly a good watch, enjoy it.

    Thanks, I'll keep my eyes open! :-)

    It's an M-serial model btw - they are supposed to have the rehaut engraving, right?

  7. Hi there,

    first of all: I am by no means a Rolex expert. Just received my first Rollie rep (a WM9 V2 sub) and I was wondering about getting a gen bezel insert + pearl for it. The previous owner has replaced the pearl with one from ofrei - actually I think it looks quite good, but maybe still a bit off compared to the gen.

    As I said, I'm not an expert, so I'd like to have your opinions on this pearl. Is it good or bad? Ist it worth buying a gen bezel insert? I take it, they fit the WM9 V2 without probs?



  8. Hi!

    Personally I wouldn't bother swapping the movement. It's a closed caseback after all. Lume is a good thing to do, though.

    And I always thought the AR was a bit too blueish on that model, so maybe AR would be a good improvement, too.



    P.S.: I once asked Domi about reluming a PAM - he said he'll have to look at it first. So it seems, in general he does lume jobs.

  9. The reps are a great way to test drive different watches that can ultimately lead to buying the gen. Reps can also make for fun projects as well, with a couple of options from that standpoint (either modding/building to the point of making a rep as close to gen as possible, or doing crazy, custom modifications to make the watch look completely different; something that one wouldn't dare consider with a pricey gen).

    That's my point of view, too. I would never have tried all those watches, maybe would not even have looked at some at an AD. So yes, right you are: The watch industry shouldn't be afraid of reps. In my opinion, a rep either leads to buying a gen or the person would never have bought the gen anyway. Only very few people buy a rep INSTEAD of the gen.

    Of course it's not good for a high-priced brand such as Rolex if every dumbass wears one - but to be honest, I don't think it really damages the brand that much. For 99% of Rolex wearers (just an example...) I consider myself able to judge by the person alone if it's a gen or not... dirol.gif

    I am really happy I could take a look at all those watches in person, touch them, try them on, compare them to others... That would never have been possible with gens.

    And I would really like to do some modding, too. I guess that'll be the "next stage" or something... but unfortunately I'm all thumbs in matters of DIY... so I rather leave that to the experts! wink.gif

    Anyway, it's a great hobby! And even if I'm downsizing my collection I will never get tired of the rep business in general. Too much fun...

  10. I guess it's just a case of trying things out until you find what's right for you :victory:

    Yeah, I think so, too. That's why I decided to re-organize my rep collection! whistling.gif

    Only one more watch I want to have badly - the WM9 sub. And perhaps I'll trade my UPO for the 42mm version - I think it's a bit clumsy...

    No more reps than for a while! And I'll keep the ones, I still have atm.

    Overflow, as Deniz said, may also be part of the problem... I counted about 25 rep watches come and go during the last 2 years or so. But as I said, it's hard to resist... I always want to see them in person... well, at least it's not that expensive as a hobby.

  11. Hi!

    Well, I've been collecting watches for about 5 years now and have been into reps quite from the beginning. I also own some gen watches, of course.

    I have posessed a lot of reps during the last years, most of which I have sold on not long after I bought them. It' s not that I don't like them, in fact I am mostly very impressed by the quality of the watches and like them a lot. But I get tired of them very soon, no idea why. It's not the same with my gen watches. I have sold one ore two of those in the last five years, but all the other ones I am planning to keep. In contrast, no rep watch has been in my posession for more than a year.

    With reps it's more the hunt for me - I am always intrigued by new reps and want to hold them in my hands and posess them... only to sell them again shortly after that (and lose some money). It's strange, isn't it? Anyone feel the same? Or am I just weird?

    I sold most of my standard reps during the last weeks because of that. I only kept a couple I wear most of the time: UPO, Bond SMP, PAM111, Tag Carrera. The PAM will have to go, too (for sale atm), because I bought PeteM's Little Hero 111i. Not sure how it will turn out with that one - I always wanted to have a LH 111, but being in Germany with very strict customs I didn't want to risk ordering directly. So this was my chance...

    We'll see - maybe this will be the first rep that I will keep a bit longer. Or I'll go for a gen 111 and the LH will be on the market again...

    Curious about your opinions!



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