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Everything posted by PeteM

  1. Like them all especially the new 47mm... the 422 with its in-house P.3001
  2. Yes mate... unfortunately every now and again it can take up to a month... from Canada longest I waited was 22 days... I assume it was sent standard international post ?
  3. I would think straight from factory this would be 'resist' only..... Possibly 3ATM (100Feet) but given the requirements to meet this standard I doubt it
  4. P... what they mean is the gen has PreV style hands whereas this rep has contemporary hands.. Look at the gap between the lume and the tip of the hands.... on PreV they are closer on contemporary they sit further down the hands.. A lot of the M and N series PAMs are now fitted with PreV style hands unlike previous series... though models vary it is being phased in
  5. LOL !! Now that made me laugh.... Brilliant mate
  6. I am unsure about this.. But here is the sales link to the same watch in the pics above.. am I missing something in terms of this thread? http://www.kuvarsitw...roduct_id=31469 PLEASE NOTE : This is not a dealer I know as a TD.
  7. You are always having issues with bears mate as I recall from your Off Topic posts.... I wish you well in sorting it mate and that you and the family remain safe.... you got to do what you think is best when it comes to this situation...
  8. +1 mate Really sorry to hear of your woes mate... I truly hope you get things sorted... and I am sure if they can then the mods will help especially if the TD has broken his promises to you subsequent to discussing your issue with your order... I think whatever the outcome though that you should provide a review of your experience in the relevant dealers section.... I do mean once its resolved one way or the other... Good Luck mate
  9. First off welcome Thats a big first buy mate.... I hope its all you wanted Only advice I can give is dont count the days..... dont panic on the wording when the tracking info updates Have a good read around here to take your mind off the waiting and once it arrives post some pics and your thoughts on your new buy Lastly ... Enjoy it but then think about what to buy next as no doubt you will.!!!!! ..and use the info you read on here while you were waiting for the watch to arrive to help make your next purchase decision
  10. Great share mate... Thank you I have always liked these watches.... and got to agree with WM those Vintage models are so much more alluring
  11. http://www.ebay.com/...=item45fb989e02 I saw this and was reminded just how much I enjoy the patina of a vintage
  12. Nice share... I always wondered what the Lume Stylos looked like.... Thats what Domi has just got himself..... would really like to see that stylograph used on the dials... Didnt see the PAM hands though.... The patience in sorting those hands and packing them up.... respect to those guys Here are the back of some gen PAM hands.... which I think shows the difference in how those were hand applied rather than the stylo..
  13. I almost took that seriously Almost!
  14. For gen cases.... they appear on VP, eBay etc from time to time..... you can also try a WTB on VP... as some guys have them laying about... believe it or not The only other way is just networking with guys/members that you know have frankens or gen parts generally.... they might be happy to ask their contacts on your behalf or let you know other members who can help.... its down to relationships that you develop over time and really depends on a sharing of the passion and the hobby as no one would go the extra for someone who just wants one part and then bugs out... if you know what I mean mate... As for rep case I have heard you can expect a couple of suitable cases coming in new OTB Rads later in the year...
  15. For a decent version of this and very good price then I would try Bob's straps on eBay.... I have never had one, as he dont do XL length, but a few guys on here have and seem to be very pleased with it... But if you want something awesome for that style I would go OEM Assolutamente.... The price and source will depend where you live... ie in US guys pay around $220 for them If thats too much you can also try the Hirsch range of straps..... Hirsch make the OEM straps for OP and also make their own range which is pretty close to the OEM straps in terms of looks and quality... plus loads cheaper
  16. Thanks guys..... I would like to take credit for all the info but I just compiled info from other reputable Risti's and put it forward... I really appreciate the compliment Warren mate but I couldnt hold a candle to Mike when it comes to PAMs @Sul - Funny you say that mate but I did see a dial recently for sale on here... It was in a watch, a 5218-201a as I recall.... it had the PreV font although it had spread a little during the application process... I think it was just a couple of the letters but I must admit I was tempted ... thinking I might be able to represent the font... however the rest of the watch wasnt for me in terms of the value of parting it out... relative to the asking price and taking the risk on being able to resolve the spread... plus now I think about it the shape and depth of indices wasnt great and it had been lumed as per a contemporary PAM... I think Rex might of been the modder/lumer though cant be sure... I am sure other senior guys on here would probably have come across these dials when they first appeared... and would know the source
  17. I reckon Robs probably sold most of them by now !!
  18. Mate... Congrats Its great to see posts like this.... but as the other guys have said... this is just the beginning Look forward to hearing about your second rep experience Could I interest you in thinking about a PAM
  19. Not me mate.... that avenue is closed to me since the restraining order !
  20. Got to agree with Ken .... same as the Ferrari PAMs... But I guess outside the walls of this forum there is a good market for what you could arguably call aspirational or wannabe watches... just as there is with the other branded accessories you see people wearing.... I am sure we can all say we have seen guys walking around with baseball caps, T Shirts, Shirts, and those bloody awful jackets covered in sponsor logos that the wearers some how think others will think mean they are racing drivers, Prestige marque owners etc...
  21. Good idea.... if we set it up in the mens toilet... then he would never leave it !!
  22. Araldite does a 2 mix ceramic glue... might be worth a try mate I think its called 'Rapid Ceramic'
  23. .... I thought some of you guys might find it interesting I sort of cobbled it together from a couple of reputable Ristis The Black Seal 5218-218A This is no doubt the controversial Pre-Vendome watch This piece was first projected very early 1996, drawn and specified in mid 1996, final specifications in December 1996, re-specified & re-final drawings in January or February 1997 by Panerai in Firenze. Delay and re-specifications happened because all Pre-Vendome pieces did not meet success expectations (not happening fast enough), already in financial difficulties, Panerai in Firenze wanted to minimize their cost of production and therefore wanted to ‘self’-produce or produce locally their latest watches. Even if the Black Seal watch project was planned for production in 1996, commercially expected by the Panerai in Firenze agents for September 1996, to produce locally took some times to put in place and it was slow, thus explaining why the watch only saw the light of sun in late 1997. All Pre-Vendome watches were produced in Switzerland by the Frères Guenat (Company Name: Montres Valgine), all but 5218-209 5218-210 5218-218 which are the very last watches specified by Panerai in Firenze, those last, had been produced in Italy, Coro Spa (Italy) for the cases, and by Fabiano Alessi ‘Croem’ for all fittings and adjustments, movements et dials were sourced by ‘Valgine’’s subcontracted companies. After the acquisition of Panerai by Vendome, Coro (Italy) was initially chosen to produce the post Vendome watch cases, but past the first 500 Pre-A series cases, Vendome decided to end their contract and the company ceased its activities. The 5 pieces 5218-218A Black Seal were in fact completed and released only in late 1997 Post Pre-Vendome era. A secret, a surprise to all but one, in Mai 1997 Panerai in Firenze had sold all their rights to watches and instruments to Vendome, this resulting that officially Panerai in Firenze which continued its other activities as Panerai Sistemi spa, could not officially accept delivery of those watches. However and somehow someone at Panerai Sistemi took delivery of those pieces. I believe that most of the 5 pieces were kept till the end of Panerai Sistemi spa in 2000 (1999/2000 ) then all the 5 pieces were sold. Somehow 1 piece (probably even 2 pieces,) is with current Panerai (The CEO was photographed sporting one on wrist, photo somewhere on web), a private party purchased 2 pieces, one temporally stayed with the original recipient and I believe one was with the ex-Panerai distributor 1993-1997 (Gioie). In 2002 (2001?) a Few Panerai enthusiasts were aware that some direct and indirect parties of the ex-Panerai in Firenze together with in the complicity professional parties as well a freshly established horological company were ‘producing’ some Pre-Vendome pieces. Even if partly assembled using some new old stock parts, none of those that were seen or discussed (often online) had the full original configurations, despite the resemblance and whatever certifications, they are simply put, nothing short of FAKES! Although legally in Italy, it seems that if a watch is 66% made of original parts it is considered as authentic, sold by ‘genuine’ people! I believe there are out there in total approx 25 ‘Pre-Vendome Black Seal’ pieces, may be even more, safe for 5 pieces, most are with no case-back markings, no watch numbers, incomplete or reworked packaging, even wrong cases or finishes etc… I am aware of 6 re-replicas of the 5 genuine pieces, their case-back engraving clearly shows the differences, and many of the others are often with blanked or semi-blanked case back. Regardless what anybody else says about the 5218-218A P 001; P 002; P 003, P 004; P 005, they are 5 original and true Panerai Pre-Vendome watches. Their legal existence can be discussed or challenged but, their authenticity (100%) is entire. They came out complete; with a Pre-Vendome box (like all previous models), with a named libretto (like all previous models), with a box sticker (like all previous models), with a screwdriver (like all previous models). BUT Unlike most of those assembled later… Very recently on the web it is said about the 5218-218A something like ‘new researches (what researches QWERTY or AZERTY?) indicate that those watches were assembled by Panerai in Firenze ex-employees’, to me this statement is incomplete and therefore a false declaration. If it is about the re-replicated 5218-218 then in part it is also a wrong conclusion/deduction.
  24. Congrats mate Look forward to the pics really interested to know about accuracy of the lume uncharged. I don't think DSNs is DLC though is It?
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