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Posts posted by namor

  1. Definately send it back !

    You either get MUCH nicer watches from t for that money (I name him for example because we are speaking of decorated movements, and he is THE dealer with the greatest variety of handcrafted movements) - or you can get other nice watches for MUCH less than that !

  2. Hmm if it is not made by Rolex than how do they handle warranty and servicing?

    I mean Rolex is extremely strict and they do not accept a watch that was modified in ANY way to service at their centers immediately calling it a fake. So how is it done with these? Or was it an official collaboration that alows it to be serviced in RSCs?

    If they were selling like hot cakes and can be serviced at RSC what better idea is than to buy some gen 16610s, PVD them and sell at huge profit?

    I read somewhere on gen forum, Rolex doesn't cover the warranty on these pieces.

    Warranty is always covered by an insurance-contract for big companys - so the costs are very calculable.

    Another point is: they have modified the watches in total - this means they had it completely apart before and could examine and QC everything - the chances that such a watch fails within the warranty are very low...

    Always being refused by RSC is bad for the reselling value - being a special limited model raises it - I think at the end of the day it will balance it and the value will be well protected ;)

    True collectors also know that a service by an experienced watchmaker is at least as good as one from RSC - or would you feel uncomfortable if Ziggy has serviced your genuine Roley ? I certainly would feel better than getting a watch back from RSC - only advantage at RSC is that you have a receipt of them which keeps the value of your watch high...

  3. As much as I want it too - I gave up hope...

    After having 20+ versions of a single model - the market is squeezed up.

    Only a hardcore fan would buy his 15th 111 or a 23th Submariner...

    Said that - I definately would buy one (but only an Ultimate with REAL improvements...).

    The same question could be asked for a Submariner - one of the best-selling reps ever.

    Compare it to an IWC Ingenieur, Hublot BB, AP Chrono, Breitling SO - do you realize HOW

    EASY it would be to make an 1:1 Submariner compared to the watches I stated ?

    But they just don't do it - and nobody can answer why.

    Back to Topic: compare again in your mind how simple a 111 is when thinking about the above

    watches which are replicated much better...

  4. Really really nice !

    I like them a lot ! Perhaps if the attachment to the Keyring could be a little improved they would look even better.

    Simple and can be produced for cheap - I wouldn't wonder if any of our Dealers come up with these after seeing your "Prototype" !

    Davidsen for example produced a small batch of Panerai keyrings with simply a piece of leather (with embossed Panerai-Logo) attached to a keyring - they were sold quickly ! Your Idea is IMO better (even can be made with neutral buckle) - think about trying to cooperate with a Dealer to produce them !


  5. I my over 10 Years meanwhile of rep-wearing/collecting I learned to keep cool and relaxed...

    From perhaps 10 guys who call your watch a rep only 1 knows (and even that guy is not sure) what to look for.

    It's just human nature - people can't stand it seeing you with a Rollie and wearing a Seiko themselves. That's the whole Problem. It's this ugly feeling of envy, partially resulted from knowing not enough about watches - very very few people know that almost everyone can buy a real Rollie ! Just go into your AD and they will sell you one with affordable monthly rates, after let's say 3 years it's yours. Finito. That easy.

    I don't know what people think when you say Rollie - they seem to really think it costs 100K+ each...

    So wearing a rep, always be prepared to be "called out" - and it's really amusing meanwhile. I immediately ask what the giveaway should be ? Either they just smile in a silly way and just tell something like "You really spent THAT much money for a watch ?" - then I tell them that you can buy a used one for example for about 1.500,- USD - "Whoa ! Really ? I thought they're much more expensive !".


    They start telling you about flaws which just don't exist - that's the funniest, and easiest to react...

    Then they're different types of buyers/collectors.

    Watchlovers - they love gens and reps because they respect the style, quality and craftmanship of both in relation to their value.

    Gen-lovers - mostly they just don't like the idea of having trouble and issues with reps and fear being called out.

    Brand-lovers - paneristi for example, they militantly are against reps, unimportant which way you argue - it's a kind of arrogance. I think most of them haven't just realized that their favourite brands just do the same like "our" factories - but with better quality and QC. But is this worth several grands ? Sometimes yes - sometimes no...

    I think "rep-lovers" are the same like "watchlovers" - many of us do have gens or plan to buy some in future. The point is just that we can get 10 watches here for the price of one gen.

    So coming back to your question: at the end of the day I always tell that it is a Replica - but I always try to figure out for what reason I was asked.

  6. You're welcome.

    But you still have a very nice watch ! It may not be very accurate, but you can modify it to a custom watch with very small effort !

    For example: clean the dial and repaint it matte-black, sand away the Reg. T.M. from the Crownguard, remove the stick-on plates from the movement and you'll have a clean custom watch without the necessarity to be accurate...

    Just some Ideas... ;)

  7. Hey Babola,

    I am more than happy to get opinions, including yours. Remember I got this watch 7 months before discovering RWG.

    So, because I like this model, I really want to know what I should do: try to fix this one or buy another one ?

    FYI: I'm not a mod freak. I'm only loving getting the as close as possible one rep without entering the crazyness of gen parts.



    If you ask this way... Buy a new one - there's so much to fix at your watch, it would be cheaper and better to buy a new, actual one.

  8. Hi,

    I don't have one but I'm thinking about getting a Pam111h with the swan neck regulator.

    I was just wondering how the regulator works. How many seconds do I gain or loose by adjusting it according to the marks?

    Can I access the regulator screw without dismantling the movement or is it enough just to remove the caseback?

    Any help appreciated


    If you really need to adjust the watch and you want to do it correct - you have to remove the movement because you must access the screw exactly from the side.

  9. I wonder if these are as advertised? Hmmmm....

    Check it...


    You don't have to wonder, the one in their pictures is the so called "old-cased" 196 with swiss 7753.


    1.) they lie in their description as they state it to be swiss 7750

    2.) the price for a swiss 7753 version should be around 650,-/700,- range

    3.) this watch with this case and 7753 is not build anymore for a long time...

    This is scam - stay away !

  10. Is this the case? If so, we in admin, are not aware of it!


    It should be.. If not the unhappy customers should post their experience on the dealers review section where they should be.

    But then again all the dealers have unfinished buisness with unhappy customers don't they? ;)

    Edit to add:

    In this forum we say that we are not in favour of any dealer.. But with this discussion we are almost doing the opposite.

    I admit that the admin team is quite neutral in this situation and watching carefully (good for you).

    Sometime soon though it will be time to act and stop letting this thread continue to exist in a vague content. Whatever it had to be said it has been said.. From now on (and that's why i seem to support the dealers but i am not) there won't be any positive from this (which i think was pugs intention in the first place - and not an agenda although it may seems like this.

    I can just tell you my story, sad that others are not as detailed...

    Joshua agreed to take the watch back, I shipped it like he said I should - it's on the way now.

    After shipping I wrote him a mail with the tracking nr. and asked for a refund incl. both shipping costs.

    Now I'm waiting till he receives the watch... I hope it comes through customs - I am no dealer and surely

    can't take the customs/shipping loss.

    As I said many times before - I will update you how the story ends.

    You'll nowhere in my posts find a bad word about Joshua, but this whole false description thing REALLY makes

    me angry ! I am really shocked of the fact how many members absolutely accept this.

    Again, just to clear it up (TTK is right - some people sometimes just don't get it, whatever you try...) in simple words:

    - We are not buying from Bestswiss.com !

    - Superlume should be Superlume (for example it really WAS good at some "Ultimate" Fiddy models..!)

    - Asian movement is Asian (Why not ? Ziggy has written some REALLY good reviews about them !)

    - ETA should be ETA

    - Mixed movement should be mixed movement

    - Sapphire should be sapphire

    More simple:

    The description should be true.

    I don't say that Andrew and Joshua are bad Dealers - but after my own experience I fully agree that they knowingly

    described this specific watch (B&R) different than the facts are.

    I am now waiting to resolve this - if this fails I will write a review about it and JUST THEN I can and will think about

    calling someone "bad Dealer"...

    Everything still can turn out good - and I believe it will.

  11. As for superlume... as far as I know, there is no measure for luminosity....How super is super ? how not super is consider a lie ?

    Whew - how Dollarious is a Dollar ? I sent you Dollars ! Currently they're 4 different versions of Dollar here in Rep-Buyers-World.

    The real Dollars are quite expensive and for the members of EU hard to find ! You have to order them from your Bank and wait

    a few days...

    So we sent you "Copy-Dollars" ! They're the same size, have the same color and in a shady bar given to a drunk they even function

    like the real Dollar !!! (In fact that's more similarities than this Copy-Movement has with a 2892..!)

    So if you're disappointed now - we will tell you that these are Copy-Dollars, but will continue to pay you with them...

    Hey - how valuable is a Dollar ? How not valuable is consider a lie ?

    I agree for Finepics and Namor and others who were misleaded from the B&R description to write their opinion in the Delear review section for everyone who is interested to see...

    Just to make this clear again, I don't want to people think I've not done my homework if they just read this statement and not my original Post.

    I asked per mail - and was told something that clearly was not the fact !

  12. ...

    I am sorry for those people who thought they were buying one thing and got another. If you ask questions and are blatantly lied to that is unacceptable. That has never been the case with me with any dealer. And I know. All my better reps go to Rob for either relume or service. And by the way, my FM 2892 conquistador is 100% ETA. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    I would be remiss however if I didn't say thanks to Neil and Jay for standing up in the prior thread. I will try and buy more from them. Of course, this does not bode well for my pocketbook. :lol:

    You are absolutely right when you say you have to ask questions - and so I did !

    But, and now comes the tricky point, I didn't know that I have to ask every Detail of a watch even if it is described very well ???

    Where's the difference to the good ol' Photobuckets then ?

    Does this mean I have to ask if a fiddy is described as "SuperLumed, Sapphire, Swiss 6497" if it has SuperLume-Dial, Sapphire and Swiss 6497 ???

    This must be a joke ! Stuff like this NEVER happened to me before !

    Trustys quote about his initial description was not 100% right: it wasn't just described as Superlume-Dial (where I would expect a really good Lume too !) NO, it was decribed as "SuperLume applied to Dial and Needle" !

    So here is where your opinion about a "super" lume is NOT of interest anymore. If it is stated clearly that "Superlume" was applied, it should be applied.

    And the Lume was not good as again stated by Andrew - it was really worse.

    I bought my B&R from Joshua - his description did NOT include the Term "Superlume" (but he added later !), therefore I asked him

    especially if it is the same as Andrews WITH Superlume - he said yes - I ordered !

    This simple. If you need to confirm the facts written in the description - what do we need this Webshops ? Back to the Photobuckets and if you like anything, write a huge mail with detailed questions ("is the brushing at the lugs of your Submariner REALLY 45° ?").

    I asked Joshua about a Detail which was not in his description - got an answer and ordered.

    BTW: glad you like your FM-2892 ! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    That's why I said that if josh and trusty have replied to an enquiring email that the watch has ETA SWISS 2892 they must get him this movement or give a refund.

    + kruzers reply above... ;)

    Mmh, yeah - I didn't ask about the Movement, but the Superlume - and the answer I got was obviously not correct, therefore I sent the Watch back and I am waiting for a refund (including both shipping costs as it was NOT my fault!).

    Plus I want to see JUST ONE mail from the 'experienced' members who asked very normally Joshua (as i would do if i was interested for the B&R) :

    'Hey Josh, how come you can supply a watch with a genuine ETA 2893 for 300$ ??? '

    You don't need to see such a mail because it's in a possible price-range. See kruzers post about Ziggy confirming him his FM-2892 was 100% ETA ? The watch is in this price-range you mentioned. I also have an Omega AT with ETA-2892 too. Same price-range and was confirmed by my watchmaker too.

    Usual prices you see at Ofrei are not applicable to China...

    You get a Pam 196 with A/R, Sapphire, S/S-Bracelet AND Swiss-ETA-7753 for about 700,- USD.

    For this price you'll have a hard time finding a comparable nice watch from ANY manufacturer...

    Just to mention another Experience: I wanted to order an "Ultimate" Fiddy from Silix - they immediately replied to my order stating that the current batch has problems with the movement and the crystals are not yet confirmed to be real sapphire. This is honesty.

    I told them at this point that I'm currently not interested in any other watch - so they get no order from me for now.

    "No Problem, you're welcome" was the reply...


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