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Posts posted by aeromatic

  1. Talk about a sea monster ! you would surely go straight down to the bottom wearing this! :) i remember those old gangster movies were they would tie a slab of concrete onto someone feet and deep six him in the sea ! with this watch you would do it quicker ! :bangin:

  2. Well after the holidays i will try to fade slightly the dark blue insert i dont think i would want to risk trying to darken the light blue flake dial with tinted laquer i have no idea what a wood colour varnish would do the markers and blue dial .

  3. I believe that you are going to have to buy a genuine insert to get that true "Tudor Blue"

    I thought as much, i put a bid on ebay for a new oldstock gen i was the only bidder and on the end of auction ebay informed me that the insert is no longer available this happened to me again last month on a gen 5513 rolex box

    i see a few gens on ebay but they say they are for the tudor mini submariner.

  4. Omg i thought the world had ended ! but two of my watches stopped at exactly the same time what are the odds? i was wearing them alternately with another watch !

    End of the world so does that mean we are now living on borrowed time ? i would prefer not to ask what the interest rates are going to be !

  5. My new blue snowflake project is stuck i ordered a blue insert for a 94010 tudor and its too dark ebay photo showed it looking a lot lighter and i was hoping it would match but its also too purple/blue any help will be appreciated

    i thought about fading the insert but i think it will still look too purple/blue




    this is the colour tone im looking for on this gen 94011


  6. I rub my inserts with rubbing compound or cutting paste it takes a while but you have control over how far to take it just avoid rubbing too much on the edges i have also used fine wet n dry paper 1000-2000 grade with super results this is quicker if you want a matt finish leave as is or used compound paste to give a polished look

  7. What do you mean the balance being toast? Was it crocked after prior service or someone fiddling with it? Often there is a problem with the balance spring not being perfect in shape, or goey and sticky. Other than that a cleaning and polishing of balance staff and jewels usually is the cause of the problem... My puretime 6542 came with this vinty ETA and it definetly needed a service before working ok.


    I word of warning, be gentle with the stem release button, if pushed to hard the stem lever will slip and you will have to open up the movement to reset... I know, I just now did it... LOL :bangin:

    Good to know!

  8. When you get a chance aeromatic, can you point me to that Ebayer with the boxes?



    Ebay seller is rocketchan 100% positive feedback : item 90s tudor watch leather box item code 200854734922 price 24.99usd : and item modern tudor watch leather box item code 200857063086 price 34.99usd shipping is 20usd i ordered both boxes and asked for a discount on shipping and paid 30usd for both boxes , he has only a few listed on ebay and says they are gen boxes i dont know if they are but the quality is superb and much better than the cartel boxes

    he lists a lot of boxes on another site and also has vintage rolex boxes but these are expensive around 300usd to 700usd the site is delcampe.net i have never heard of this site it seems to be like ebay sellers name is 338local

    check my content post name : on order parts including a tudor rose dial i have some photos of the boxes near the end of my post good luck !

  9. Well i ordered a cartel 1680 with 2846 eta for my tudor flake project and this movement was transplanted into my cartel 6538 because im fitting a 2783 eta which will work with my flakes dial feet, the movement was so dry it was spitting cotton . and would run for a few minutes then stop after a full service it is now running fine and keeping super time !

  10. One noticeable flaw with Rolex reps, is that the crowns often don't have the crimped inner edge that the gens have. I remember once hearing of someone filing down the inner edge of their rep crown to make it thinner and to give it the correct inner edge.


    Has anyone hear tried it? Can you post pics of your results?



    I milled the rep crown from both sides to make it appear thinner the watch on the right has the same crown width it looks thinner but was not shortened just tappered on the inside and a little taken off the front edge.


    sorry not a very clear photo it was done on a lathe but i think some members have used a drill and a file.


    i have since fitted a gen crown and tube i think it makes the watch look better



  11. more news on my attempts at "modding" my watch:


    I have been bathing the insert in a glass full of bleach. I left it there a trifle too long and now it has almost completely faded off. The "ghost" effect is quite nice




    I never bother with bleaching i use rubbing compound paste or very fine wet n dry and get the faded results i just keep rubbing until i get the required fade im after but you have to be careful if you dont want the edges to fade down to the silver i myself think it adds to a used age look ! then i spray the insert with a good quality car wax those that give a quick shine it gives a well used shine and protects your insert from fading any further when used regularly!

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