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Posts posted by subbiesrock

  1. I'm old enough to remember the Chernobyl disaster.


    A total of four nuclear reactors were affected by the flooding, three were shut down but a fourth is at risk of going critical. Hopefully their skilled engineers knows how to handle this situation, let's hope they get it shut down.

    Chernobyl should never be repeated. Thinking of our brothers and sisters in the prefecture.

  2. I hope you ordered a watch and not just a strap... Cartel strap are the work of the Devil, usually the only leather in them is the reference that has been made to it on the stamping, they are cheap, nasty plastic things that smell like death...

    Go OEM or try BOB/WACCEX on eBay, amongst other sellers. Gen Breitling straps can be gotten on the forums every now and then for a decent price and some makers make OEM replacement types for a lot less than the ridiculously exorbitant prices.

  3. It's also about flyability.... Wanna know what plane has the worse crash record in U.S. Airforce History??

    You guessed it. The f-22. Funding has already been cut for further production of the F-22 anyways. The military realized it was a mistake, and the design flaws are horendous considering its ridiculous cost.

    One of the pilots (the one in the pic) was discussing how one of his colleagues went down with his bird just last week, at a cost of 150M they're not cheap either. In terms of maneuverability it's not just about air show stunts (which they do very well :)) but as you say, reliability in staying up.

    Hopefully the F-35 JSF will do a better (cheaper) job, even though it's massively over budget AND schedule."

    @PeteM: Stupid 'rotate' button in the Photobucket app is missing! :)

  4. I will when he replies.

    I asked him very friendly like, as if I was looking for one of these for myself.

    What the purpose of that would be, and how long before I would have to do it again, since I am new to rolex. :whistling:

    ...nice... :)

  5. I just emailed him and asked him what the purpose of filling it with gas was.

    Hahahaha did you ask it seriously? I would ask it seriously, and ask what ga he chose, if he experimented with other gases etc etc. Have a real field day with him.

    Please post the reply here :)

  6. haha..

    Gas filled by jeweller?? :(

    Yeah, it's the hot air coming out of his fingers as he typed the [censored] description into the keyboard... He contained it within the nearest vessel he could find...

    This guy doesn't have a f$&king clue...

  7. ufff.. worse fighter jet ever flown by the United States.. :(

    Are you kidding? The F-22 is fantastic! Not that great a fan of Yanks (sorry fellas :)) but credit where credit is due, they design some great planes. Plus, air superiority isn't about dogfighting, it's about avionics, radar systems and long-range weaponry :)

  8. You're right that most of the reviews don't list the dealers, it is basically unnecessary as most of the 'Cartel' dealers (those that have access to the same watches) basically fix prices and it's a matter of personal dealer preference as to who you go to. Joshua (Perfect clones) is usually the go-to guy, if you send Mary an email with a picture of what you like and a description (you can find it in the Watch-International section) she can source unique pieces. Breitling SAs are relatively easy as gen dials can be found all over the place for reasonable prices (between 150-300 US)

    See, you can get answers to all your questions, just don't be a d$&k :)

    Good luck newbie :)

    I submit myself to the judgment of my fellow members, was this not helpful, and furthermore, friendly?

    Not one, but TWO smilie-faces!!! Meine Fresse!

  9. Be mindful not to mistake my pragmatism for a negative opinion. I told you off for being a d&#k, explained logically why you were being one, and then helped you out with a lengthy explanation of the cartel system and alleviating your need to choose a dealer by explaining precisely why it doesn't matter which of the trusted dealers you choose, saving you your 'precious' time by not having to consume any energy whatsoever in thinking.

    You have all the answers you need, yet you continue with lengthy diatribes about the need to explain why you are completely disinterested in this hobby and just want a watch you have no interest whatsoever in, other than it's aesthetic appearance.

    So buy one, build a bridge and get over it. I wish you the best of luck and hope you find what you're looking for.

    'Nuff said.

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