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Posts posted by subbiesrock

  1. Group shot....but the 305 is beast :)


    Looks like a Sumo wrestler sitting on top of two Swiss Models :) great pic and great SOHC, love the irridescent blue on the dial of this one.

  2. Not sure about that, this is the Radiomir deployant which is a totally different design to the Lumimor one you're referring to. Regardless, the 288K is the BOTB rep currently in existence, and Boone is yet to complain about the deployant :)

    Pics or it didn't happen! ;)

  3. Although I really like Google and we are best buddies most of the time, my friend does not know the answer to my question "what is currently the best rep of a white dial pam" ;););)

    Ah I now see that that is not my question in the title...

    Perhaps I should rephrase: what is currently the best rep of a white dial non chrono pam :)

    In THAT case, I think it's the 113 (white dial 111).

  4. I use the photobucket app for iPhone .

    Still have to copy address to forum and use a desktop, but that's the only way I know how.

    Why? I take a pic, upload it to Photobucket, then open the pic and click on the 'i' icon, it gives you the four address combinations, click on the 'image' link and it adds all the relevant tags before and after the address, then you just come back to your RWG page in Safari and paste it into the reply box! Couldn't be easier!

    This is one I prepared earlier... :)


    All done on in about 20 seconds on the iPhone.

  5. The Legende doesnt wear as large as it is. It seems flatter, if that is the right way to describe it. The SA sits higher.

    Agreed, the Legendé really wraps around the wrist and is probably the most comfortable watch to wear, even though the weight (which is iMMENSE!) is noticeable.. Never tried on an SA but might do, considering all these amazing frankens in the thread, those Gen dials look pretty amazing. Might have to zero in one, if any of you guys have a spare Gen blue batons franken lying around, not getting any attention... :)

  6. Yes some have yowza..looka more balanced that IIII..I am sure some members even knows the story behind that

    "There is a story that a famous clockmaker had constructed a clock for Louis XIV, king of France. The clockmaker had naturally used IV for four. When the clock was shown to the king, he remarked that IIII should have been used instead of IV. When it was explained to him that IV was correct, he still insisted, so that there was nothing to do but change the clock dial. This introduced the custom of using IIII for four. This is probably only a story, however, as IIII occurs long before the time of Louis XIV. And this same story is also told in connection with other monarchs. There is one reason why IIII is preferable to IV, and it may have caused the change. On the other side of the clock dial the VIII is the heaviest number, consisting of four heavy strokes and one light one, as it is usually made. It would destroy the symmetry to have the IV with only two heavy strokes on the other side. Thus IIII with four heavy strokes is much to be preferred. The change may therefore have been made for reasons of symmetry."

    From Time & Timekeepers, W. I. Milham, The Macmillan Company, New York, 1947, p. 196:

    That's the same story I know for the IV / IIII debate but I never had a source. Excellent research and great find :)

  7. You can wear nearly any wristwatch through a metal detector if you move it slowly enough.


    That's right... E = N * -dB/dT :)

    Electromotive force is proportional to the number of turns in a loop (N) times the time rate of change of the magnetic field strength (B). Walk through slowly (dT approaches infinity), then -dB/dT equals zero, so the Electric Field picked up by the machine is zero = no beep... Pretty basic really... If you're a nerd :)

  8. There are two Super.Fi 5 Pro models:

    1. Super.Fi 5 Pro


    2. Super.Fi 5 Pro EB (these are same as above but have a subwoofer inside)


    For your listening tastes, the Super.Fi 5 Pro (NOT the EB or XtndBass Entended Bass) will be perfect. ULtimate Ears headphones are great. www.ultimateears.com

  9. A friend and watch enthusiast just returned from Hanoi and seems to have happened upon the replica holy grail. Solid gold rolex watches with gen movements, high-end panny's with gen movements; breitling, cariter and patek too. These are pricey pieces, ranging from $1500 to over $5000, but I doubt if even an AD dismantled them they could tell. Apparently this stuff is a totally separate market to the-and I quote- 'rubbish' sold online. When you read about trademark holders going after counterfeiters it is this ultra high end stuff they are after, the stuff available online isn't a concern as all it does it help scare people into buying from an AD at a much higher price.

    I've heard stories but until I can prove it myself, have to call [censored] on this one... Although a trip to Vietnam and I'll happily retract my statement :)

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