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Posts posted by subbiesrock

  1. It's possible that the rep coating is even more scratch resistant than the gen:


    Time will tell!

    If I was a gen 26K owner and read started or read through that post, I would be pissssed! Just shows you don't get what you pay for in most cases with a gen watch. The 20-30x price increase over a rep 26K doesn't make it 30x less scratch resistant...

    One guy even recommends not servicing it, another recommends not taking it back to Panerai for recoating as they usually quote for a full case changeover? Are you [censored] shitting me'?

  2. Something like this...?

    Hahaha [censored] head :)

    I'm on the fence about bling-PAMs, they're kind of hot, especially on the wrist of sone blonde hottie:


    Is this why Angus is taking so long with the 329? Not enough diamonds to ice out the bracelet? :op

    Or what about this base PAM, just for you Pete... (and Dave if he ever decides to trade-in that 3-carat SA)


    Mmm mmm mmm, the lume goes through the diamonds which act like a prism, making it look multi-colored :)

    P. S. The diamond prism effect may or may not depend on the person's viewing angle to the dial...as well as how drunk they are :)

  3. If you're looking for massive bottom octave bass look at the $20 Skullcandy buds. They're flippin' amazing. But the harsh upper mids will drive you crazy until you mod them with some foam plugs. Then, they're just flat amazing.

    But they're still not Klipsch X10s.

    I thought the Super.Fi 5 xtnd bass (EB) series with the 1.3cm subwoofer would do the trick for a big slab of bass, man I was wrong... :) instead, I just turn the bass on the iPhone down and they sound ideal.

    Super.Fi 5 vi series would be great, and Nanuq's advice is excellent.

    Let us know what you get :)

  4. yes this watch dudes father in laws is the brand holder in Norway for many high end brands and I walked into the Panerai AD whit my watch yesterday no problem, they would have called me out in a sec if they had notice..

    Just to ad I forgot it was on my wrist, was their to buy a new black strap for it :p their eyes was like 20cm from it, so cant be as bad as Chad says..They sell LOOOOOOOTS of Panerai and are at all their releases and such..Most Norwegian members can agree that Bjerke nows their stuff better then most watch stores in Europe, they put soul into learning each brand they get to sell.

    Oooof, you're a very baad boy Dani...

  5. No comparison with FYROM PO. It used to be this way in Greece too but things have changed. Of course there is space for improvements but these are my experiences lately (as posted on another forum):


    My cigars (3 boxes from Switzerland in Registered Airmail) made it in exactly one week. I will not put in writing how many times I have ordered with delivery in Greece and re-shipping to Germany but I am smoking cigars for almost 20 years now ;-)

    Watch/other stuff packages (EMS) from China, no probs at all, quick and reliable.

    Normal postal packages from anywhere are traceable and insured. Have sent packages from the US, Singapore and many from Germany. You can track them down to Post Office level until delivery and tracking is reliable. Sh*t happens of course. The recipient didn't get a notification last time but thanks to tracing, I could tell him in which PO to go get his package. I have also claimed and received the insurance through the German Post when something has gone wrong (lost package).

    IMHO, Greece is an excellent "backdoor" to the EU right now but don't tell anybody, it is an insider's tip


    Good to know mate :) good luck with the package, hope it gets to you.

  6. When I accidentally hit a DLC watch against metal, it is always the *metal* that scratches, not the watch. It leaves a streak of shiny metal on the surface of the DLC which can be removed with a pencil eraser.

    The DLC (Diamond-Like Carbon) process creates a thin surface carbon layer made up of amorphous (non-crystalline) carbon atoms. If they were crystalline, the surface would be clear - like a diamond :)

    In terms of mechanical toughness, the surface is very tough. If you took a metal key and scratched the surface, the scratches are the key being eroded by the DLC. Of course, if continued, the coating will eventually be rubbed off as well.

    The coating is not very thick, so the steel underneath which is relatively soft, still deforms under impact. But light scratches should be easily polished out by licking your finger and running it over the offending area, no sweat.

    I'm investigating TiAlN as a possible surface coating, combines the toughness of Titanium AND Ceramic, it's used for certain high strength coatings and has a deep lustre which looks IMHO better than DLC. We'll see where it goes...

  7. Do you know something we dont ?

    I think there's rumor of the perfected DLC finish of the new 026K being applied to the 286, to make a pseudo-332. That'll look in-fracking-sane :)


    Imagine that on a really light tan 24/22 Croc JV with a DLC PAM deployant... Ooooh, In the words of Jeremy Clarkson, I think I'm nursing a semi just imagining it...

  8. No not yet. Hope it's OK and they'll release it.

    Greek customs? Mate, if they have an x-ray machine and can see what it is... Ooooof... Here's hoping you get it, hope it was sent registered.

    Forgive the negativity, i've sent mail about 100kms north in that country you guys like to call FYROM, letters and parcels are opened indiscriminately, as if the mail were the postal employee's personal lucky dip.

    Good luck, hope it arrives.

  9. Woe, 7 month old thread revival... :) there ate new options for cases and dials nowadays that would be a far better platform for molding. Try emailing Vac at the address provided in the posts and ask him what his opinion is on a modded 111 and a quote for the mods. The new 111J is very good and would be ideal for further mods. Do some reading and it will start to make sense.

    Swiss movements are an option, search for "DSN 111".

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