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Posts posted by subbiesrock

  1. I was recently looking at a CEO Goliath for an article I was writing. It's like a Cartier Tank that's been injecting itself with synthol. Monstrous, but I can't stop looking at it!

    I checked this out based on your comment, and you couldn't have summed it up better :) except I stopped looking at it immediately :)

  2. I was watching a television show about Swiss watches a couple of years ago, and this boutique watchmaking house had men doing the hand-engraving ... they have the work table at shoulder height, and then they bite down with their teeth on the edge of the workbench to steady their eyes .. and then begin to carve, holding the desk in their teeth.

    That's commitment right there...

    ...and I bet as soon as the cameras turned away, they unwrapped the CNCs and went for it... PANERAI even did the circular baseplate patterning using a machine. It looks so much nicer when it's random.

    Does anyone have a link to the DSSD manufacturing movie mentioned in previous posts?

  3. subbiesrock I think you were thinking of this one --> "When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours" - Stephen Roberts

    Damn! That's the one right there, I tried to paraphrase loosely, but clearly Mr Roberts is more of a wordsmith than I am :)

    In fact the full quote is:

    “I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.”

  4. I don't see the issue... And I would expect the least complaint from the Americans...

    A reminder from your own Bill of Rights:

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

    It's the FIRST one!

    If this guy wants to wear a pasta sieve or any other kitchen implement on the top of his head, that's no different to a Jew wearing a yarmulke or a Muslim wearing a Taqiyah, let alone what all the other non-Abrahamic religions choose to wear...

    The FSM group make a very important point that people of faith never seem to grasp; there have been thousands of Gods all around the World throughout recorded history, and those of the Abrahamic faiths reject all but one of them, while 'non-believers' simply reject one more God than 'believers' do.

    There is no reason why any church of any denomination deserves any kind of tax incentive when it trades spirituality for dollars. However, if one does, then they all do.

  5. that was so enjoyable, thanks a lot! would be nice to see how they do this in China :p

    I would say almost exactly te same way... Except there are chickens on the floor :)

    A little disappointing to see how much of the process is automated - even oiling of the movement is done by machine!

  6. Oh noes!!!!!!!!!

    I know! Soon I'll find sweater vests and check pants with wingtips appealing... Maybe I'll start wanting to learn how to play golf... Must be that I'm about to cross the third decade of life, a 'third-life crisis' :)

  7. Translate.google.com

    Babelfish is rubbish, and Google Translate has come leaps and bounds from a few years ago. I speak two languages natively and this program switches between them very well, maintaining sentence structure, correct verb conjugation and placement in the sentence etc.

    I'm assuming your dealer is in mainland China, just write in English and translate to a Simplified Chinese character set. HK still uses the full character set. Modt of pur dealers come from places where the character set is standardised into the simplified version.

    Google's Translate even speaks out the translation, hilarious in a room of multi-linguals to hurl abuse across the room through computer speakers :)

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