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Posts posted by subbiesrock

  1. When an American says that he loves his country, he means not only that he loves the New England hills, the prairies glistening in the sun, the wide and rising plains, the great mountains, and the sea. He means that he loves an inner air, an inner light in which freedom lives and in which a man can draw the breath of self-respect. ~Adlai Stevenson

    Very beautiful sentiments

  2. She looks great. I wonder if a newer more "Flexi-Plexi" Superdome (if you can find one) would solve the problem?

    I think the point I it wouldn't be stock, but I happen to agree. Get her back up and diving, even if she's wearing a snorkel :)

  3. oh... Even if i am within 2 Year warranty? I mean they even say on their website, that the warranty covers "manufactury defects".

    So how can they sen me a bill for something that was wrong from the beginning? Otherwise it means, if i buy a new watch for $

    i should take a magnifying glas to AD and spend big time checking if the watch has any flaws?

    I don't even know where to begin with this. Don't they have loupes at the factory? Maybe everytime we buy a Swiss watch, 5% of the profits should go to the "Donate a 10x Loupe to a poor Swiss watchmaker" Foundation.

    Your time and energy which went into earning the MONEY that you used to pay for the watch entitle you not to have to worry about your purchase. Clear and simple.

    I maintain this watch was fiddled with, and give Panerai the benefit of the doubt on this one. Otherwise, if this genuinely slipped through their procedures, I would be shocked and awed.

  4. When i took my pam to the authorized dealer to send it to repair he said to me "oh, that's right, but i wouldn't notice it myself" - intending, it's just an optical flaw that only "picky" people notice.

    That sentence made my f$&king blood boil. I would have verbally torn this guy a new a$$hole for saying that, and I would make sure his boss knew of his sentiments as well.

    There is literally nothing worse than incompetence.

    The POINT of owning a very expensive Swiss watch is the DETAIL that went into making it! Otherwise, one can easily purchase a replica which basically looks the same and performs basically the same function. I have have a string of Citizens (used to wear Eco-Drives before I discovered the rep fora :p) and not a single one leaked, or had any of these fitting issues. And they were 300 bucks!

    Imagine driving a new Hyundai out of a showroom, you look at the driver's door and it doesn't close properly. You'd be [censored], but you'd also know you paid 10 Grand. Now imagine it was a brand new S500L out of the showroom with the same problem. And then to be told, "oh come on buddy, the door still closes ,doesn't it? A little rain won't hurt!". This guy deserves a dose of right elbow to the jawbone.

    I realize that we never hear about the guys who are happy with their watches, usually those that have the negative experience have a louder voice, that's cool. But this customer experience is so totally unprofessional, i don't know where to begin.

    I recall mentioning this AD guy was a retard before, but based on this latest development, he is lucky It wasn't me returning that watch. Verbally taunting a customer for noticing a flaw on a VERY EXPENSIVE watch? Yoyyyyyyy...

  5. Wearing my newest baby today.


    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Flying "under the radar" today Andy? :) melts into the wrist, you can't even tell you have a watch on, in fact it's a little more subtle than Gran's Nautilus... :)

    Rocking the 111h on Taikonaut for the sunshine today. Look at that delicious morning lume... Mmm mmm mmm :)


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