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Posts posted by subbiesrock

  1. The marketing genius of Panerai is that they don't spend a dime on marketing yet somehow you guys have heard of them.... :lol:

    +1! lol those Italians and their grassroots marketing...

    How about that Beverly Hills dealer douchebag near the end. I paraphrase loosely:

    "we have an empty Panerai cabinet. I have a few in the safe, but if I'm not impressed with the cut of your jib, I'm not taking them out for you"

    What a douche! And yet Panerai owners seem to be suckers for cruel punishment. By 'limiting' production and distribution, they increase the perceived worth of their products. Just like Ferrari. They also have a liquid new and used trading network in Paneristi, they don't actually need to have a store presence. But I suppose having an empty case adds to the mystique.

    I read an article where Ferrari controls the used market by buying back second-hand Ferraris and selling them through their showroom network. That way they maintain the high used prices, enabling them to charge much more than the market might otherwise allow for their new cars. Clever bastards...

    Damn you Panerai, AND Ferrari, and all your gorgeous offerings, damn you! Crept where credit is due, they both really make you want one of whatever they have... :o)

  2. One just have to go through a new purchase with a fine tooth comb.

    I wholeheartedly disagree with this statement. The premium of paying for a Gen entitles the buyer to peace of mind knowing that it should have gone through many stages of QC before reaching the consumer. What else are we paying top dollar for? I reckon this one was fiddled with somewhere along the line and is not representative of typical newly purchased PAMs...I hope...otherwise they have a lot to answer for if this was released under their normal QC measures...

  3. Sead 111H Ultimate, with Swiss lume, the best lume I've seen and own, lasts until the morning. The stock 328 next to it. Exposure in bright sunlight for 1 min:


    I put them next to each other at night an woke up before sunrise to find them both glowing at about the same (rather bright) intensity. No complaints on lume from me.

  4. Just contacted Tony and he said the PAM312 ultimate version is available for purchase!! Anybody knows what the differences are with the "best/V2" version? V2 already look amazingly good in wheaton26 thread.

    Dude! Pictures or it never happened!!!

    Atr you sure it's not the same watch? I didn't realize multiple factories were working on the 312 simultaneously? Check the caseback and the movement engraving, surest ID of version.

  5. Oh yeah :thumbsupsmileyanim: :thumbsupsmileyanim: Even Jesus was known to kick some ass when the situation called for it ;) Besides, how can one doubt God's sense of humor when there is this fine example of His work... This is the work of someone with a few spares and time on His hands on the 7th Day ;)


    I see your platypus and raise you a flounder... :)


    This has to be the true definition of irony... :)

  6. Note:

    Before proceeding, please ensure that your keyboard is suitably protected from drool or other liquid spillages...

    Recently, RWG member Wheaton26 posted a comprehensive comparison of his Gen 312 with the new 'Best Edition' 328 version from Angus. Announcing the imminent sale following the post, I chanced on the listing and snapped it up, in one of the quickest transactions to hit RWG :):drinks:

    Having seen a plethora of gen unboxings on the board, I decided to post this unboxing, to remind those 'gensters' among us about their 'rep' roots... There is no pearwood, no screwdrivers or rubber straps, none of the unnecessary, unimportant extravagances. Instead, I present you with a Panerai unboxing... 'rep' style... ;)

    I'll let the pictures do the talking ... ;)

    Unlike the traditional triple-box, the rep comes in a single box, doing away with the Pearwood... Who needs pearwood anyway ;op


    I reckon if Panerai stamped their foam with the OP logo, they'd be able to sell it for a million bucks a square metre on Paneristi... ;)


    Safe and snug...




    I've been taking things apart since I was a child... Luckily this one fit together without a screw/bolt/washer left over... ;)


    Endlinks (FRONT)


    Endlinks (BACK)


    Caseback... 0313/1000, soo close! Either one less or 15 more and it would have made my year... ;)


    Putting the tongue in cheek Paneristi-bashing to one side, Wheaton did a stellar packing job and is a star for buying this rep just to take those amazing comparison shots and serving the wider RWG community :) And now, I get to have a rep with some historical provenance... The first Reg/Gen comparison AND the first 328 Best Edition on the RWG sales corner... ;) I should have paid double! :pardon:

    Now... This bracelet is getting resized and this sexy 328 is hitting the town with me. Hope you enjoyed ;)

  7. I can see your position and believe your post holds a good degree of insight. And I am tempted to agree with you. But my inuitive understanding of the universe still holds me to the belief of karma. Now whether or not my belief in karma is simply a version of my own personal Jiminy Cricket residing on my shoulder reminding me of right and wrong I do not know. It could even be as simple as me being honest over the years has helped me to make good friends from people I have sold to or bought from. Thus making my own good karma. These are friends and contacts that screwing over for one simple deal would have cost me untold money due to the fact that I have made many deals with the same people over and over. Not to mention beer that I have swilled with them and cigars that have wonderfuly stunk up my deck.

    So, now that I have calmed down and can think clearly: I would like to argue that on some level karma does indeed exist - even if we only make it for ourselves. But in arguing from that standpoint, I think I come close to proving both our points.

    I agree with your thoughts, but there is a perfectly logical explanation. In learning to identify 'good' people and having been yourself a good person by maintaining a high moral and ethical standard, you have attracted similarly-minded people around you. Whatever reason you attribute to your 'Jiminy Cricket', it is hard to argue with millions of years of selective breeding for a tendency for high moral character. That's why, on the whole, most people are generally nice :) Unfortunately, others are not, as you've identified in your dealings.

    P.S. NPN transistor avatar... Nice... ;)

    Karma exists... Best example I can give, is my wife's bio-dad never paid child-support, always played mind-games, always did everything to serve himself. He dropped dead of a massive heart attack at his market stall (where he made over £150 a day, yet still claimed poverty to the Child Support Agency) ten days before we got married, on the day which, had she been alive, would have been his ex-mother in law's birthday. That strikes me as too much of a cosmic smiting to be anything other than karma... Don't worry, the douche who stole your watch will get his when the time comes. Maybe the movement will fail and he'll miss an important meeting, maybe he'll get hit by a bus crossing the road, who knows, but one thing's for sure, his cards are marked with the Big Cheese ;):drinks:

    I never said I don't believe in irony... ;) You couldn't make up that sequence of events up if you tried. One makes their own luck. By surrounding themselves with good people and not f&%king them over, they increase the probability of themselves not being f&%ked over. People who do bad have to remember it, having it on their conscience is punishment enough. Cause and effect, my RWG friends. :drinks:

  8. Please note:

    Before viewing, please make sure to arrange a towel on your keyboard to contain the inevitable drool...

    An arrival from the Bahamas last night... You've asked yourself... Is it? Can it be?

    Indeed it is... Feast your eyes on the PAM 328 'Best Edition'


    This puppy might be a 44mm but it wears like a 48mm. It is HUGE! Cheers to Wheaton for this one :):drinks:

  9. Did anyone else notice that finishing between the lugs looks better on the rep?

    Wheaton26's 328 just came in, I'm going to do a photo session this weekend and post pics addressing some of the issues people have discussed, watch out for it in the PAM section ;)

    Having said that, the case finish is excellent, I am genuinely impressed with these latest offerings :)

    • Like 1
  10. The unfortunate reality we face is that there actually is no Karma. Sometimes, I think it would be nice if there was a supernatural system outside of the Universe taking score of all of the good and bad things people do, and then dishing out some sweet sweet justice should there be a significant imbalance in either direction, but the truth is that there isn't.

    It's a shame that people have the capacity to be such dicks, and further, that we even need a form of human control such as telling people they will be punished for doing bad things, rather than simply doing the right, decent, honourable thing because it simply makes perfect sense to do so.

    Just my $0.02... OP is still Post of the Day in my book :)

  11. Good point about direct impact Rock. :drinks:

    ...Or tiles... I have a gorgeous titanium cased homage with a skeletonised 6497 which I wore every day for months. One day It feel out of my gym bag and straight onto tiles. Movement hasn't worked since and the crystal popped out. But I loved the ergonomics of the Luminor case and decided to get a 111 :)

    You can probably bash a PAM Luminor case around, the steel is very thick and I doubt you would do much more than damage, the crystal will take a real beating, but dropping the case from distance would be I'll-advisable. My skeletonised movement was definitely more sensitive but I wouldn't want to repeat it with a solid-bridged version.

  12. Ok...

    The movements Panerai uses in its manual wind watches were originally pocket watches which were big and rugged movements. They were made to be rugged and durable. The cases that Pam reps are in are GREAT cases and if you have greased the orings etc. you have a watch that can just about withstand anything! Now, Asian movements are something else that I cannot comment on, but should be nearly as rugged once looked at and/or serviced by someone competent. No watch unless its a plastic digital watch is meant to be "banged" around, but these big heft Pam movements (Manual wind) are solid workhorses that can take a lot of abuse within reason. They were, afterall, in OEM form, made for the military and "good" reps are not far off from the real thing save fit finish and other minor(imho) things.

    Put it on, forget about it, and do what you like. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    If you pay a couple thousand for it, think twice about it...It might not be worth dinging up... :whistling:

    Remember also that these 6497 pocket watch movements are hand wound, so every 42 hours you'll need to wind it up. For your use, a rugged quartz watch will definitely do the job... However... So will a nicely maintained 005k. Contact one of the modders and ask them to quote you for a standard 005k with upgraded high-beat Seagull (they'll know what it means) and then get them to waterproof to 5 ATM. If you're careful to wind it, nothing short of a direct impact will damage it. The sapphire cystals are incredibly hardy.

    ...then you need a strap...



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